Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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    How do you play TFC?


    If you have a moment please cast your votes regarding how you play TFC. If you have friends who play TFC, we would greatly appreciate if you spread the word and ask them to vote as well. It only takes a second, and the results give us better insight on TFC's playerbase.

    Please note that anybody can vote in this poll, and you do not need any sort of account to cast your vote.

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    User Feedback

    Is it just me, looking at the results SP is not a majority, last time i checked SP was at 49%. It just looks like majority because MP is split up in whitelist, public etc.

    I am surprised to see so many players play solo too, I would've guessed it would be less.


    For me i started out playing SP but got tired of always being alone. Never anyone to trade/share with. No one to show off your builds to. I've been playing on a server now for about half a year and never had any griefing there, so thats nice. Being whitelisted helps with that i guess.

    Its just a lot of fun to coop on builds, help eachother out with resources, learn new tips and tricks to improve gameplay. Get creative ideas from others, trade.

    All those things i miss in SP. I tried to start another game in SP but it just doesnt feel right.


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    Results changed a bit, but yes, it's definitely not a majority.

    Most also do not take into account, that MP players usually have no reason to come on official TFC pages. Administrators, developers, moderators, helpers, and other "server staff members" should take care of everything players need to play.

    Administrators and SP players are the ones that check this forums usually, imo.

    If we - admins - would be told, that this poll is going to do something about TFC's future, we would call our players to increase those MP votes =]


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    Results changed a bit, but yes, it's definitely not a majority.

    Most also do not take into account, that MP players usually have no reason to come on official TFC pages. Administrators, developers, moderators, helpers, and other "server staff members" should take care of everything players need to play.

    Administrators and SP players are the ones that check this forums usually, imo.

    If we - admins - would be told, that this poll is going to do something about TFC's future, we would call our players to increase those MP votes =]


    SP is not a majority, but it's now at 50%.

    A further 20% play on "private" MP servers, with another 7% playing on an SP world opened to the LAN.

    So that's 77% for whom the server is probably *not* running when the players aren't online.


    On what evidence do you base your statement that "MP players have no reason to come on official ATC pages..."?

    I am neither an avid SP player nor an admin, and I know of a number of others in my situation who also read this forum.


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    SP is not a majority, but it's now at 50%.

    A further 20% play on "private" MP servers, with another 7% playing on an SP world opened to the LAN.

    So that's 77% for whom the server is probably *not* running when the players aren't online.


    On what evidence do you base your statement that "MP players have no reason to come on official ATC pages..."?

    I am neither an avid SP player nor an admin, and I know of a number of others in my situation who also read this forum.

    ATC is a typo? Or I'm missing something? ;} You also took the word "usually" out of the quote ;]

    While those "private" and "LAN" servers aren't online 24\7 doesn't mean much. Most people I know simply chose to play MP servers only, and it doesn't matter much to them if those are offline sometimes. They can easily play on more than 1 different servers depending on which one is online and provides a good company of players and a nice gameplay with extra features. So that's still MP, not SP.


    As to the question.

    1. I am administrating a server, over 130 players have played from the start, only 4 of them ever been here. But that's just my tiny project with 130 voices.

    2. TFC is international from the start (I remember playing it myself long time ago on a tiny MP server aswell), you can find plenty of translated guides on youtube and in text fromats, while this forum is english. Most minecraft players that are not natively speaking english use their own forums to talk. Those players also start playing TFC on an MP server, because they can ask a question and receive an answer without looking up for a non official translated guide.

    3. First reasons to come here are to download a mod, look up the changelogs or report a bug and, perhaps, post a suggestion. That's what either SP players do or MP admins. Not MP players, those - submit bugs to admins; download the mod by all those launchers or direct links provided by admins; read changelogs, translated or just copied, by admin; and chat inside their own community pages; even the suggestions they post to admins, they actually sincerely beleive to get admins to change TFC code ;}

    4. I am also not native in english, as you probably noticed already, and so are the communities of other TFC MP projects, that some of our players came from.

    5. I was a MP player before I started my own TFC project, and I never visited this forums.

    6. MP players are also not SP because, as I stated in previous comment, 

    Administrators, developers, moderators, helpers, and other "server staff members" should take care of everything players need to play.

    Basically, it's simply easier for a player, they get everything they need, including mods, predefined configs, translations, resourcepack, fixed or mostly "workarounded" bugs. Players I speak about would vote 2 or 5, but they are totally lazy by now because they simply never needed to come here, nor on any other mod's official page, definitely not the official forum ;}

    7. I also stated before, that admins do not always have a chance of implementing a complete antigriefing\tracing\logging\debugging and other "admintoolz" stuff with a TFC-based project. That is to the lack of Cauldron support, and the lack of Forge TFC addons and the lack of high-quality admins (the ones that actually add their own Forge mods to help the project), and that is why many TFC servers have to stay LAN or whitelisted or just die. But that's a different story...

    I could probably come up with more text, add pics, links and more "evidences", but I simply see no point :}


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