Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Pottery is awesome, but I have to question a few decisions!

15 posts in this topic

First of all a list of my questions:


  • Why does failed clay forming not return the clay?
  • Why can't uncooked clay items be returned into pieces of clay? Same for clay Blocks if those are intended to stay)
  • Why do all Clay Items cost the same amount of Clay?
  • Why can't you fill molten metal directly into the right molds (from vessel into pickaxe mold)?
  • Why does the metal not cool down while in the Vessel. It should be needed to reheat it perhaps.
  • Why can alot of filled items (molds) not be placed anymore
  • Why 2D-Sprites instead of 3D-Models? It looks weird if you look down from the top.
  • Why no clay bricks and Flower Pots while we are at it?


And my suggestions:


  • Remedy the first three points by actually returning a the clay when you fail to form it correctly, Returning the clay lost of the Item by putting it into the crafting grid and perhaps by refunding clay pieces if you craft something that does not need the entire amount of clay (e.g. 1 ingot Mold costs 3 pieces of clay, thus you are returned 2 pieces after crafting it.)
  • In regards to the third point, you could actually introduce a specific clay crafting table used to craft block-sized clay objects. This is a wooden table with a 5x5 (or perhaps 3x3) crafting grid inside. Inside this crafting grid you place pieces of clay to create certain objects (the Crucible, perhaps the Clay Block itself, block-sized clay storage, etc.) You place the clay inside, and than operate a handle attached to the table to craft it (consuming parts of your food/water and taking a bit of time)
  • The remaining points are pretty self-explanatory.

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1. Because clay is consumed to open the gui. solution (if possible) give 5 clay as result for any not valid recipe. It might not be possible if you have to give all possible recipe, possible option would be 5 clay for an empty grid.

2. I was unable to craft a clay block, but otherwise, you are right, it would be logic.

3. I guess that we can imagine they use the same amount of clay... At least I  think that a pickaxe mold would use at leas as much clay than a water jug.

4. That would be nice.

5. You are right on that.

6. Why would you want to place a full mold on the ground ? Right now you can keep the metal in the vessel, but if it's changed, then just smelt the required amount of metal to cast the tool heads you need.

7. Dunk made it and Bioxx don't want it, cause if they do it, people will ask for more and more 3d items.

8. Flower pot ok, but what would be the point of making clay bricks ?


I do not agree about the implementation of a "clay crafting table" ... made of wood planks ? At that point, you are using metal tools and making wood items a lot more than in the stone age.


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I meant something like this (but less modern) for bigger Clay objects:


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You would from the object by putting clay into that crafting grid. And than craft it buy operating it a few times.


Regarding 6:


Mainly to put down half filled Molds. but i think i can agree with you. You can just take the Ingot out fo the mold once it's cooled.


Regarding 8:


For a clay based form of Building block, that only requires you some lucky flux-based stones, a saw (using your first metal on a saw and not a pickaxe) and enough clay. For Clay brick Blocks.


Regarding 2:


In the version I've downloaded i was still able to create Clay Blocks (2x2 from Clay)


Regarding 7:


Kinda sad :P


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Why would you want to place a full mold on the ground ? Right now you can keep the metal in the vessel, but if it's changed, then just smelt the required amount of metal to cast the tool heads you need.

To wait while the metal inside the mold cools off. I honestly don't know if I like the fact that you pour molten bronze in the tool mold and it instantly solidifies.


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7. Dunk made it and Bioxx don't want it, cause if they do it, people will ask for more and more 3d items.


Seems easy enough to just say no?


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Seems easy enough to just say no?

That's what I'd think too. Seems like a terrible idea not implement something that already exists and could improve the game just cause people are gonna ask for more.


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Wrote a program that renders pottery easily, any size or shape, but we have to respect each other's decisions here. If Bioxx says no, it's a no.


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Nice Dunk!  Build 77 is already pretty taxing on my system and I fear that something like 3D pots would give it a stroke.


I would be nice to convert clay items back into clay.


I would be nice to melt an obsolete anvil down so you could recover the metal once you've moved up the tech tree.


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Wrote a program that renders pottery easily, any size or shape, but we have to respect each other's decisions here. If Bioxx says no, it's a no.


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I'm comfortable with vessels taking up the whole block in case of them rendering like that, especially considering how much stuff you can put in them. (Yes, pit kiln cooks only one vessel at a time - fine by me).

Although, I have to question the style. Minecraft is about vague blocky representation after all, so I don't think it should be that slick. What about the same-ish shape, but with four faces instead of eight?


I would be nice to melt an obsolete anvil down so you could recover the metal once you've moved up the tech tree.



This metal ain't coming back, I fear. This suggestion was in the air since pretty much the public release of the mod and was turned down multiple times.

But since some rebalancing occured, I'm not sure.


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Dunk implemented anvil melting in Build 77, but for whatever reason it is bugged and doesn't work properly.


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Dunk implemented anvil melting in Build 77, but for whatever reason it is bugged and doesn't work properly.


That's awesome.  I'm looking forward to it.


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Cocofang, I understood what you mean by the turning pottery wheel. What I mean is, how do you make it.


1. think about the idea. To add a turning pottery wheel. Ok the idea sound good.

2. The mechanic. The grid and the right click are good.

3. What new items and block do you need and what is the recipe for these items ? I would assume that it nee some kind of plank or decent size stone.

4. How does it fit in the game and in the "technology tree" ? And there is the problem I see. Clay working is a big thing before you have access to tool required to work wood and stone (that would be required for the pottery wheel). So instead of making it the way to build clay items, it could be an advance clay working tool for metal age. So it should not be for vessel, jug and mold.



For the no full mold, well, right not, there is no reason for such thing. If you do not have enough metal in your vessel for  complete mold, keep it in the vessel.


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4. How does it fit in the game and in the "technology tree" ? And there is the problem I see. Clay working is a big thing before you have access to tool required to work wood and stone (that would be required for the pottery wheel). So instead of making it the way to build clay items, it could be an advance clay working tool for metal age. So it should not be for vessel, jug and mold.




That was exactly my Plan. Use the table for big Clay Objects. objects that take an entire block of minecraft Space. Like the Crucible (already in game). Other ideas could be storages that are useable for Liquid OR Items (depending on what you put into them).


Perhaps make it the only way to attain vanilla Clay blocks. (create a 4x4 within the table) Cook them and get Hardened Clay (don't need to keep the colouring mechanic obviously)


And give it a nice additional function:


Uncooked Clay Block can be chiseled without creating dureability loss on your tools, allowing you to create blueprints easily!


And for each piece of chisel-grid you take out of it you gain a tiny piece of clay. Those work like the Emerald Shaards in "Legend Gear" and auto-combine into bigger pieces if possible with 32 tiny pieces making a normal piece of clay ---> Even if you take apart the entire Clay Block pixel by pixel with the chisel, you would regain your entire Clay, making it an amazing tool to make prototypes for Blueprints.


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Wrote a program that renders pottery easily, any size or shape, but we have to respect each other's decisions here. If Bioxx says no, it's a no.


Posted Image


I would respect the decision if it were made for the right reasons. If the 3d rendering were too taxing on systems or it had some other flaw, but not include a system that improves game quality just to avoid being asked to do more work is pretty ridiculous. Especially when the system already exists and all that has to be done is implement it! Part of TFC that I really enjoy is how aesthetics and decoration often happen due to necessity and progression. Like how the need for stacks of fire wood usually result in a small structure to store them or making an awesome looking room to stash your piles of ingots in. Pottery would be the perfect addition to TFC and give it even more of that unique feel that seperates it from boring old vanilla minecraft.


Don't get me wrong, I understand that no one is paying anyone to make this mod and I have nothing but respect for the amount of work put in to making something that gives others so many hours of fun, but its rather lazy and just a poor decision not to implement existing improvements for the reason of not wanting to be asked to do it again. I love TFC. I've been playing it since the beginning and am amazed at how far its come along. I just hope that you and Bioxx still get as much joy out of making it as I do out of using it. It saddens me that improving it in some ways would be considered as extra work, that's all. I mean no offense and I both respect and appreciate all the effort you and Bioxx have put into TerraFirmaCraft. I simply hope that it continues to be a labor of love for the both of you, not an annoyance. I thank you both for the countless hours of epicness. End rant...


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I would respect the decision if it were made for the right reasons. If the 3d rendering were too taxing on systems or it had some other flaw, but not include a system that improves game quality just to avoid being asked to do more work is pretty ridiculous. Especially when the system already exists and all that has to be done is implement it! Part of TFC that I really enjoy is how aesthetics and decoration often happen due to necessity and progression. Like how the need for stacks of fire wood usually result in a small structure to store them or making an awesome looking room to stash your piles of ingots in. Pottery would be the perfect addition to TFC and give it even more of that unique feel that seperates it from boring old vanilla minecraft.


Don't get me wrong, I understand that no one is paying anyone to make this mod and I have nothing but respect for the amount of work put in to making something that gives others so many hours of fun, but its rather lazy and just a poor decision not to implement existing improvements for the reason of not wanting to be asked to do it again. I love TFC. I've been playing it since the beginning and am amazed at how far its come along. I just hope that you and Bioxx still get as much joy out of making it as I do out of using it. It saddens me that improving it in some ways would be considered as extra work, that's all. I mean no offense and I both respect and appreciate all the effort you and Bioxx have put into TerraFirmaCraft. I simply hope that it continues to be a labor of love for the both of you, not an annoyance. I thank you both for the countless hours of epicness. End rant...

why you don't release this as a tfc plugin? i would securely use this


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