Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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20 posts in this topic

As I thougth, you can make 4 kinds of ships, the canoe, the sailboat, the cog, and the galley. Please, if you include this suggestion, please remove that really crappy vanilla boat, if not, keep it. The first you need to do before building the 4 kinds of ships is to make necessary parts for the ships. You need to make a mast, a stern, a hull, sails, and the oars. The mast would be crafted using 3 logs of any kind (when the mast is placed it will look the same kind no matter what wood was used) and any kind of tier 2 or higher metal double sheet, used to "hoop" the mast. Would be crafted like this:


L = Log


DS = Double Sheet



  L DS



The mast can be placed over the deck of the ship, in the center.


The stern won't really be crafted, but "built", any blocks placed on the "deck" of the ship, included in the hull, will move with the ship, even the ground items. To remove them, just do it like if the block was placed in land. Note that any block that is in "very heavy" weight can't be placed in the ship, or of course it would sink, and they only move with the ship if they are placed ontop the deck. Anything on the side of the ship will stay like it is. And of course, blocks over the blocks over the deck would also move. Depending on the ship, sails or oars will be needed to let the ship move. Ill explain how that works later.


A hull is crafted part by part, and then the three parts are assembled together, and the hull parts would range to "Very heavy" and "Huge", the hull itself would be "Heaviest" and "Very huge", new size and weight categories. To craft the hull parts, you need plank blocks. The first part of the hull is the bow, crafted like this.


Plank Block = PB



    PB PB



The next part would be the deck, crafted with the whole nine slots filled with plank blocks. The last piece, the back of the ship, would be crafted like this:






The next part of a ship, the sails, would be crafted with the whole 9 crafting slots filled with wool cloth, the big ones, the small sails would be crafted with the 2 rows of the center and the lower ones filled with wool cloth, leaving the upper row intact. They are placed in the mast, if you right click the mast with them in hand. The one you place first is the one that will go upper, and the last one the one that will go lower.


The oars would be crafted with a wooden log, a stick over that wooden log, and a knife (Shapeless recipe as long as as the stick is over the log) Place the oars near the sides of the canoe. To use them, put 2 oars, one on each side, and right click one of the oars, you will sit between them, and you can row to the front and to the sides. You dont go as fast as a vanilla boat with a canoe, but this reduces the chance of breaking the boat. However, you'll need bigger ships to sail big oceans, like the cog or the galley.


Ships aren't crafted in the crafting table, except for the canoe, it's recipe is done with a a log and 2 stone knives (one breaks and the other loses 60% - 75% durability in the process. And the sailboat, made with the vanilla boat recipe with a stick over the wood and under a big sail in the crafting table.


A cog is crafted by placing a hull on the sea, it's area should cover eight, blocks, 4 x 2 area, plus 2 in the front for the row of the ship, like this:



|  |

|  |

|  |



Then place a mast, and one single large sail, then right click the hull with a hammer to finish the ship. It works the same way as a signature of a book, once you right click with the hammer, the ship cannot be edited again, meaning that you can't remove mast/sails/oars/stern blocks (Yes, it works for sailboats and canoes).


To make a galley, place the hull, the mast, and place a big sail and then a small one over the big one and 4  oars on each side. Then do the "Ship signature", with the rightclick with a hammer.


Both cogs and galleys are sailed by right clicking the mast (Not the sails, that will put them away, leaving the ship with no movement), that will sit you in the top of the mast, leaving you control of the ship. Sail it same way as the other boats.


Sorry, but custom combinations of masts and sails doesn't work. You have to use these ones to make each ship, or the right clicking won't result.


Pros and cons of each ship:


Canoe: Pros: Easy to craft - Can sail in rivers | Cons: Slow - Only 2 people fit inside | Recommendation: Perfect to cross rivers and lakes.


Sailboat: Pros: Also easy to craft - Faster than canoe | Cons: Has a chance to break if crashed - Only 4 people fit inside | Recommendation: Perfect to go fishing in a lake or in the ocean coast.


Cog: Pros: Faster than sailboat - 8 people fit inside | Cons: Not recommended for rivers and lakes - Hard to control | Recommendation: Perfect for use as merchant or travelling ship in the ocean.


Galley: Pros: Resistent - 8 people fit inside - Perfect for oceans | Cons: Expensive - Not recommended for rivers and lakes | Recommendation: Althrough is an updated version of the cog, as you sail better and its more resistent, I would suggest galleys as warships, to have a big sea battle with your friends in the server. Maybe pirates finally come to TFC?


Why is my idea good:


1. I'm SICK of vanilla boats, they are ugly and I don't see it believable that a boat with no sails and no oars can actually move. And even if it had, that small wooden crap could not go so fast as it goes.


2. It would make sailing funnier, and boats can hold passengers.


3. I know you can't find enough people to fill a galley (My community only has 5 active people). But I never said that the ship doesn't work with one person, the passenger numbers I told before are the maximum numbers, but you can actually sail a galley alone.


4. Maybe it's a lot of coding, but it is worth it. Maybe you release this in build 78. At least I already gave the ideas.


5. If you still got some unknowns according to the topic, I'll answer them.


6. I researched fairly enough about ships for this to be sure what I'm talking about.


7. I don't want to use mods with ships, I want this in TFC to use it with my community.


8. Sorry if my post was too long, but I just was attacked by brainstorming while writing this.


Hope you liked :)


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already a post about this. it is in the thread directory. the very first post. you should read the rules. one of them says don't make repeat threads.


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repetition sometimes gets the Devs attention though. I like the idea though, :)


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repetition sometimes gets the Devs attention though. I like the idea though, :)

And I also gave ideas on how ships could work and how would they be built. And if the devs see I also made a post, they will surely know that more than one person is interested on ships. Then all the coding that may involve it would be worth it.


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already a post about this. it is in the thread directory. the very first post. you should read the rules. one of them says don't make repeat threads.


This is not a repeat thread, this is a new take on an idea that was brought up before. NOT the same thing, if you really think this post is against the rules then submit a report to a Forum moderator if you are really really rally sure, because im going to give a heads up, this post is not. I like the ideas of boats as in Wurm i am a shipbuilder, i love their builds, i love the looks, i love the concept, and PaoloEmilio did a okay job on details.


But a little more information about WHY it could be added would be nice, such as how big a benefit to the players in a whole this idea is compared to the work it will take to program the boats into TFC with minimal bugs and the possible server lag of death due to the amount of code running these custom boats. 




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Looks like this is the third post on ships. The only thing is that ships and boats are pretty big. It would be very difficult to carry even parts on them around in your inventory. A multiblock structure similar to bloomeries or forges (but fundamentally different, of course) would make more sense.


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This is not a repeat thread, this is a new take on an idea that was brought up before. NOT the same thing, if you really think this post is against the rules then submit a report to a Forum moderator if you are really really rally sure, because im going to give a heads up, this post is not. I like the ideas of boats as in Wurm i am a shipbuilder, i love their builds, i love the looks, i love the concept, and PaoloEmilio did a okay job on details.


But a little more information about WHY it could be added would be nice, such as how big a benefit to the players in a whole this idea is compared to the work it will take to program the boats into TFC with minimal bugs and the possible server lag of death due to the amount of code running these custom boats. 


First, vanilla boats are annoying, the purpose of boats are to cross the sea faster, and my boats offer you the possibility to carry passengers, better than that vanilla boat.


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First, vanilla boats are annoying, the purpose of boats are to cross the sea faster, and my boats offer you the possibility to carry passengers, better than that vanilla boat.


passengers is nice, but also hard to make fresh code for it, it would have to tether the players into a single entity in a solid state so that they can embark and dis-embark while also having rotational movement both along the x and Y axis, but this is not hard to smooth out, just start out if there is no original code line for it, but all in all, i like it, a multi-step shipbuilding process would be very entertaining indeed, also just a side note, more boat parts, like pegs, tenons, deck boards, hull planks, masts, sails, and the likes.  


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In my opinion expanding the building of boats should go parallell with expanding how the oceans and seas look. Any life visible on the ocean floor (from fish, crabs to corals and various plants). Building boats would be required if you wanted to hunt some fish, squids or even sharks (if they get implemented). You could try catching them bare handed, with a spear or an axe, but why not jump onto a boat and use a net, harpoon or some traps and do it properly?


I agree with building blocks for ships, this way you could design your own ship:

1. Put as many masts for sails as you like (of course the mast blocks can't be next to each other for the sails turning or something) to increase maximum boat speed (to a degree).

2. Put in as many rowing blocks as you like - don't like masts, put some paddles and row! Do it with a group to gain more speed even (you could build a slave ship, where you steer and 10 others row)

3. Create paddle segments where you sit and use your strength to speed up the boat. Make bigger mechanisms for the boats so they move faster, etc.

4. Add storage holds, being able to transport big amounts of items. This would be restricted by the weight sum of all the items. Can't have a whole castle transported or it will sink your boat.

5. Put net stations where you hang nets from the side or back of your boat and gather fish while swimming.

6. Add harpoon stands where you have harpoons stocked and can fish for bigger game.


Possibilities are endless here.


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In my opinion expanding the building of boats should go parallell with expanding how the oceans and seas look. Any life visible on the ocean floor (from fish, crabs to corals and various plants). Building boats would be required if you wanted to hunt some fish, squids or even sharks (if they get implemented). You could try catching them bare handed, with a spear or an axe, but why not jump onto a boat and use a net, harpoon or some traps and do it properly?


I agree with building blocks for ships, this way you could design your own ship:

1. Put as many masts for sails as you like (of course the mast blocks can't be next to each other for the sails turning or something) to increase maximum boat speed (to a degree).

2. Put in as many rowing blocks as you like - don't like masts, put some paddles and row! Do it with a group to gain more speed even (you could build a slave ship, where you steer and 10 others row)

3. Create paddle segments where you sit and use your strength to speed up the boat. Make bigger mechanisms for the boats so they move faster, etc.

4. Add storage holds, being able to transport big amounts of items. This would be restricted by the weight sum of all the items. Can't have a whole castle transported or it will sink your boat.

5. Put net stations where you hang nets from the side or back of your boat and gather fish while swimming.

6. Add harpoon stands where you have harpoons stocked and can fish for bigger game.


Possibilities are endless here.


Yes they are, and I also like your ideas


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I make a change in the suggestion. There are not specific types of ships, you can actually customize them. The more sails the more speed. Sailboats and canoes remain, cog and galley removed so that ships can be customizable.


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Probably the sea isn't their main priority, as you'll be most of your time in land. But yeah, proper ships would be awesome. I just don't expect it to happen anytime soon, or at all.


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I'd be happy just with a raft that could carry cargo.  Waterways were some of the earliest 'roads', but in minecraft they're more like obstacles.


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Well, you are right but I live in an island, and to explore more I need an efficient way to move in the sea, and I wish to sail with friends of mine (passengerss)


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Ships definitely need to be added. Long before roads there were pack animals and ships of various kinds and sizes. The massive ship of the line that alot of people think of when talking about ships with sails are a little out of tfc timeline but a sloop, trireme or longboat would well within believably.  The reason many ancient cities were near rivers were 1 water access, and 2 water routes for trade.


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passengers is nice, but also hard to make fresh code for it, it would have to tether the players into a single entity in a solid state so that they can embark and dis-embark while also having rotational movement both along the x and Y axis, but this is not hard to smooth out, just start out if there is no original code line for it, but all in all, i like it, a multi-step shipbuilding process would be very entertaining indeed, also just a side note, more boat parts, like pegs, tenons, deck boards, hull planks, masts, sails, and the likes.  


Right now I'm using the smallboats mod. That mod currently adds the option to put passengers in and it also has chests.

Another good idea is the concept Archimedes ships uses, a multiblock structure united as one by a single block.


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the ships can be a multiblock structure, with a variable size, with rooms, storage, etc...


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While Multi-block and variable size ships with advanced fishing mechanics would be nice I don't think the mod authors would consider adding such a thing due to the complexity of those ships and since they aren't much of a priority. My idea is to keep it simple, 3 boats that replace the vanilla boat and are availiable depending on the tech level of the player.

I will include in this suggestion pics of crafting recipes and multi block structures to make each boat. None of the boats can be picked up after being crafted/deployed to make things more believable and they each have durabilities and speeds that depend slightly on the wood used in the crafting. To store a boat the player need to push it off the water to a safe place.


The Raft:



Rafts are small boats made by tying logs together with rope or vines and is one of the most primitive boats ever made so they should be available to the player in the early game stages.

Crafting Recipe:

Posted Image

Multiblock recipe:

Posted Image(right clicking a full log pile with 4 straw)


To use this boat players need to use an oar, in this case a stick would be enough since the raft is small. They need to hold the stick while using the raft to be able to control it.

The raft is slightly faster than swimming and using it consumes the player's water and hunger bar.  Why the straw you may ask? It's easy to get in early stages and a good replacement for rope since it doesn't need metal to be crafted. (saw->planks->barrels)


The Rowboat:


Rowboats are a little advanced, it still consumes the player's hunger and thirst bars but at a slower rate. Their are pretty close to vanilla boats speed wise. Since they use planks in their crafting the player is required to have a saw, there for they have to be in the copper age to use this boat.


Crafting Recipe:

Posted Image

Multiblock Recipe:

Posted Image


This boat needs a better kind of oar which can be crafted like so: 

Posted Image


The Sail Boat:

Now for the boat using the highest tech availiable in tfc at the moment we have a sail boat. It uses the wind as it's power source so that Steve an relax and enjoy the sound of squids swimming in the ocean.

First need that needs to be crafted is some sail blocks with some wool and rope like so:

Posted Image

And a wood shell like so

:Posted Image

That would then be combined in the end:

Posted Image

Wool represents a sail block and the vanilla boat is a boat shell.

Multiblock recipe (Uses Chisel):

Posted Image



This sail boat is slightly faster than a vanilla boat and it doesn't use any "energy" from the player since it is wind powered. I also have a chest worth of storage and can (maybe) carry 2 players.

I hope that you like my suggestion, it's simple way to correct and expand a vanilla feature in a believable way. 


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I just want to be able to row upstream. Anything else is just bonus.


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+1 for rafts as a quick water transport


The raft would be similar to the vanilla boat, fragile & can break upon hitting shore or when hit by an enemy. However, you get all of your logs back.

To construct the raft, you'd place 4 horizontal logs in a 2x2 orientation (facing same direction), then right click all 4 logs with 2 Straw each to connect them to the other logs. Once the structure is complete, it pops up off the ground as a Very Heavy item that can be placed in the water. This raft would be relatively large and clunky with poor turning to make up for how easy it is to craft.


The wooden boat wouldn't break when colliding with the shore. Also, you could fish while inside of it (so you are more or less safe from mobs out in the water).

Wooden boats would be constructed by playing 2 or 3 connected horizontal Logs on the ground (running lengthwise), and chiseling the structure until conditions are met. Condition A would require the player to make a sufficiently sized hollow on the top side that could fit the player's lower body, and Condition B would necessitate the removal of bark from the sides and bottom. If both conditions are met and the player right clicks the boat with an empty hand, the boat will become a Very Heavy item that can be placed in the water.



It would be cool to see sailboats but I'd expect them to require some skill to use as opposed to regular boats, and that would probably take too much time to implement for the time being.


I can't help but nerd-out on the bushcraft in this game. If I lived near a lake & had trees on my property, I'd try carving my own boat. I'm sure it would take forever, but it would be fun.


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