Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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The Hades Code

128 posts in this topic

However, if you step away from the theory and look at the reality, apple juice has water in it, which fucks up the whole question.

Damn, you ruined the pun D:


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I would have answered a LOT sooner, but the other dude answered, and when you said more detail, I piped in with the details.

so now its my fault? :D

q1:it's the only possible solution? why? that's what i asked, in short ;P

q2: and you got that result... how?

q3a: you sure 'bout that? ;P

q3b: keep trying, it's not that hard really ^_^

EDIT: just 'cause i feel like giving it, remember you are not taking ONLY water from the jug.

q3a.... YA! what are your ideas if you think otherwise? i think ditto explained it precisely to the point, and it was also what i meant by "read: homeopathic dilution scale: duck liver 200c". it gives a good perspective of how much you can dilute things to contain no traces of the original content.

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Lorsayden, that's good and all, but i'm talking from a mathematical perspective here ;P as Kimb said, mathematically speaking it will take infinite steps for you to take out all the water.

However, if you wanna take it from that other perspective, you could as well try and tell me how much juice you wasted taking out that water from there ;3


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Lorsayden, that's good and all, but i'm talking from a mathematical perspective here ;P as Kimb said, mathematically speaking it will take infinite steps for you to take out all the water.

However, if you wanna take it from that other perspective, you could as well try and tell me how much juice you wasted taking out that water from there ;3

1st Then yes kimb and you are definetly right, since the amount of water would just go into smaller and smaller decimal numbers. follow you that far ;)

2nd..... WHAT!? im no mathematical genius as you guys, as you might have noticed :P will get to it when i have the time, so that i can redeem my lost mathematical glory.


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Enjoy, I effed this one up like you would not believe just to make ditto have a Ell of a time. ;D


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Lorsayden, that's good and all, but i'm talking from a mathematical perspective here ;P as Kimb said, mathematically speaking it will take infinite steps for you to take out all the water.

However, if you wanna take it from that other perspective, you could as well try and tell me how much juice you wasted taking out that water from there ;3

think i got it. easier than i thought.

when we took out half of the water, no juice was present so we didn't lose

any there, however we did lose 500ml of water. after that, we then refilled with 500ml juice

and poured out one third of the 1000ml juice and water mix. 500/3 is 166,

lost juice and we lost just as much water. we then refilled with 333, juice. we

now have 333,33ml of water and 666,66ml of juice. we now take one fourth (12/3) of

the content, and lost 111,11 ml of juice (666,66/12*2), and 27,78ml of water (333,33/12*1).

In the prosses we lost:

water: 500+166,67+27,78 = 694,44ml of water

juice: 166,67+111,11 = 277,78ml of juice

because i like juice more than water i refilled the jug one last time after

taking out the one fourth of the contents, so the total amount of juice that

has been in the jug is: 500+333,33+138,89 = 972,22ml of juice

made any errors here to?? most likely i did


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well its not a Ceasar Cipher, so you guys go on ahead :D


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[01:21] <Marcopolo1613> ECC, you around?

[01:21] <ECC> yeah

[01:21] <Marcopolo1613> i tried your code

[01:21] <Marcopolo1613> its rather difficult

[01:21] <ECC> and?

[01:22] <Marcopolo1613> i see many patterns but none of them lead anywhere

[01:22] <ECC> Well if it was easy I would have just converted each letter into a number... 1=A and the like ;P

[01:22] <Marcopolo1613> each o is trailed by three letterns

[01:22] <Marcopolo1613> er and numbers

[01:22] <Marcopolo1613> i found that your numbers are just added confusion

[01:23] <Marcopolo1613> as no letters below 10 exist

[01:23] <Marcopolo1613> and a letter as early as k (12) is shown

[01:23] <Marcopolo1613> sa abcdefghi are all numbers

[01:23] <Marcopolo1613> so*

[01:23] <ECC> alright, so where are you with the code?

[01:23] <Marcopolo1613> im assuming that snosnosnos is seperating words

[01:24] <Marcopolo1613> and keys into the shift in the algorthm of change

[01:24] <Marcopolo1613> so i focused on the three letter words

[01:24] <Marcopolo1613> and they all have a six in the middle

[01:24] <ECC> so, rewrite the code to show me where you are with it.

[01:25] <Marcopolo1613> also all the n's are triald by five letters

[01:25] <Marcopolo1613> well i havnt rewritten anything

[01:25] <Marcopolo1613> thats the problem

[01:25] <ECC> Often simplisity is guised as complexity

[01:25] <Marcopolo1613> multi tier encription has so many exponential possabilites its reduculas

[01:25] <Marcopolo1613> 26^2 is not my game of cards

[01:26] <Marcopolo1613> and you said you had three levels?

[01:26] <Marcopolo1613> 26^3

[01:26] <ECC> well, level 1: Encript layer

[01:26] <Marcopolo1613> 17576 seemingly random places to go

[01:26] <ECC> Level 2: false layer

[01:26] <ECC> level 3: Encript

[01:26] <Marcopolo1613> so you shift

[01:27] <Marcopolo1613> hmm

[01:27] <Marcopolo1613> false layer

[01:27] <Marcopolo1613> still

[01:27] <ECC> the more false layers I add and reencription the harder it becomes, even more so if there is no true pattren to it other then the seperate incripts

[01:27] <Marcopolo1613> assuming you are using a normal shift encription

[01:28] <Marcopolo1613> 1 to 1

[01:28] <Marcopolo1613> no patterned keys like mine has ;)

[01:28] <ECC> that go'es without saying that my encription may not be what your accounted to

[01:28] <Marcopolo1613> then i still have to dencript and unfalsify

[01:28] <Marcopolo1613> and then dencript again

[01:28] <Marcopolo1613> while blind

[01:28] <ECC> want to know wat I love about this code?

[01:28] <ECC> it starts with sex. XD

[01:29] <Marcopolo1613> six or sex?

[01:29] <Marcopolo1613> and is that a word?

[01:29] <ECC> no, thats not a hint or anything, it literally has a 69 in the beggining

[01:29] <Marcopolo1613> oh

[01:29] <Marcopolo1613> yea lol

[01:29] <ECC> I add in so many unintentional things

[01:30] <Marcopolo1613> so basically

[01:30] <Marcopolo1613> ive analysed it up to the , drudge through number crunching point

[01:31] <Marcopolo1613> i tried finding patterns in the three letter words and tying them back to common words, like the

[01:31] <Marcopolo1613> but i havnt put a ton of time into it

[01:31] <ECC> honestly at this point I dont think anyone can decode this one.

[01:31] <Marcopolo1613> at this point its kinda really hard to know where to go, and the question i have, is am i doing anything wrong with my assumptions?

[01:32] <ECC> well, honestly when I did this I didnt code anything aside from the letter|number thing

[01:32] <ECC> Y means Y in this code

[01:33] <ECC> as does D means D

[01:33] <ECC> etc etc

[01:33] <ECC> its not like the last code where E could end up being anthing.

[01:33] <Marcopolo1613> so its linear

[01:33] <Marcopolo1613> all occurences of some letter under a given encription set are the same

[01:33] <Marcopolo1613> ?

[01:34] <Marcopolo1613> say 66s

[01:34] <Marcopolo1613> 66S rather

[01:34] <ECC> however, the word Fish can end up being anything depending on its placement within the structure

[01:34] <Marcopolo1613> the last three letter word

[01:34] <Marcopolo1613> those sixes are the same letter later on?

[01:34] <ECC> 6 is a letter, I wont speak for what letter though

[01:35] <Marcopolo1613> ok, but its not this six is a letter, and because this other one is in a different spot in the word then its a different letter?

[01:35] <ECC> as you already figured, the numbers were put in to throw you

[01:35] <Marcopolo1613> ;)

[01:35] <Marcopolo1613> none of them are in sets within 26

[01:36] <Marcopolo1613> except two 16's

[01:36] <Marcopolo1613> and a fifteen

[01:36] <Marcopolo1613> but those didnt seem to be letters

[01:36] <ECC> Well to be honest, I WOULD have encoded the entire thing in numbers but found that an issue when trying to do 10 numbers inside a 26 system

[01:36] <ECC> so i err'd on lazyness

[01:36] <ECC> instead of using Char's

[01:37] <Marcopolo1613> as all the S's are trailed by seven letters except the first word

[01:37] <ECC> !@#$%^& etc

[01:37] <Marcopolo1613> all the O's by three

[01:37] <Marcopolo1613> and all the N;s by five


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Anyways, JAG. You have any more mathematical things like that? I am no good at these code things. :P


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Let me think for a bit...

Okay, i just created an extremely simple rule, so simple you could say it's not mathematical. There results are obtained with this rule, and can be applied to any number:






Now i gave you those examples, try and tell me what's the rule, and apply it to the next one:



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Hmmm...Interesting...I tried adding the digits, and adding them to a single number, and I thought I was onto something when I saw that the first set of digits added up was equal to 41, and 4+1 = 5, and the thing was 5, but alas, that was only true for that one...


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It's even simpler than that. My little cousin (5 years old) solved it in around 5 minutes. And he really sucks at maths :P

(No, i'm not trying to provoke anyone to solve it. He did solved it that fast. It's an old problem that's said to be easier to solve the younger you are... or the less you know 'bout math)


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What? Humph.....I have no freaking clue. :huh:


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>:3 you will never know.

*Wait for it...*

*Wait for it...*



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I think you messed up; the middle one should either be 888=6 or 8888=8, not 8888=6. Also, solved it!

Solution to last one:



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Damn, you are right, i wrote an extra 8... Sorry guys :P


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How the...damn..I still cant get it. <_<


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Spoiler(s) down there I


Count the circles in the numbers, Kimb ._.

EDIT: see what i did there? :3


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At first I thought that was going to be on Dunk's spoiler-ception's level... ._. I was wrong...

I feel dumb now. :o


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:P okay, let's try with another one, an extremely easier one, which i'm sure you will guess, Kimb:

Take 6 matches, and arrange them so they form 4 equal triangles. That's it :3 good luck.

(note: i'm running out of problems... D: otherwise i wouldn't have posted that one.)


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Like this: (I suck at drawing straight lines, but you get the point)

Posted Image


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._. Nice try, it gets a like. It's my fault though, i guess i should have said that... lines (or matches, or whatever) can't touch each other except in their tips.


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I am probably over-analyzing this, but, hey it WORKS!

Make a tetrahedron. A tetrahedron has 4 equilateral triangle faces. You'll use 3 for the base, and the other 3 for the top.


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*claps* Well done~ it only took you... around 4 hours since i posted that problem :3 new record time!

Now i'm officially out of problems... : unless i check those math books i got there, full of dust and spiderwebs...


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