Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Changes to food

19 posts in this topic

I love the new TFC (b78). Really good work, awesome improvements. Great terrain and ore generation making mining more exciting than ever before (and less a chore).


I do want to comment on the changes to food and decay. Before a unit of food was instantly consumed. Now it depends on how much in oz there is of it and how much % of it has decayed. To me i feel that the game still needs to be rebalanced. I'm in day 3 in my world and already have more food than i know what to do with. There is one cherry tree near me and killed one deer. I'm fine that a piece of meat can be eaten multiple times before it is consumed, but the fruit (cherries) surely should be consumed in one bite! I'm happy to hear other people's opinions on this.


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wait for the winter when you have no more cherries


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If it helps, think if it a a bundle/bunch of cherries and not just a single cherry.


And for the 'I have more food than I know what do do with', It was pretty much like that before as well,

I kill one pig and get around 13~20 ish porkchops per pig, I eat about one porkchop per day, and I breed my pigs a lot, giving me more food than I possibly need.


Then, there is the double chest full of bread that just sits there for all of eternity...


I like the changes as it makes you plan more. You need to plan about storage, and whether you can eat it before it goes to waste.


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Something else to consider: For multiplayer servers, there should be an option to adjust or disable food decay. On a server, you food will decay whether or not you're playing and so if you can't play for a few days, several in game months may pass and when you return your food may be all spoliled. This should not penalize players what can't play continuously.


Also, if it hasn't already been mentioned, sheep should be able to be milked since you need dairy as part of a balanced diet now to not suffer penalties. This way if you don't have access to cows, sheep can be used for get dairy. It would also be cool to have different cheeses like Cheddar from cows and Feta Cheese from sheep.


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Horses make milk too... if we can eat them, why not milk them?


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Something else to consider: For multiplayer servers, there should be an option to adjust or disable food decay. On a server, you food will decay whether or not you're playing and so if you can't play for a few days, several in game months may pass and when you return your food may be all spoliled. This should not penalize players what can't play continuously.

However, on the same note, all your animals will have gotten babies and grown up, and all your crops grown so you can breed more animals and eat as you play.

And you can milk animals whenever you want.


The only problem I see is fruits, as if you miss the harvest season with fruits, you lose them for good.


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Horses make milk too... if we can eat them, why not milk them?


Cows are the only mob who can be milked for balance reasons. For example: if you could milk sheep, then you could get milk, wool, and they give birth to more offspring than cows.. basically making cows useless.


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Right now, all mobs are balanced by an ability(giving milk, producing wool, giving more offspring, etc) so making others give milk will make cows useless...


But as it is now, if you have cows, you have 40% of your health covered(dairy, protein), and if you don't have cows, you can only have 80% of your total health.


I have a suggestion for this. why not change dairy to calcium?

calcium is in foods such as kelp, spinach, anchovies, etc, so while cows, being able to cover both calcium and protein, will be a valuable asset, you don't need cows for dairy


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Dairy won't be changed to calcium because it doesn't fit the same Food Pyramid-style groups. However, Bioxx is considering changing it so that the dairy bar would boost your health above max when full, instead of hurting it when empty.


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I have question. In wiki, it says the decay of food depends on temperature and light level. How is this affected by food being in a vessel, a chest or in player's inventory? To me, it seems that vessel has slower decay than chest. But that might be my imagination.


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I also observed slower decay in a jar/vessel. Maybe the new "fanny pack" of TFC?


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I like the idea of Dairy giving a Bonus rather than a penalty. I put out the idea becasue I've played in a world where I got screwed and had no cows. Sheep just made sense since goat milk has been used by people as long or longer than cow milk. Plus, I'm a little fond of the idea of having more than one kind of cheese. In this case you could have Feta Cheese.


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if food decay is slowed by low temperature, is there a way to lower the temp, for example filling a room with ice ore snow... or would it melt?


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I'm having a really hard time in SMP. My vegetables decay and disappear while I'm logged out so a steady supply of chicken eggs might be my only viable option going forward - if I can find some. Everything else disappears, including crops that aren't harvested in time.


@Alice I may be wrong but I've noticed that temperature is ONLY affected by light and altitude. Digging down has a limited effect on temperature but when you build up, the sky's the limit when it comes to how cold it can get. I don't have enough ressources at the moment but I might build a tower pantry because food management is almost impossible in SMP.


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Currently temperature is only affected by the biome, y-level and light level. Ambient blocks such as snow and ice do not affect temperature yet.


Also, all food decays and ticks at the same rate regardless of inventory. The only thing that affects it is the temperature of the area that the inventory is currently located in. i.e. A food in a vessel in the player's inventory decays at the exact same rate as if the food was just in the inventory instead of inside a vessel.


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Thank you Kitty. That's very helpful.


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Dairy won't be changed to calcium because it doesn't fit the same Food Pyramid-style groups. However, Bioxx is considering changing it so that the dairy bar would boost your health above max when full, instead of hurting it when empty.


After talking with Bioxx, this is the solution.


<Bioxx> no, tell them that the new max health is 800 and the other 4 groups count for 25% with milk giving a 25% boost...


Here's the way I've explained the new way to look at it on the wiki: 


On initial spawn, The Player starts with each category of nutritional value at roughly 80% of the maximum amount. Each of these categories' levels are represented with a visual bar on the health tab of the player's inventory. As the player's hunger depletes, their nutrition bars will slowly deplete as well. In order to replenish the bar, the player must eat some food in that category. The first four categories account for 25% of the player's max health, with the dairy bar giving up to an additional 25% boost.
For example, a starting player with no levels has a possible max health of 800HP with all four of the first categories filled. If one of these categories are empty while the other three are full, the player will have a max health of 600HP. If the player has a full dairy bar in addition to all four of the main categories being full, they will have a max health of 1,000HP.

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So, same as ever, but think of it as a boost rather than a debuff.

Meh, works with me.


But I have a feeling that in PVP servers, cows are going to be coveted.


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Currently temperature is only affected by the biome, y-level and light level. Ambient blocks such as snow and ice do not affect temperature yet.


Also, all food decays and ticks at the same rate regardless of inventory. The only thing that affects it is the temperature of the area that the inventory is currently located in. i.e. A food in a vessel in the player's inventory decays at the exact same rate as if the food was just in the inventory instead of inside a vessel.




So... wicked tall tower refrigerators.  I like it!


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