Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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TFC Engineer

50 posts in this topic

This is a game of fixing things! How it works is that on the top of the post will be how you fixed the topic from above. Then on the bottom of the post you will put up a problem for the next person to solve. You don't have to get that into detail or get scientific on how to fix the problem, its just has to sound slightly realistic


Ok, hears my problem


"oh no! im in the middle of battle and my plasma blaster gets jammed!"


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"Unscrew the right bolt and flip the plasma oscillation pin around"




"I was walking down the road when a giant sinkhole opened in front of me, and now I'm trapped"


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Tell your teleportation device to beam you back home


My warp drive is not working correctly, what do I do?


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Adjust the negative energy ring to ensure the warp bubble is able to properly form





One of the pipes in my organ expanded internally into the w-th dimension and now that pipe has a much deeper sound than it should as the air resonates in side it. What sort of polish should I use on the keys?


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Pitch-heightening polish for the one that controls the expanded pipe and the regular one for the rest.


My cat is on a rampage and is destrloying all the furniture. What do i do?


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Using malleable plastic (heat in boiling water), form small plastic claw caps for each of your cat's claws to prevent the scratching.



My phone fell in the toilet, and when I went to get it out, the bowl cracked. What's the best way to fix porcelain without replacing it?


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Build a time machine, go back in time, and try to not drop the phone in the toilet again.

Or buy one of those waterproofing rubber thingies(forgot what they where called) and seal the crack, Superglue might work in a pinch as well, or maybe even some electric tape.


I accidentally lost my pet zombie werewolf in Las Vegas. How will I be able to prevent a zombie werewolf apocalypse without killing my pet?


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get a dog flute and a rope call your "pet" and leash him


"do'h" ran out of fuel and water in the middle of Sahara what to do?


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Call a tow truck.


Earth's orbit will bring it to a black hole in 5minuets and 3seconds. How to survive?


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Shoot a Quanti Matter torpedo into the black hole so it will collapse in on it'self.      


My Steam turret shakes around when it rotates and sometimes falls off, whats happening?  


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Sounds like one of your steam pipes are leaking. The pressurized jet of steam from the broken pipe is most likely messing with your turret's gears.

Since a steam turrets needs a lot of pressure, a leak from a steam turret's steam pipe has enough force to activate the turret's movement systems, or even unscrew the screws holding it in place.


Zombie gunk got into my AA-12 and now it's jammed. What do I do?


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Leave it in the sun for a few days, then wash it with salt water. The zombie bacteria will devour what's left of the flesh, and the salt will break up the resulting mucus. Be sure to wear gloves!


I successfully got a square peg into a round hole, but now it won't come out. What overused metaphor makes a good makeshift crowbar?


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Hm... that's a tough one , since you must have used a space warp to manage that , and you can't remove it because you created a unremovable field of negative gravity , i suggest you shoot a warped anti matter bomb with enough impulse to reach the body lodged in the space time self-existential warp field or so called mass field .

For the metaphor i suggest you ask Dostojevski or Tolstoj , also , mayby Hemingway knows .


I fogot my pocketwatch in the house , and went into the future , after some time i noticed i had forgot it so i went to the past again but it wasn't there , what should i do ? (There's a reference related to this :) )


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You should obviously build a time machine and go back to the moment just before you dropped the key. Research some quantum mechanics and try to figure out the math, then sort out this diagram:


Posted Image




Help! I've dropped my last titanium bolt down the drain and I can't seem to fish it out. 


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Move the drain back in time by the length of it's existance , so no paradoxes with you involved can occur , but the key is retrivable . Of course all of the matter that is being erased from existance might release a energy count of mc^2 , but such a little nuke or larger , sized explosion shouldn't be a problem .


So i was making plans for a city skyscraper but i lost half of the materials , which board game should i use as a reference model for the building prototye so this project is still theoretically possible ?


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Jenga, the game about building higher with less materials.



sdop i qwaas plkajuuying in radiooiasctivwe waste ands muy fingfers tuirned into fishj, wast dso?

(so I was playing in radioactive waste and my fingers turned into fish, what do?)


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wash em in high oxygen water maybe it will help


What things would you like to know better about your partner? 


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Whether or not he can use a socket wrench.


I just accidentally 93MB of .rar files” and want to know what I should do. Is it was dangerous?


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Simple. Just scan them with Norton and you should be fine.


This thread is broken! How do you repair it?!


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just put some strange new problems at the bottom of your post


Help! I just ate the only chicken alive on this planet!


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Fortunately, (unfortunately for you), the last remaining chicken actually reproduced through parasitic infection. Get ready to birth 6-12 mutant chicken eggs!



The cycle apparatus on my analytical engine is consistently off by unity. Who can I call to fix this?


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U might try calling Cave Johnson. his engineers might know how to fix it.




My mutant chicken eggs hatched. Now tiny mutant baby chickens are conquering the world and my only weapon is some seeds?!


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U might try calling Cave Johnson. his engineers might know how to fix it.

Gotta love Cave Johnson


Ah ha! Thankfully even mutant chickens love seeds. Just stand on the opposite side of a lava pool and they well automatically path towards you, falling in.



I donated my legs to a legless athlete for the Olympics, but they ran off with them. Anyone know a good source of replacement limbs in Canada?


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try to capture a deer, and amputate his legs. they are not only stylefull, but also hany on rough terrain XD




I spawned on a lonely island with no cows. I checked nearby oceans, no other islands. its getting winter and terrafirmacraft is unforgivable towards a dairy-less diet. help!


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