Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Guest healer

MORE Hunger!!!

15 posts in this topic

I played this mod for 1 day and pass the stone age very easy. Although It is a very inspiring mod, I think its not really realistic.- People in stone age constantly face the threat of hunger. Animal are extremely hard to hunt down while vegetable provide little energy.In game,

+ I ate 1-2 tomato, and thats enough for 1 in-game day. (imagine that you eat 10 tomatatoes for the whole days in real life and see what happen)

+ There's plenty of squid to hunt, each recover 1/3 hunger bar (is this that easy?)

+ Animal are very easy to hunt. I grabbed a knife and charge at them. Thats it, 30 food items dropped. The first time playing in game, i dont have to find any alternative source,. It took me 2 minutes to find a pig horde and another minute to kill 3 of them and that is enough for 1 month in-game. (Is that true for people in primitive age?)So I suggest:+ wild animal provided 5 food item at max. (Maybe much more for tamed animal, thats also true in real life)+ squid hunting more difficult, or it will cause imba. (30% drop rate of tentacle is enough?)+ vegetable and fruits provide fill little hunger bar and player quickly get hunger again.Everyday, I person needs 3000 kcal diet. It would be better if for the first few days, people run like crazy from area to area scavenge for food. Make hunting become much more difficult. Make people gather alot and alot of fruit and gevetable and make them eat like crazy! Not 2 tomatoes per day. 


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I do agree, eating is not as much of a problem as it needs to be. But earlier I played a modpack with Iganaman's hunger overhaul, and it was SO obnoxious! I was constantly eating. Hunger was too major and it just felt like it was taking over the game. If they tweak hunger, they need to reach a happy medium with it.


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I was constantly eating. Hunger was too major and it just felt like it was taking over the game


When human know argiculture and husbandry, basically hunger is no longer a biggest threat. I think if players begin to harvest what they grown and start to raise animal, they will have enough food in their chest and start digging the earth.The stone age period in terrafirmacraft should last from 4-7 first in-game days. Currently, the stone age last only 2 days.


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The length of the stone-age is entirely based on luck of the seed and whether or not you can find copper.


Also I would like to point out that TFC aims for believability and not for "realistic."


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The length of the stone-age is entirely based on luck of the seed and whether or not you can find copper.


Also I would like to point out that TFC aims for believability and not for "realistic."

Its true that the luck of the seed played important role. However, by wandering from area to area in first two days (except ones spawn in small island), it is very easy to get enough Tetrahedrite (about 20) to get a pick and a pro-pick. It is also not so hard to find a river to get some clay. Therefore, passing the stone age is not as hard as expected.

What I mention here is in that gathering food is not hard, whether the player is in stone age or not. And it is not very convincing that one is living in stone age with a full stomache, even for a first few days.



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Underwater diving and squid hunting should be a LOT more dangerous IMO, making it harder to see, slower to move, and with squid running away and diving back in to attack. Squid are an OP source of food right now. I don't think food drops should be nerfed, I believe that the amount of meat there is in one large animal (cow, deer) is actually enough for a person to eat for a month or so IRL. The REAL problem though would be that IRL that meat wouldn't last a month because of food spoilage, and that (apparently) is either impossible or very hard to be well implemented. If food spoilage isn't implemented, then I don't think the drops should remain the same, and nerfed greatly. However if food spoilage were implemented (that would be awesome), then the drop amounts would be just perfect. Also, not sure if its simply because deer aren't finished yet, but last I checked they dropped nothing (in other words, please add meat, hide, and bones drops for deer).


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From what I've seen, deer drop hide and bones, but no meat. Additionally, if you have Extrafirma, they drop horns.


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+ Animal are very easy to hunt. I grabbed a knife and charge at them. Thats it, 30 food items dropped. The first time playing in game, i dont have to find any alternative source,. It took me 2 minutes to find a pig horde and another minute to kill 3 of them and that is enough for 1 month in-game. (Is that true for people in primitive age?)

3 mature pigs for one person to eat? Yes, that is pretty accurate, 50-70 kilograms of meat will last for a month, consisting of 30 days.


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3 mature pigs for one person to eat? Yes, that is pretty accurate, 50-70 kilograms of meat will last for a month, consisting of 30 days.

It may be true. But the wild board do not simple sit there waiting to be slaughter.They will mostly vanish before you even see them. On the contrary, I can hunt down 3 in-game pig in 1 minute, enough to survive for a month.


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im the ony one that reached the first winter with no metal tools?


i suggest butchery for resolve the meat problem


oh! and fear, mobs should fear you and run away


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i know, but how the romans said:


repetita iou vant


parafrased as: repeating isn't bad... is it?


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I would like to add that the seed is pretty important in the start... I once started a new world to be put onto a quite small island in the ocean... One type of rock, a lot of trees but no surface nuggets and no other land in plain sight from the shore... Could run around the whole island a couple times in one day eh... So yeah, it IS important sometimes.


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Some kind of food spoilage effect would help. Right now you can kinda stockpile food without concern. I had little trouble raising 75 tiles worth of plants for two people and storing it for god knows how long.


Meat should need to be salted or otherwise preserved to last particularly long.


Some kind of granary building to protect grains from rotting.


If dynamic ambient temperatures are introduced then a cold room might be possible. Build a cellar, collect some ice and bring it down to the cellar. The  ambient temperature drops in the room and suddenly it's cool enough to keep food fresher longer. Barring that, perhaps an ice-chest item could be introduced. It would have storage like a single chest, but also a set of slots that can take ice or snow. They keep the chest cold but decay at a (rather slow) rate influenced by the ambient temperature and must be replenished. Sort of like a longer lasting reverse-firepit. And then just slow food spoilage in cooler temperatures.


Anyway, food spoiling would make it harder to stockpile food, which in turn makes food a bigger concern. Finding three pigs and murdering them in a giant meatsplosion might seem like a treasure trove until you realize 3/4 of the meat has gone bad before you could get around to eating it.


So you learn to salt meat. The meat lasts much longer but also dings your thirst whenever you eat it and probably isn't quite as filling as fresh.


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Some kind of food spoilage effect would help. Right now you can kinda stockpile food without concern.


 Dunk mentioned this, he said that food spoilage is difficult because of stacking problems. To which I replied:

Data is stored without being express, right, like with firepits, because it'll only show itself when you open the GUI, right? So why don't you make meat have a chance of turning it into meat every day after a threshold, and whenever the player opens the chest/container, the rotten flesh drops out in the world? The meat would stay meat until the player opens the chest, and the meat that would've turned into rotten flesh wouldn't turn into rotten meat until the container is opened, so there would be no stacking issues? I don't know if that's beyond java script, but think about that?


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