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Hello, friends. I did whatever searches I could to see if this has already been suggested but if it has, I apologize in advance (I'm new here).


I propose the introduction of some simple traps to add some spice to the hunter-gatherer phase of TFC. Snares and deadfall (i.e. "rock held up by a stick") traps could be easily made with stone age tech, and provide a small bridge between hunting and the development of animal-husbandry. Bear traps could also be plausible, but would require much more advanced machining processes than TFC currently affords (I'm not sure how springs were machined before the industrial revolution, but it likely wasn't via clay molds :P)


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The only problem I see with traps is that there aren't any 'small game' animals that would succumb to such things. Maybe a deer could be caught in a snare, but dead fall traps are for things like rabbits or small rodents like squirrels. I don't think it would be easy to set one up that could kill a cow or a deer very easily, and the pheasants that you can hunt can easily be taken out with a single spear, they don't even run when you get that close to them.


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Perhaps there could be rabbits and squirrels. Not as mobs visible in the game, but perhaps you set up a trap, leave it alone for a while (player doesn't come near it for a certain time) and then when you check it there is a chance for a rabbit or squirrel (as an item only) to be inside, that you could then cook and eat. Snare could require rope and may catch game as large as deer (rarely), deadfall would just require a rock and a stick, but wouldn't work very well (trap is often tripped, but nothing was caught) and would only catch rabbits or squirrels.


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What I'd like is a 'covering' block made of sticks and leaves/vines/grass/straw/something which is just like a normal block, exempt it 'breaks' if you walk over it.

This can make simple pitfall traps to capture animals alive, and trap them so you can easily kill/breed them later on.


Another thing could be 'spikes' I think it would be great if we could do something like put javelin heads on planks to make spikes of some sort that give damage when you fall on them.



For the animal thing, I hear that monsters(skeletons, spiders, zombies, creepers) will be moved underground and natural animals will fill the surface later on, so we might as well get rabbits and squirrels and such


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Some traps like some leaves covering a hole could be a good early game trap.


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I'd like this in combination with new game animals.  Maybe also fish traps.


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The reason I'm ambivalent to this is because food is already incredibly easy to get, especially protein (seriously, I'm STILL eating on that ONE deer). So despite liking the notion of game trapping, I think it would be coding for no tangible gain in gameplay. Now, I think the ease of getting meat should be "fixed", to make alternative methods such as trapping and fishing worthwhile, possibly even necessary. *Or*, the focus of trapping should be less about sustenance, and more about the pelts, which could have myriad uses.


I like the idea of pitfall traps. Leaves are already "fall-through-able", perhaps there is a simple way to make mobs perceive them as solid. I would add that the leaves should break when fallen through, so you don't have an endless mob grinder at night without replacing the leaves by hand.


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You do get lots of food from deer/cows in real life too.

Imagine eating an entire deer by yourself.

An average deer is around 68kg, so even in you remove the bones and hide and all, you should still have around 60ish kg of meat.

That's 60,000 grams of meat, and I eat about 300 grams of food per meal or something, so that's enough food for 20 days, provided I don't get sick of deer.


I think animals should be harder to catch, really.


Anyways, even if you don't need food, some traps, like pitfalls and spikes, can protect you


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You do get lots of food from deer/cows in real life too.

Imagine eating an entire deer by yourself.

An average deer is around 68kg, so even in you remove the bones and hide and all, you should still have around 60ish kg of meat.

That's 60,000 grams of meat, and I eat about 300 grams of food per meal or something, so that's enough food for 20 days, provided I don't get sick of deer.


I think animals should be harder to catch, really.


Anyways, even if you don't need food, some traps, like pitfalls and spikes, can protect you


I agree with you, Allen. The quantity of food obtained by prey animals is acceptable, but the means of obtaining it is not. What I want to add to this probably warrants a separate thread, as it is getting beyond the OP.


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Yes, well the animals should all behave like deer and run away from you, I think. Then hunting would be more a matter of driving them towards some sort of corral and trapping them, or using hunting snares like the OP says. 


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Animals should have two responses when attacked.

Attack back(getting run over by a bull/boar is not fun....), or run in a reasonable direction instead of running in circles


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Animals should have two responses when attacked.

Attack back(getting run over by a bull/boar is not fun....), or run in a reasonable direction instead of running in circles

That'll be an interesting mechanic to add.


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I think that traps have a better potential than food as well.  If I had a pitfall I could set it up around my house to kill the nightly zombie rush without all of them making a bee-line for the only bridge.

What about a spring trap?  You could combine a sapling with a knife head and a string in the crafting table to make it and those can be used on reasonably sizable game.


Anyway, if you're going to add trapping you have to add curing and methods of storing meat long-term.


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I would like snares to be a thing to catch rabbits, but for deers to be rarer, and cows/sheep harder to breed so early game you are hesitant about killing that excess animal. How you would go about this is either adding a random infertility system where breeding does not work 100% or animals have a chance at becoming infertile. 

Anyway, if you're going to add trapping you have to add curing and methods of storing meat long-term.


I believe other curing methods such as smoking, drying, and pickling have already been discussed and planned for future updates.Snare traps seem like the best option, can be made of jute or thread from sheep and crafted with sticks, would give enough meat to provide a good supply of protein but not overwhelm you with the need to cure it.The reason I hate the way meat is now is that killing one large animal such as a deer gives you so much it becomes a pain to manage.  Small game would provide enough but not too much maybe 3 meals meaning I don't have to worry about curing and keeping a dark cellar.I know TFC has made it clear that it does not follow historical accuracy, but logically snare traps are also the most common throughout the world.  Because they are so simple to make.Edit: When body heat becomes a thing perhaps a rabbit pelt lined leather coat may become a thing also.

Edited by Shni_otoba

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And snares would be easy to set up, and easy to re-set after it gets triggered.

Don't know about the infertile thing though.


The way I see it is that if animals where harder to breed, early-on, you'd be less hesitant to kill and more hesitant to breed, as on one hand, you have a 100% chance for a big amount of meat and the only thing you pay is a few units of durability on your tool. On the other hand you have a possibly chance to get a new animal, after a long time, at the cost of grain that you could have eaten and kept your nutrition, and therefor your health, higher.


Now that you need to find wild crops for food, finding grain to breed is hard enough.

With nutrition, you would most likely need to eat what little grain you find, as when early-tech, a -25% hp debuff from malnutrition is not something you'd want, and you'll have little grain to spend on much breeding, so if breeding can fail, or if you have two animals but one is infertile, you might as well just kill both and be done with it, and just go exploring for more animals.


I'd like it if animals had a 'nutrition' value. They would only breed randomly when full, so to breed, you'll need to keep them well-fed and hope they decide to breed, meaning that it might take a lot of grain to keep the animals fed long enough to breed. So while you can't really breed them early-on, you can still breed them when you get settled, so they still hold a use to you.


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I like the Idea of traps as something to supplement the diet for more northern climate, while big game animals traps are realistic I really don't think that would add to the gameplay as it would make food way to easy to get, even if there is a low chance of a catch. I do like the idea of rabbits, if not as mobs, than as items like fish, they could be caught in traps with a certain chance of a catch every hour. The chance would be enough that you would get one or two catches every two days with like twenty traps set, though they would have to have to check every hour for another trap a certain distance away, so that you don't end up with massive rabbit farming operations of traps sitting row by row by row.


note: I would rather have rabbit mobs than this, but if rabbit mobs are not coming, or coming in the far future than this would be nice.


Also, it would be cool if they gave a different hide than other animals (and with its own processing), which could be more cold resistant than normal leather, making the rabbit trap very valuable for the cold loving player.


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Protein does seem far too easy to acquire right now.  A deer may indeed yield a lot of venison but I'm pretty sure it won't stay good in a room temp ceramic jug for 7 months which is how long some of mine has lasted.  I trim the spoilage on a regular basis  Hope this gets balanced in next release. After the first week, I really had very few food concerns other than trying to balance the 5 types.


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Protein does seem far too easy to acquire right now.  A deer may indeed yield a lot of venison but I'm pretty sure it won't stay good in a room temp ceramic jug for 7 months which is how long some of mine has lasted.  I trim the spoilage on a regular basis  Hope this gets balanced in next release. After the first week, I really had very few food concerns other than trying to balance the 5 types.


If you don't like the current balance, you can always increase it to make food decay faster in the config files.


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Animals should have two responses when attacked.

Attack back(getting run over by a bull/boar is not fun....), or run in a reasonable direction instead of running in circles


If I'm not wrong, I think the deer use the vanilla 'ocelot running away' code, which is the running in circles... Maybe the Devs could try the 'villager run from zombie' code, instead. It might give a better feel, and/or better gameplay.


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note: I would rather have rabbit mobs than this, but if rabbit mobs are not coming, or coming in the far future than this would be nice.

Not a fan of actually having actual mobs, I would really rather placing the snare down and it having a X amount of chance per hour of catching a rabbit, right click the snare with a knife and it will give you rabbit meat,I say this for a few reasons, the AI for rabbits would be difficult to code they will be either too easy to catch or too item based random chance snare would allow you to use the same code as gold panning to stop an area from being too overworked.Rabbits can not breed or respawn so it will be very easy to simple kill off an entire area and no rabbits would ever return, which is unrealistic and would be bad for servers as idiots swarm your area killing off every living thing.


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Rabbits can not breed or respawn so it will be very easy to simple kill off an entire area and no rabbits would ever return, which is unrealistic and would be bad for servers as idiots swarm your area killing off every living thing.

I think it'll be better to add a mechanic that lets animals breed by themselves in the wild to solve the problem rather then just have a 'place block, wait for item' thing


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So, I'd mentioned this idea in another thread, but it seems applicable here as well, so...


How about animal trails that spawn during terrain generation.  They'd be made from permadirt, would prevent leaves from spawning above them, and would attract certain animals, such as rabbits, deer, etc.  Placing a trap along one would have some chance of catching one of these animals, or you could try following it to go hunting directly.


I know deer trails are pretty easy to come by in New England, and other animals tend to use these trails for their easy passage.


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I think it'll be better to add a mechanic that lets animals breed by themselves in the wild to solve the problem rather then just have a 'place block, wait for item' thing

Are you really that eager sitting in the forest during mating season, watching rabbits breed?


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Ugh that sounds wrong.........


Anyways, I think that would be best in my opinion because I don't like the thought of a trap that yields items of a animal that doesn't exist, and and I don't like the thought of something like having the animals spawn regularly after chunk generation because both will allow you to get animals when there is none, or allow you to make a artificial place and get animals magically appearing there. And also, both can be net you food continuously without you having to plan ahead.


If wild animals bred by themselves, then when hunting, as long as we leave a few behind, they'll breed and we'll get more animals over time, but overhunting the area can lead to all the animals dying and none ever coming back unless you get animals from another place and put them there, so you'll have to plan ahead in hunting and trapping the animals


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I am not really sure what would work best.

I wish we have a lot more animals in the game but at the same time balance.

hunting is suppose to be harder than is right now. But it cannot be so hard.

What if it was easy to hunt small animals than big ones?

IRL forests there is a lot more small animals than big ones.

I just have no idea how to make the mechanics work in a believable way. 


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