Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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First post & a slew of things!

7 posts in this topic

Terra Firma is extremely cool so far. I think it is like MC++, the vanilla minecraft is starting to seem as if it were a dressed-up creative mode. However, there are several reasons why TFCraft is still actually not hard at all. In fact, it's simply involving a few time-sensitive events and an overall "harder to break into" ground (read: it takes longer to mine, and then to mine, and then to find good things to mine.) And this is great. Not only is it more closely a challenge than MCV ever was (mc vanilla), it has something educational about it.To move forward with my feedback on the mod, I have encountered the crashing bug and the x-ray walls bug (where a chunk is gone and so forth) but I found that lowering my view distance temporarily to short and rebooting, made it to where I could play (after it had crashed 4 times) and then I could return my graphics to optimal level. The invis-blocks I discovered go away when you place a block in that area. (You have to remove one of the invis blocks first to do this.) The really odd thing was, when I removed the same block that I had paced, ***THE REST WENT INVIS AGAIN**. That is pretty wierd to me I gotta say but none-the-less, I know it's already well-known.I want to mention that I've managed to make a bronze anvil, a full set of bronze armor and tools, and STILL have not been able to make a bed. I found one sheep early on and killed it, (wishing now I had used the knife instead). I've scouted a lot so far (going relatively from -1000x and -1000z to 500x 500z and all around my base) but have yet to find a second sheep anywhere! LOL What gives?When you use a fireplace (the 3-sticks one) to melt two partially-full ceramic molds and create a whole one, the empty one becomes a clay(uncooked) mold. Pretty funny and doesn't get in the way really, but still, it Should be a Ceramic mold.The mobs seem to be harder, especially the ranged skeletons, but this isn't actually that big of a deal at all to me. MCV mobs were simply easy.When stairs are removed let there be a chance to drop rocks. Same with rock formations.Underground rivers and flowing lava? I have yet to see any so far. Where did these go?I tried to use a forge underground, but apparently it doesn't recognize that there is *technically* air-flow. Do I have to basically make a perfectly vertical chimney to do this?Great mod and the visual effects are awesome as well with the changing seasons. Also, a bit of a pro-tip I have found is, that if you heat your ingots to the temperature you desire for working or welding and then place them in any of the 3 slots in an anvil, the temperature remains the same, allowing for less of a headache of things cooling off too soon.Superb, I look forward to each update.Oxxy


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Welcome to the forums! I have moved this topic to the support sub-forum as the majority of the things you have posted appear to be issues, and not suggestions for future builds.


The x-ray bug has been resolved for Build 78.


I just reproduced the fire-pit bug, and it appears to just be a matter of the firing recipe giving the wrong damage value. Will work on fixing it for 78, although it is possible that the all metalworking in the fire-pit will be removed in the future. You can also use the vanilla repair mechanic and craft two partially filled molds together, which will result in a 10% bonus of metal, but the empty mold will be consumed in the process.


Mobs (hostile and "friendly") are still very much in beta, there is much work to be done, and much more to come!


The problem with chiseled blocks (both stairs and stalactites/stalagmites) dropping rocks is that they are the same item regardless if they were made out of wood or stone. Would be a bit odd if your wood stairs dropped rocks when you broke them.


Underground rivers in ravines do exist, just keep looking. Underground flowing lava is located very deep down; at about y-level 12 or so. This has also been changed in 78 so that underground lava lakes only spawn in certain "biomes"


Structures that require "air flow" are actually checking for access to the sky/sunlight in the code. You will need a vertical chimney all the way to the surface for them to work properly. There really isn't another simple way to code these structures to look for "air flow".


The ingots temperature decreasing speeds are a feature for easier metalworking, glad you found it. :) Anvils are the slowest, along with the auxiliary (side) slots of the forge, player inventory is in the middle-range, and chests are the fastest. If you really want to cool an ingot down quickly, to say place it in a pile, you can dunk it in a barrel of water.


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Thanks a lot for the fact that this mod exists, I've found it to be genuinely awesome. I encountered just now a new anomaly that would be a feature.. I was setting up my bloomery with charcoal and forgot to replace the side-block for the chimney. The result was, that it still allowed me to fill it with ore and charcoal, but when I went down to light it, it freaked me out by dislodging the bloomery itself from its spot. I picked it up and tried to replace it, failing to realize there was a block missing from the chimney, and no matter what it just spit it back out again (also creating a graphical glitch of an additional bloomery item on the ground, but couldn't pick it up). When finally I realized the block was missing, I replaced it, then replaced the bloomery, and then lit it.  ... and when it was done, the bloom looked normal, but it is a 0% bloom. Whatever I do with it, it doesn't change or disappear. So, it's just trash since I botched the process, but it's one of those, "okday, where'd all that stuff go to?" should be renamed something like, "useless lump."

Also, thank you for answering my questions and in short order. By the way, been really wanting to find zinc to use up the bismuth I've found, but so far I've not found it anywhere. That pesky zinc... lol. I also had no idea really that there were different degrees of cooling down, but I had been wondering if immersion would be what you just confirmed. Though my idea of tossing it into a river is a little different than using a barrel... *cough.* Ok now, I suppose, when can we make sheet-metal housing and um... rockets?

here's the bloomery-on-the-ground glitch after trying to place it without a proper chimney:
Posted Image

I personally think an anvil should cost a total of 12 or 13 ingots, not 14. I know it's not a big difference, (And i know this isn't the suggestion forum) but an anvil Could be:

single double (single or double)
-------- double
double double double

This would also involve changing the way it looks obviously to have one side kind of thin. really minor detail.

There are some trees missing a block from the base, and I found one that is missing the entire 2x2 base. (the rest is intact). There's also an odd leaf formation with these same trees.

Posted Image

Okay, I found a huge cavern, and there's water at the bottom. But the water... hovers.
Posted Image

lastly, I like that you can get 2 knives out of a rock :)


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you shouldn't be sad about the floating water you've got copper right above you :P


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Lol we found a massive cavern similar to that one. a couple people named it atlantis and built a freaking city under the floating water..... at the bottom of the ocean.


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This would also involve changing the way it looks obviously to have one side kind of thin. really minor detail. 


That means storing an extra orientation variable, and 2 extra anvil blocks. It's a bigger deal than it sounds.


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