Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Animals AI

18 posts in this topic

I will not make this suggestion in English, it will be incomprehensible, but I put drawings to compensate.
And you can use a translator.

And you can respond in your language :)

Une petite modification sur l'AI des animaux ajouterais du réalisme et du rôle-play.

Comme les mobs agressif cherche à se protéger du soleil le jour.
Les animaux passifs pourraient s'abriter la nuit.
Les animaux sauvages irais naturellement sous les arbres et dans les grottes.
Les animaux en enclos irais s'abriter dans les granges construite pour eu par les joueurs.


At day, passive animals will wander, and hostile animals will take shelter.

At night, hostile animals will wander, and passive animals will take shelter.


This will result in animals hiding under trees and inside caves in the wild, or if the animal has been captured and penned, trying to find shelter in a barn or similar structure.



Posted Image
Quand le jour se lève les animaux seraient alors attirés par les plans d'eau.
Chaque espèce à un horaire différent.


At day, animals will seek out bodies of water(do drink)

Basically, animals will be going back and forth from their shelter, to the water source, and back.



Posted Image

On aurait donc un mouvement de va-et-viens.
Cela créera une accumulation d'animaux passifs aux alentours des plans d'eau, ces soit une qualité soit un défaut, à vous de voir.


This will also result in animals gathering near bodies of water, since animals wander over to the water source, and even if they wander off again, when time comes to go to a water source again, the nearest water source will probably be the one they visited before, meaning they will most likely wander back, and as this repeats, more and more animals will gather to sources of water.


What do you think  ?

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After using a translator to read this, I think it would be a cool idea, but I dont know if it would be worth implimenting. Also, would their be penalties if their wasnt shealter or water avalible.


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(Bad) translation:


A small modification of the AI ​​animals add realism and role -play.As aggressive mobs trying to protect from the sun during the day.Liabilities animals could take shelter at night.Wild animals naturally go under trees and in caves.Animals in pens go shelter in barns were built for the players .When the sun rises the animals then attracted to bodies of water.Each species at a different time . So it would be a back - and - coming.This will create a passive accumulation of animals around water bodies , the quality is either a default, up to you


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It could be neat until the animals start going to the wrong barns or ditching a player-made barn in favor of a cave.


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also when it rains animals should seek cover under trees


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It could be neat until the animals start going to the wrong barns or ditching a player-made barn in favor of a cave.

No. you would need to have large pens for each animal, fenced and with access to only one barn. If you build right like in a triangle shape you could have the nocturnal shelter side by side. Once we have animal husbandry done and animals need to eat grass we going to need that anyways.


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At day, passive animals will wander, and hostile animals will take shelter.

At night, hostile animals will wander, and passive animals will take shelter.


This will result in animals hiding under trees and inside caves in the wild, or if the animal has been captured and penned, trying to find shelter in a barn or similar structure.


At day, animals will seek out bodies of water(do to drink from I guess)

Basically, animals will be going back and forth from their shelter, to the water source, and back.


This will also result in animals gathering near bodies of water, since animals wander over to the water source, and even if they wander off again, when time comes to go to a water source again, the nearest water source will probably be the one they visited before, meaning they will most likely wander back, and as this repeats, more and more animals will gather to sources of water.



I like it. It would also be nice if the animal's behavior changes along with the day.

For example, wolves, when wandering at night, can actively seek out and hunt covering large areas, but wolves at day, snoozing in their caves, can simply wander in a very small area, and not attack unless attacked.


And deer can run away from you at day, but at night, be slower, and only run away if you get real close/hit it


And so on and so forth, so the time of the day could be a important factor when hunting/capturing animals as well


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Mon francais est mal.


Je comprends.. je pense?


mais, c'est plus difficile que vous en pensez.


j'ai essayé comprendre :/


en le futur, utilisez l'anglais s'il vous plait


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At day, passive animals will wander, and hostile animals will take shelter.

At night, hostile animals will wander, and passive animals will take shelter.


This will result in animals hiding under trees and inside caves in the wild, or if the animal has been captured and penned, trying to find shelter in a barn or similar structure.


At day, animals will seek out bodies of water(do drink from I guess)

Basically, animals will be going back and forth from their shelter, to the water source, and back.


This will also result in animals gathering near bodies of water, since animals wander over to the water source, and even if they wander off again, when time comes to go to a water source again, the nearest water source will probably be the one they visited before, meaning they will most likely wander back, and as this repeats, more and more animals will gather to sources of water.

AllenWL understood everything

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"Cela créera une accumulation d'animaux passifs aux alentours des plans d'eau, ces soit une qualité soit un défaut, à vous de voir."

serait vraiment cool en fait. mais bon je crois que dunk ou bioxx ne tiendras pas compte de ce post. Déjà qu'il ne comprend pas trop le français, et qu'il est en ce moment occupé à finaliser la build 79.


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I like this idea, but I get the feeling it would make a lot of lag, like how the Creeper AI changes in 1.8 made huge lag problems when using 32bit Java or a lower end machine.


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Anyone willing to tell me how my french was? I'm pretty bad with it, but to clarify: I think this would cause many more problems than you think, and it's unfortunate. Mob AI is actually incredibly bad for minecraft, and if it isn't relating to direct necessary functions of the animal, I don't think it would be worth it. In this case, I think it would be too much of a strain on the computer with not enough benefit to gameplay. Sorry, but it's the way it is.


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et personne dans la classe française rejoint la conversation,and dunk you are better than me :P


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haven't taken a french class since I was 14 so that sounds like an accomplishment :P


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I never learned french at all. But apparently, google translate isn't all that bad if you can take the pile of words it gives you and sort it out. However, you really can't say anything back with it...


But is mob AI really that bad? I mean, sure mobs act like they're complete idiots frequently but....


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I never learned french at all. But apparently, google translate isn't all that bad if you can take the pile of words it gives you and sort it out. However, you really can't say anything back with it...But is mob AI really that bad? I mean, sure mobs act like they're complete idiots frequently but....

it is entirely that bad. So bad. :(

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Just the zombie change made Minecraft really laggy when they first introduced it, and even now with Mojang accounting for it it's a problem if you have a lot of players in a widespread area at night. 


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