Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Ideas on new terrain generation

9 posts in this topic

I heard about  how one of the planned features of TerrafirmaCraft. In this post I will talk about how i think terrain generation should be like. For one I believe in a limited world but it should be bigger than earth which I believe is more than enough room to build things. I do not know how it would look at the world's edge but I HAD the idea that when you get to the edge you somehow get teleported  to the other side of the world but from previous post I know that's almost impossible. When you first click the "create new world" button it creates your world differently. For one it will generate the whole world first, than it will smooth, polish,define whatever word you choose, than it looks for  flaws in the terrain and smooths it, it will then set up a seed for any trees, any animals, and any crop and will spread though out the land mass but it may not spread across great bodies of water or (maybe) deserts (that might be a bad thing because what if it says that pigs  come from a small island far from spawn but the native Americans survived), and than it sets your spawn at a random place but will not spawn you in the middle of a inhospitable environment. So there you go my idea for terrain generation, I really hope you like it!










Oh and i'm a  :ph34r: #ninja


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The major problem with generating the world all at once like this is processing. Depending on the size of the world, it would take forever. Think of how much lag you experience whenever generating new chunks, and how long it takes for your computer to recover. Now multiply this lag by generating the entire world, and it would take your computer hours before you would even get to log in. Dynamic chunk loading as the player explores is much less resource intensive.


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To expand on what Kittychaley said, there is also problem with memory. Minecraft is meant to keep maybe dozen(s) of chunk loaded at one time. To generate whole world at once, you would need to have hundreds or thousands of chunks loaded at the same time. We are talking about dozens of gigabytes of memory here.

And I think the problem of terrain gen in TFC is not what is above, but what is under the ground. The way minerals and metals generate really needs some major revision.


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So, I wrote this program, celluar automaton, once. It dealt with an array of about 3'000 by 3'000 integers (which is similar to how minecraft stores the world). It was supposed to do a mere 100'000'000 steps on that array changing it with a simple rules. And on my machine it took almost a week.


Why did I tell you this? Because what you have suggested is an algorythm that will deal with an array of at least 20'000 by 20'000 by 255 of integers (Which is what now is supposed "Size of terrafirmaEarth"). And those rules that will generate the world by smoothing it, leaving imperfections and smoothing it again are by several magnitudes more complex than mine. Albeit this algorytm is not supposed to make as many passes on the array as mine did, but I still don't think you would want to wait even half an hour for it to finish.

I'm not sure why I writing this, as answer was already gotten. Maybe I wanted to give you actual numbers you're looking at in the end.


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So, I wrote this program, celluar automaton, once. It dealt with an array of about 3'000 by 3'000 integers (which is similar to how minecraft stores the world). It was supposed to do a mere 100'000'000 steps on that array changing it with a simple rules. And on my machine it took almost a week.


Why did I tell you this? Because what you have suggested is an algorythm that will deal with an array of at least 20'000 by 20'000 by 255 of integers (Which is what now is supposed "Size of terrafirmaEarth"). And those rules that will generate the world by smoothing it, leaving imperfections and smoothing it again are by several magnitudes more complex than mine. Albeit this algorytm is not supposed to make as many passes on the array as mine did, but I still don't think you would want to wait even half an hour for it to finish.

I'm not sure why I writing this, as answer was already gotten. Maybe I wanted to give you actual numbers you're looking at in the end.


wow, that's awesome. It's also a really big coincidence. I thought you would be another criticizer. but instead you do something to support my suggestion.


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wow, that's awesome. It's also a really big coincidence. I thought you would be another criticizer. but instead you do something to support my suggestion.

Well, I'm not, really. While your suggestion might be good from the point of the game if done right, it's not a very good idea to implement it in a game like Minecraft.


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Hm, I understand. thank you


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Well, here's an easier idea, just throwing it out there. Code it so that the mountains, valleys, etc, don't vary so much in the y coordinate between each other. Still allow for huge mountains and things of the sort, but make it so it's less steep. I've never seen real terrain that steep anywhere, in pictures, in real life. Nothing. It's just really steep across the whole world. 


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I've never seen real terrain that steep anywhere, in pictures, in real life. 


I did. There's plenty fo these in certain parts.


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