Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Guest Blue_Beluga

Improved Inventory

15 posts in this topic

The inventory in vanilla is in no way broken or unusable, but in Terra Firma I think we could go one better.



Above Inventory

Blue: Armour

Green: Vanity (Clothing & Accessories)

Red: Medicinal (To administer bandages/splints etc)

Purple: Crafting Grid

Dynamic Inventory

Items would come in varying sizes allowing for better inventory management without overcomplicating it. All items in hotbar would be 1x1 unfortunately, (can't think of any other way it could work). If you're having trouble invisaging it THINK DIABLO.


Player's could choose between a colour and non-colour inventory in the options.

Sorry for the length, am not in the mood for a wall of text.

Anyways, tell me what you think in the comments, feel free to leave your two cents!


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Are you saying that we are going to have two 2x2 slots in our inventory or that the bellows and the anvil occupy a 2x2 slot? Also I support this idea, but the slot for bandages must not auto equip them qhen you receive damage, or it would be overpowered.

Also I agree with the 1x2 slot for tools. and the 2x1 slot for double ingots, but if the anvil occupies a 2x2 slot, how do you put it in the hotbar? You can't place it if you don't put it in the hotbar.


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I fully support this idea.

Unfortunately it's one hell of a workload, so I don't expect this to be included any time within the foreseeable future.


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It's a diablo style inventory,wolf.

Isn't there still an active thread on this very subject going on right now? (Did you know about that topic?)

While, I don't love the idea I don't hate it either, I am a fan of the current mechanics of the inventory we have now, but I support splitting that up so that a full inventory could only be achieved with craft-able backpacks, etc. I just don't really like how this makes your inventory looks, I guess. But yeah, I'm neutral on this one, I guess.


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It's a diablo style inventory,wolf.

I didn't play diablo. How do you add a 2x2 item to the hotbar?

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I didn't play diablo. How do you add a 2x2 item to the hotbar?

neither did I, but everyone keeps calling it that...

And I think it would take up four slots horizontally, instead of 2x2.


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Isn't there still an active thread on this very subject going on right now? (Did you know about that topic?)

I got the idea for a dynamic inventory from halfmaster's thread, but not his OP (sorry was thinking of a different post)

I think Renadi suggested the 'Tetris/Diablo' style inventory

You can't place it if you don't put it in the hotbar.

I know I didn't make it very clear in my OP, but all items in the hotbar would be 1x1 (ignore the double ingot for now, derp on my behalf) for example, in the inventory I have a shovel which is 1x2 but upon moving it into my hotbar slot it would be 1x1. I know it makes no sense, but I can't see how it could work otherwise.

Maybe the grid in the inventory would have to be scrapped, might make a little more sense.


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I got the idea for a dynamic inventory from halfmaster's thread, but not his OP (sorry was thinking of a different post)


I think Renadi suggested the 'Tetris/Diablo' style inventory

I know I didn't make it very clear in my OP, but all items in the hotbar would be 1x1 (ignore the double ingot for now, derp on my behalf) for example, in the inventory I have a shovel which is 1x2 but upon moving it into my hotbar slot it would be 1x1. I know it makes no sense, but I can't see how it could work otherwise.

Maybe the grid in the inventory would have to be scrapped, might make a little more sense.

Or you could implement a 1x2 special tool slot, like the slots for the vanity or medicinal.

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Generally, anything in the hot bar would ALSO be in your inventory. Right now, the hot bar acts as extra inventory. With this new suggested style, it wouldn't be extra inventory, but rather a true hot bar - a spot for easy access to things you have in your inventory. Think of other games, mostly RPG's. The potions you have in your hot bar are the same ones you have in your inventory. When you equip the potions, you don't lose them in the inventory (like we do here in MC).

(I should bring that up in the other inventory thread - the difference between a true hot bar and extra inventory that is just displayed in screen.)

I think the visual aspect is of less concern. Have the grid always be visible, just slightly transparent. When you place in an object, the opaqueness of the object will hide the grid behind it, but you could still see the grid lines coming up to it. Eh, I guess that's hard to explain. Anyways, TFC should have a way more awesome looking inventory! I can see it with a brown leather backing, strapped up with thick thread and......

But, yes, a bunch of this has been brought up in the other thread I think.


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Generally, anything in the hot bar would ALSO be in your inventory. Right now, the hot bar acts as extra inventory. With this new suggested style, it wouldn't be extra inventory, but rather a true hot bar - a spot for easy access to things you have in your inventory. Think of other games, mostly RPG's. The potions you have in your hot bar are the same ones you have in your inventory. When you equip the potions, you don't lose them in the inventory (like we do here in MC).

(I should bring that up in the other inventory thread - the difference between a true hot bar and extra inventory that is just displayed in screen.)

I think the visual aspect is of less concern. Have the grid always be visible, just slightly transparent. When you place in an object, the opaqueness of the object will hide the grid behind it, but you could still see the grid lines coming up to it. Eh, I guess that's hard to explain. Anyways, TFC should have a way more awesome looking inventory! I can see it with a brown leather backing, strapped up with thick thread and......

But, yes, a bunch of this has been brought up in the other thread I think.

Then you mean that we can use the hotbar only to show rapid blocks/items that we can choose? But which blocks and items will be shown?

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This is a good system, but it doesn't work well with stackable items, I feel.


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Exactly. It's a good system, but what about item stacking?

It could be solved (Or already is solved) by making the items that aren't 1x1 unstackable.

Also, Bioxx in his responce in the other thread mentioned shift clicking mechanic as a problem.

What do you guys think about completly removing the shift clicking and having to transfer everything manually? click-drag-click?


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meh, don't hate the idea, we didn't always have it in vanilla, but it is awfully convenient.


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Quite frankly, this is an interesting post, Mister Blue_Beluga. I haven't the time to procure a compendium of this suggestion's pros and cons.

P.S. - I am very certain that I may have caused a 'Dynamic Craze' fad.


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Here is the right topic...I posted this in the right topic...

There is another game that uses this type of inventory system. It's a strategy game.

It doesn't have something to do with TFC, but yuo could look at its inventory.

It's a lot similar to the one suggested here.

The only problem is that that game doesn't have an hotbar as far as I know.

EDIT: Yeah, forgot the's called 'Commandos'


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