Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Veteran ideas for better gameplay.

12 posts in this topic

I have a list of things to improove , so let's jump right in :

-milk as legit drink / food ingridient . Also only female cows and chickens provide you with eggs/milk .

-stone pick that has 1-10 hp (for accidentaly placed stone) , someone said its not logical that stone cuts stone , while I have to mention he is kinda right , but stone doesn't cut trees either . Also this could be used only for cobblestone which is rather small or at least smaller than raw stone block . In that way you would'nt be able to mine with it , while you could undo your mistakes .

-wind/autum floods/wildfire/snow during the winter. I know it's hard to code , yet I never said it has to come in one night , ''suggestion'' thread is for suggestions , am I wrong ?

-some crops like tomato , red pepper dieing from cold if not in greenhouse. Greenhouse made from glass . The system could be that all transparent blocks would be count suitable for greenhouse , yet there isn't many of them and even less are available to obtain in TFC . Crops would require at least 6 transperent block around it in lets say whole chunk are , 4 sides , top and bottom . ( I'm not the wise man , mod creators are , maybe they will figure it out )

-campfire/forge less glitchy (no more ghost items glitch)

-knife for cutting 1 wool instead of having to kill sheep. Also if you kill cow with knife it drops far more leather than other weapons. Knife could take 100% health damage from one cut while shears would last 200 times longer , so you would actually have to make them some day .

-increasing difficulty , instead of decreasing . Makes more sence because every game has it , ans it is also a survival game. Later in game mobs spawn more and starts comming closer to your house (makes sense). They could also kill domestic animals like in real life , so you have to build barns. Zombies could also knock fruit trees and trample crops on purpose . Because now 3 hens can provide you with permament food resourse. Also make use for mob items to encourage hunting , for ex. Spider eye + gun powder + bone + zombie flesh would make 1 essence . You would need 9x9 of ess. for 1 hunter stone and 5 hunter stone + 2 strings for amulet which wouls add +1 for armor/attack/speed and adding minerals would increase those amounts. The better minerals it is the more they increase. Someone complained that it's not RPG , yet all survival games I played had this : you kill enemy , then you get upgrades because enemy get stronger and so on so far until you don't manage to survive .

In real life doing something over and over again makes you better at it and increases strenght , I don't offer to make skill system I just offer to make simple solution to make you stronger and encourage hunting , most of the items for hunter amulet is already in game .

Thats all :)


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I have a list of things to improove , so let's jump right in :

-milk as legit drink / food ingridient.

Like it.

-stone pick that has 1-10 hp (for accidentaly placed stone)

Makes no sense, you can't break a rock with another rock (Not if their sizes difference is as big as in this case, at least).

-wind/autum floods/wildfire/snow during the winter.

Hard to code, can 'cause a lot of lag (specifically wild fires), due to forge not having a hook for it, TFC can't make it snow as it doesn't modifies minecraft.jar; in the poles, the snow spawms there, but it rains.

-some crops like tomato , red pepper dieing from cold if not in greenhouse.

How does the plant recognise it is in a greenhouse? How you make one? And two thousand other questions like that, may be answered in a thread in this same section called (you guessed it) "greenhouses". Look for it, read it.

On the other hand, regional crops (that is, crops that won't grow unless under certain conditions) is a confirmed feature (i think...)

-campfire/forge less glitchy.

If you can't add anything to this (what's wrong, how to fix it...), it doesn't belongs to the suggestions forum. Go make a thread in discussion 'bout this if you want to.

-knife for cutting 1 wool instead of having to kill sheep. Also if you kill cow with knife it drops far more leather than other weapons.

On the sheep thing... It should consume a good part of that knife's durability; you can make shears, but why would you if you can easily make a cheaper tool to do the same job?

On the cow thing... what? i can't use a sword, or a javelin's sharp edge for that? Both could separate the skin from the meat as easily as a knife does, from what i know. Unless you want to add butchery to TFC, which was... stomped by Dunk, i think?

-increasing difficulty , instead of decreasing . Makes more sence because every game has it , ans it is also a survival game.

I do agree with this general concept...But not in the realization you gave to it.

-Later in game mobs spawn more and starts comming closer to your house (makes sense).

Mobs are being moved to special underground locations (crypts), so take in count the mobs attacking you at night wouldn't be the fantastical giant spider, skeleton archer or zombie fighter, but rather, a pack of hungry wolves, a curious bear and/or a territorial puma.

Either way, this is the exact opposite of the feature in place (chunk protection timer), so i wouldn't expect it to be even considered.

-They could also kill domestic animals like in real life , so you have to build barns.

This is pretty much implied when they decided to add wild animals as mobs: for them to be a danger to your own domesticated beasts.

-Zombies could also knock fruit trees and trample crops on purpose . Because now 3 hens can provide you with permament food resourse.

EDIT: Sorry, my mistake... point stands though, zombies won't be around in the surface, so it's kind of pointless to give them this capability.

Now, if you change the zombies for rats or birds, and change trample crops and knock trees down for eat your crops and fruit, that would definitely be worth a try.

-Also make use for mob items to encourage hunting , for ex. Spider eye + gun powder + bone + zombie flesh would make 1 essence . You would need 9x9 of ess. for 1 hunter stone and 5 hunter stone + 2 strings for amulet which wouls add +1 for armor/attack/speed and adding minerals would increase those amounts. The better minerals it is the more they increase.

This is no RPG. You can't get such a substansial reward by crafting abundant and otherwise useless items together in a way that doesn't make that much sense. Sure, adding minerals is a great price... Except it isn't, 'cause it isn't like that one piece of ore would have made an entire ingot for you.

Blue: Positive comments, my own suggestions.

Red: Negative comments, i explain why i disagree.

Green: Kind of off topic but still somehow useful comment.

I'm also wondering why the thread is called "veteran ideas", quite honestly... : no offense meant.

Oh, yeah, and welcome to the forum :3

EDIT: fixed one of the stupidest mistakes i have ever made in a forum :


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3 Hens? Are you kidding me? Sure, they do give you lots of grain for you to turn into floor so you can have bread for a few days... but with the time it takes for hen to grow, you will die of hunger before the crops are ready. Whatever, as i said, zombies won't be running around in the surface (unless there's a cave connecting their crypt to the surface, of course), so it's kind of pointless...

Hens are female chickens. They lay eggs.


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Makes no sense, you can't break a rock with another rock (Not if their sizes difference is as big as in this case, at least).

Placed stone blocks aren't magically connected to the blocks near them, we can work it from here.

How does the plant recognise it is in a greenhouse? How you make one?

Like bloomery, probably, I don't see another way.

3 Hens? Are you kidding me?

Chickens, JAG, chickens. More specifically, their eggs.

That thing above probably not easy to read, but oh well.


-increasing difficulty , instead of decreasing . Makes more sence because every game has it , ans it is also a survival game. Later in game mobs spawn more and starts comming closer to your house (makes sense). They could also kill domestic animals like in real life , so you have to build barns. Zombies could also knock fruit trees and trample crops on purpose . Because now 3 hens can provide you with permament food resourse.

The whole thing with zombies is a placeholder, as alreay said, so there's not much to suggest before true system kicks in. Also, if you make zombies this sentient, you might as well make them to live in villages and to set traps for players.

I don't see where you're really going with hen thing, but note that I generally don't see a problem with living off eggs in a game like this - you don't have much in terms of food from the start. Also note, that nesting is an incomplete system in TFC, there's already nesting box block code traces in mod files.


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: Yeah, sorry 'bout that, i had just woke up and for some reason i thought "hens" where some kind of grain-giving plant...

Like bloomery, probably, I don't see another way.

They were rethorical questions. Read the whole paragraph.

Placed stone blocks aren't magically connected to the blocks near them, we can work it from here..

In which's case, if you take the rocks from the top, you should be able to take it out with your hands... No need for a pick :


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Sorry . I was writing this with phone , wait until I get to my pc , then I will give you more details.


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While I sorta wish there was a stone picaxe, I understand why there isnt one, and for the record you can remove accidentally placed cobble stone by hand. It takes forever but the cobble blocks will be removed just stick with it. I like the idea of getting a reduced quantity of whool from sheep with a knife so you dont have to kill the sheep to get whool when you start, but I fear I cant really justify the effort for development, considering its really only 3 sheep for a bed, and believe me, there are more than enough sheep in TFC. And sorry to other dude but you most certainly can break a rock with rock. Ancients all over the world rough cut their monoliths using stone hammers to remove layer after layer of stone to free their blocks from the quarry. Finer work was done with other types of metal chisels and tools (eg bronze-arsonic).

Also all of the UI interfaces need work not just the firepit. The shift clicking is one of the glitchiest aspects of the game. Placing anything inside of a firepit, forge or basically any crafting grid will change them somehow, so that they no longer stack with items of the same type. You can get around it by putting it back in the pit and shift clicking it out, but it defeats the purpose of the shift click because now if youre stupid and accidentally pick something up from inside of a firepit or whatever, you cant stack it with other items of the same time right away, and have to place it back into whatever it came out of, and shift click again to get it to stack...


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heh, on the part with monolith cutting, i remembered how the egyptians did it: they hammered wooden wedges in the stone, then poured water on it to make it expand violently, and you had a sizeable pyramid block in about half an hour :D


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Working on milk products, you're on the right track here. Don't know when I'll get around to it.

No extra leather or wool drops from sheep or cows, in fact, shears won't give you any extra wool (but will allow you to harvest the wool without killing the animal)

Leather will be rebalanced. It will result in a sharp reduction in drop rate, but you won't need as much. More animals will drop leather.

Forge will be fixed eventually.

Any crop thats environment becomes too cold will begin to die (or have stunted growth)


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[...] , but stone doesn't cut trees either .[...]

I'm sorry if I'm coming out rude or anything, but this is just flat out wrong statement. Various types of chert and obsidian* have been used for at least the last 40-50k years or so in making toolheads with the specific purpose of cutting down trees.

In relation to the discussion of stone breaking stone: This is in no way illogical. In fact with a sufficient difference in values on Mohs hardness scale between two rocks, the weaker one will break upon striking two rocks together. This however doesn't mean I'm in favour of a stone pickaxe being implemented.

*probably also a range of other rock types, but these are the primary ones to my knowledge


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I'm sorry if I'm coming out rude or anything, but this is just flat out wrong statement. Various types of chert and obsidian* have been used for at least the last 40-50k years or so in making toolheads with the specific purpose of cutting down trees.

In relation to the discussion of stone breaking stone: This is in no way illogical. In fact with a sufficient difference in values on Mohs hardness scale between two rocks, the weaker one will break upon striking two rocks together. This however doesn't mean I'm in favour of a stone pickaxe being implemented.

*probably also a range of other rock types, but these are the primary ones to my knowledge

I actually wrote a nice post on why stone shouldn't break stone. I know there are Mohs scale differences though. :)

In this thread:

Sure. I know about the Mohs scale. But all the ROCK (not minerals, rock) in TFC are essentially the same hardness, and thus would break each other as easily as a pickaxe is meant to.

Of course, taking advantage of the geometry would help, but attempting to code that would not be practical. And the rock in Minecraft is represented as a solid piece of rock, so there is no real geometry to work with, unless you are mining on a corner, but coding that would most likely be horrible. If you did break a stone with the same hardness stone, the only way you would be able to viably do that is by taking advantage of cracks in the stone, which is not really a Minecraft-viable thing to do.

And hardness isn't even the main factor. Brittleness is. Stone is extremely brittle, and that is why it is possible to knap stones as the molecular structure of stones is not very resistant to impact, and breaks off easily. Metal (unless cooled and microcrystals form in it) is not very brittle. This is the main reason why a Copper pick (hardness 3.5) can break a block of Basalt which is ~5 hardness (because of the plagioclase, it is an average of ~5). If you did that with basalt however, the stone would shatter after a few ten hits or so. The metal, as it is less brittle, and is more flexible will, instead of shattering on impact, flex, and absorb some of the impact, and transfer the force behind the swing into the stone, and shatter the stone and not the pick. Stronger, more flexible, less brittle alloys (and denser metals/alloys) can do this more efficiently and deliver more force to the stone, thus breaking it fatser.


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