Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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River Caves / River Ravines

17 posts in this topic

Would it be possible to modify river generation, so that sometimes instead of creating a biome with water in it, it creates a cave or ravine at the right elevation with water in it, creating interesting landscape features. This would not entirely replace the existing system, but would make sense for rivers in mountain biomes.


The reason for this is the massive, but uninteresting cliffs formed in mountain biomes caused by rivers.

The caves would also not necessarily be entirely underground, and create small fissures with water actually 'running' through them. (larger ravines in mountains)


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pretty awesome idea. would create nice little underground rivers.


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Would it be possible to modify river generation, so that sometimes instead of creating a biome with water in it, it creates a cave or ravine at the right elevation with water in it, creating interesting landscape features. This would not entirely replace the existing system, but would make sense for rivers in mountain biomes.

(Pics of what I'm thinking, built in creative mode, soon)

The reason for this is the massive, but uninteresting cliffs formed in mountain biomes caused by rivers.

The caves would also not necessarily be entirely underground, and create small ravines with water actually running through them. (larger ravines in mountains)

That. Is. AWESOME. This can create waterfalls and underground rivers that carry pure water to the oceans. Erosion can probably be implemented as well...

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Not sure how this will pan out with finite water coming up, but overall I like this idea. Mountains already amazing looking? Well make them more amazing looking!


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i have an idea for how this can work with finite water, simply make it so that there is a block that is like the vanilla source block in that it never runns out and you can't pick it up, but it has not flow limit, if falls if there is nothing beneath itbut it will continuosly flow down a mountain, then it could flow into a river and the river ccould be made entirely out of finite source blocks. it would have to have a directed path, like it could be programmed to seek out the nearest river and form a 1 block deep path to it. this way it does not end up flooding your whole world when it spawns. or just make it so that the new buckets do not pick up vanilla water and use vanilla water as the source of fresh water springs that lead to rivers made of finite water blocks,and make it so that water that pours off of water source blocks can be collected in buckets as a source of fresh renwable water, so water source blocks can not be picked up with a bucked but finite source blocks and vanilla flowing non sorce water blocks can be collected, or atleast clicking on the vanilla water should fill up a water bucket without removing it, or ( and yes i am using "or" alot) you could use the same idea you did with gold panning and dirt/sand/gravel, click on it enough times and it disappears


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Ocean Water: Allows non-ocean water to drain in from above, without increasing any water levels, destroying it (Instantaneous Evaporation? :P)

Source Water: Constantly creates water in the surrounding tiles, within reason (Just like DF :lol:)

These could function identically, or even be the same block, but finite water oceans could be problematic at chunk boundaries, or if drained into the void...

Waterfalls would be interesting, but difficult to implement to the current river generation system...

This could get very DF-ey if done right ;)


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A picture can speak a thousand words or something, so this is effectively two thousand words:

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What barkingnoise said. It would be a little annoying to code probably, but having underground water deposits would definitely add even more realism to TFC.


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I've always thought of rivers in mountain biomes as valleys cut by the running water.


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I've always thought of rivers in mountain biomes as valleys cut by the running water.

What I'm suggesting, is that instead of having a steep hill on either side of the river (even when there isn't water in the river, due to its elevation), You generate the ground as if there wasn't a river, and cut a ravine through it, with water generating at the bottom (at the normal river/ocean elevation).

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What I'm suggesting, is that instead of having a steep hill on either side of the river (even when there isn't water in the river, due to its elevation), You generate the ground as if there wasn't a river, and cut a ravine through it, with water generating at the bottom (at the normal river/ocean elevation).

makes sense, would this make it easyer to code ?


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well I like this idea. I'll see if we can get it somewhere.


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One stormy evening, our hero, Steve was mining... As he mined, he noticed little puddles pooling at his feet. He climbs back to the surface, shaken from this event, and sleeps in his leaky-roofed wooden lean-to. The next morning, he awakes and goes down into the mine, only to find it flooded to his knees. Where did this water come from? The stone around him.

In other words, for this suggestion, I want to propose a groundwater system. While raining, the rain water would soak through dirt, and porous stone, just to pool up in caverns later. This will work well with the finite-liquids. All that disappearing water must go somewhere, and it sure ain't all being evaporated. This also presents a new risk to mining from the possibility of flash-flooding underground. I am relatively sure this idea hasn't been posted elsewhere, but feel free to prove me wrong. The inspiration to this was through another's post about run-off an pollution. The water will not only leak when raining, but within a distance from a river, lake, or ocean. It will be a probability-induced feature, not meaning that water will directly do it during storms. I just thought this might be an interesting proposal, and would make a great addition to TerraFirmaCraft.

Just throwing this in here... One of my posts Dunk said should be combined.


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Maybe someone should suggest a better search engine for the forum?? :)


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Maybe someone should suggest a better search engine for the forum?? :)

make a thread dude

I'd +1 it


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