Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Generic Item piles

8 posts in this topic

Perhaps when several items are thrown onto the ground, it will turn into a sort of generic item pile which wont vanish after 5 minutes.

Unlike chests, these piles couldn't be locked, and certain items within may be affected adversely to the environment (ie, meat spoilage, if such a thing were implemented)

It seems a bit unnecessary to need chests, since the entire point of those is really for item security, and many items really don't need to be in a chest, or don't make any sense being in one.

Let's say you're doing scouting (which is what the beginning of the game requires a lot of.)

You're gonna accumulate a lot of junk that you wont immediately need, but will be good to have some time down the line.

Since there are many varieties of the same type of items, your inventory will very quickly fill up.

Just being able to throw down your shit and come back for it later would be ideal. But of course, that always runs the risk of someone stealing it or losing track of where you left it.

On the bright side, it lets you free up room without the stuff being permanently destroyed in 5 minutes, and you won't need to build a chest.

Also, this could reduce lag if several items are consolidated.


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It's an interesting idea, I suppose. I'm pretty sure, though, that for game balance, you'd need to build a chest. While it's more realistic believable to be able to just put your crap on the ground, it's probably too easy. The piles would have to have only a single item slot, I'd think.

The believability flies right back out the window, however, when each and every single pile looks the same, regardless of what's actually in it. I doubt that the devs could possibly want to bother making a model for every conceivable pile of stuff possible; this probably isn't going to happen.

Dunk seemed to like piles of ingots, though, so you might see those. Maybe.


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He did say it will turn into a generic item pile, so I assume any pile will look normal. I think if this will be implemented, it will have limited slots and items can't be stacked. This still gives people a reason to create chests and other methods of storage.


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i'd say aye, but there should still be a limiter on the amount of time stuff can stay in such a pile, in nature if you leave items on the ground they get stolen by beasts and animals :D so, instead of 5 minutes, there should be a 20 minute limit MAX to such a pile.


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He did say it will turn into a generic item pile, so I assume any pile will look normal. I think if this will be implemented, it will have limited slots and items can't be stacked. This still gives people a reason to create chests and other methods of storage.

That's more or less what I acknowledged. "The believability flies right back out the window," etc., etc. The second sentence was simply a bit of thinking out loud.


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I am for this idea. The specs should be that there is a limit of items based on size(bigger the item, less that fits in a pile) and there should be NO despawn on it. even 1 item could work to create a junk pile.

also want to point out I want Placeable items. ALL items. I want to set my sword leaning against the wall next to my door. Mr creepthief comes knocking, I get up and show him my toys. ALL of the toys.

And yes, Item rack exists. I dont like it, it looks like a placeholder.


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I've proposed this idea for a while in other threads, I think it would be a wonderful addition!

I'd think that the piles wouldn't just be generic though, but each would hold 1 stack of whatever item it was, so if multiple items types dropped there would be multiple item piles.


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As a side benefit, this could give some value to finding that pool of lava you accidentally tunnelled straight down into that one time... garbage chute!


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