Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Remove Side Grass

9 posts in this topic

I'm new to using this mod and so far it's been an amazing experience. The only reason I bought Minecraft is so the developers could make a plugin API and support mods like these, though it seems like Mojang is taking awhile to go through with that.Anyway, back to the actual suggestion. I see that your mod is using the same feature that the "BetterGrass" mod uses and it's really unappealing in my opinion. It also makes things more difficult to see what's under grass. Now I would understand if Minecraft's hills were made up of slopes rather than blocks, but unfortunately that isn't the case. So basically what I'm suggesting is if we can have the old Minecraft style of grass blocks, where grass isn't capable of growing at a 90 degree angle.Update 1: I've just recently discovered that the 'BetterGrass' feature creates lag within the game. This suggestion is no longer based on personal preference, being that this feature actually negatively impacts your gameplay. I’ve tested this with a high end computer and a low end one. Both computers experienced lag, unlike vanilla Minecraft. My fiancé, the one with the low end computer, was barely handling the Mod, having a lot of client freezes until I removed the ‘BetterGrass’ feature through options.In fact, I stopped playing TerafirmaCraft a very long time ago because she couldn’t handle it very well, so I was waiting for version 0.79 hoping it would fix this, which it actually did not. My computer, the extremely high end computer, has specs such as 16GB of ram, 3.40GHZ i7 intel core processor, Windows 8.1 that’s a 64-bit, with a GeForce GTX 660 graphics card, had some stuttering which is very much unlike vanilla. Removing this feature eliminate all lag from both computers, I highly suggest others to try this as well to confirm that something is wrong. Not sure if this is known, but if it is, why default or even have a feature that negatively impacts your gameplay.Update 2: Looks like the lag is due to Minecraft limiting the amount of RAM you're capable of using with it's client. While this can be fixed, it's not a very good impression for new players, therefore I suggest this feature not to be defaulted for us since it can lure new players away...


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Awesome, thanks! I honestly would recommend this feature to be set to false by default or removed altogether. However that's just my opinion, but it's great that I was capable of changing this by myself. Seeing that you guys like to go by accuracy, it really would make sense for grass to not be able to grow at a 90 degree angle.


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We don't actually, as stated by my signature, and the FAQ page. The average TFC player does not see it as "grass growing at a 90 degree angle" but instead as a smooth hillside that is covered in grass, instead of a terrace where you are constantly seeing mini dirt cliffs.


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Oh sorry, I misread that. Oh well, it's just my two cents. To each their own. Both me and my fiancé were frustrated with the BetterGrass modification so I felt like mentioning it. Though I don't agree with the feature, I'm glad I was capable of removing it. I'm just so used to Minecraft's terrace concept that it's really hard for me to switch over. It would be really interesting seeing actual slopes in the game though.


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It would be really interesting seeing actual slopes in the game though.

 You could add the Carpenter's Blocks Mod it needs probably some recipe tweaking to actually work in TFC, and its not natural terrain gen but there's some slopes for you.


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I've edited my original post, I strongly believe that this feature is linked to client lag which only emphasizes the removal or at least improvement of the feature.

@Caveman Thanks for the tip, that Mod looks great!


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Oh sorry, I misread that. Oh well, it's just my two cents. To each their own. Both me and my fiancé were frustrated with the BetterGrass modification so I felt like mentioning it. Though I don't agree with the feature, I'm glad I was capable of removing it. I'm just so used to Minecraft's terrace concept that it's really hard for me to switch over. It would be really interesting seeing actual slopes in the game though.

try the nocubes mod: have not yet tested the 1.7.10 version...)

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I like how there is so many interesting Mods out there that are impossible to find. Even with TerraFirmaCraft I had to search days and days to find some real wilderness survival Mod for Minecraft. The Mod you suggested looks really cool but I think it's overdoing it a little, still it’s worth a try. I just think Minecraft should be blocky, but a slope to me is no different than a stair.

Also are these Mods actually supported to work with TerraFirmaCraft?



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