Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Ore spawning and Tiers

6 posts in this topic

Ok so Iv been mining with 2 friends for a while now and we found that gigantic cave and there are no ores to be found anywhere (that cave is about 200 blocks long and wide and goes to bedrock) so we were wondering if natural cave spawning overlaps ore spawning.

Another thing. Is there an official chart of metal durability and/or mining speed or they all have the same stats if they are within the same tier level? I.E does a Tin pick has less mining speed than a Bismuth pick but more durability?

And last but not least I was wondering ... Im I just unlucky or I can't find ANYTHING. I always get "Found nothing interesting". I mean I get the basic ore veins for tin bismuth zinc and copper but never found anything else nor a trace. Do special ores spawn below a certain Y level?

Edit: And about Minerals ... most of them are useless if I correctly read the Wiki. Are there any plans for them in the future?


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Okay, so I've been mining with 2 friends for a while now and we found that gigantic cave, but there are no ores to be found anywhere (that cave is about 200 blocks long and wide and goes to bedrock) so we were wondering if natural cave spawning overlaps ore spawning.

Another thing; is there an official chart of metal durability and/or mining speed? Or they all have the same stats if they are within the same tier level (I.E does a Tin pick has less mining speed than a Bismuth pick but more durability)?

And last but not least I was wondering... am I just unlucky or I can't find ANYTHING. I always get "Found nothing interesting". I mean I get the basic ore veins for tin, bismuth, zinc, and copper, but never found anything else nor a trace. Do special ores spawn below a certain Y level?

-Based on my experiences, cave generation does not overlap ore generation; the trick is to find the correct cave filled with ore, which can be frustrating for the first several cave systems.

-I do not think there is an official chart for metal durability and mining speed. Check the TFC Wikipedia, just to be certain.

-Mostly unlucky. It might be necessary to have to move to different locations for search for more useful metals. However, I recommend branch mining should you rather remain. Also, not quite; since ore spawning is no longer based on depth (I finally discovered that I am right, huzzah!), you are required to search in certain rock layers just to mine that particular metal. Not every player is skilled at prospecting, so hope that one of your companions are skilled at prospecting.

This helps?



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For 1, and 3, what sda said, but for no. 3.

There is no official chart of durability numbers and things like that. Having numbers like that is taboo and ruins the *discovery* aspect of the game.

However, Dunk has revealed some details. Bismuth is the worst of the Tier 0 metals, then Zinc, and finally Tin. Bronze is the best of Tier 2, and Bismuth Bronze and Rose Gold are the worst. Red Steel and Blue Steel are equivalent.

IMHO, I would not try and look through the code, or experiment for numbers as it ruins the experience for me.


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I sure won't go look at the numbers themselves, I wanted to know exactly what you said! Bismuth worst Tin best, bronze best, rest Ill figure! Thank a lot guys.

For the prospecting part, I lol'ed because I am good at prospecting. You just can't prospect when all you get are "found nothing interesting" hahah

edit: unless it is called prospecting too... I think prospecting is "closing in on an ore vein" more than "randomly trying to spot at least traces"


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In general, I think ore is easier to find where two layers meet. I'm guessing there's some geological reason for this but I'm not sure, and I might even be wrong. So what I usually do is dig down to the third rock layer, and then start branch mining where the 2nd and 3rd layers meet. You may have to go hundreds of blocks to find something, and it may just be something currently useless like gypsum or jet.

Also, you can't expect to find every ore in the area you've settled. You will likely need several mines 1000 or more blocks apart.

Edit: I like to dig long straight tunnels for 1000 blocks to setup a second branch mine, instead of walking on the surface and digging a new entrance. Sometimes you run straight through ore deposits that way as well.


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Also, you can't expect to find every ore in the area you've settled.

It might not be expected but it's certainly possible. I settled in a place and within about 3km of tunneling had access to all metals, the longest tunnel was around 1km from the settlement. I found it disappointing to be able to find everything within a short distance, as well as the predictabilty of ore generation. It nullifies the opportunity to trade with others if one can simply access every metal within such a short distance.


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