Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Dan211

  1. I have created a new tfc server with smartmoving. The whitelist is for less chace of greif. The server is brand new so I need people who can help build spawn. This is a dedicated server so it shouldnt lagg. If you have any questions or to report greif contact Dan211. IP: Rules, they all mean the same thing - Mutual Respect: 1. ABSOLUTELY NO GREIFING 2. No stealing 3. No spamming 4. Do not molest people Breaking ANY rule will get you removed from the whitelist and banned ( just in case ) ABSOLUTELY NO BAN APPEALS! To get whitelisted you need at least 10 posts on these forums, then fill this and post it: Whitelist App**************** IGN: Age: Years playing mc: Prev. Bans: Whitelist App End********** Comments(Optional):
  2. hey, slink can you not make a border guard mod because my house is ~10000 blocks from spawn, because of the spawn changing.. also I died quite far so i am trying to walk there to get my stuff.
  3. Um, I decided to go to the north pole and it seems to have crashed the server... ppl said blocks froze up so i logged off, couldnt go back on. or could this be the restart script?
  4. THE SERVER IS SHUT DOWN!! Please do not reply, It may be reopened sometime but dont count on it.
  5. Lol, we had some fun jumping 30 blocks yesterday, its sad that we can't kill ourselves by jumping again XD,also something is messed up with smartmove and ladders, at the top of a ladder I keep glitching and it is really annoying can you change the ladder climbing behaviour or something? edit:LOL, I fail at avoiding glitches... sadly have no idea how this happened.
  6. achartran, i found an chest logger for tfc ask this server for it, mabey they can giv u it...
  7. [Offline] New Small 47F Whitelist server. 5 slots

    Minecraft Username: Dan211 How often you will be on: 5 hours a day usually at an early hour How skilled you are at TFC from 1-100: 85 Do you have skype/TeamSpeak 3: (optional) Age: 13 (optional) Where you live: Canada anything else we should know: I have my own tfc server but theres no one coming so I want to play with other people.
  8. more ways to get string and making it usefull

    y you would need sulfuric acid to treat the leather, that requires sulfur and other chemicals it would need way too much complication and it would make it impossible to make stone tools. heating leather does not treat it in any way.
  9. This server will become tekkit soon, if anyone wants to play tfc on my server go to this topic:
  10. SMP greifing

    I play smp alot and recently there has become a major greifing issue due to no way to control it. can some type of greif prevention be implemented? perhaps a "protectorblock" that you place and set a radius and all plocks placed by the people entered in the gui will be protected in the specified radius? thanks. also this includes any containers or anything that is interacted with sucha as levers and doors.
  11. truer to scale

    I agree that everything is out of scale, but what bugges me most are the stupid rivers- they never lead to the ocean and thay are usually more like ponds... and they dont flow! also there should be mountials made of stone, volcanoes, and lakes that are bigger than 100 meters.
  12. more ways to get string and making it usefull

    tool heads can be press fitted onto a stick...
  13. I just started playing yesterday and I love this mod, it makes minecraft extremely fun (it was fun before). So, I found an insane amount of sphalerite and bitmous coal. it would take a long time to get it out, so I got some ideas: -water power using mills -wind energy -some way to transfer the energy -a transportation system like lifts and slides? ( I forgot the name(V shaped channels on which items can fall onto and they slide down, mabey a few blocks long)) - bigger storage( mabey 4 chests in crafting?) -some type of drill or machine that collects ore once you found it(cannot dig stone and big size) Lots more ideas if these are good. Thanks for reading -
  14. I agree and would like to make a suggestion about enchanting, mabey instead of enchanting there could be a way to accesorise your tools for asthetics and practicallity: for exmple a pick with a certian stone/gem/metal on the tip would allow breaking a certian stone faster but another slower. this could be done through an encrusting? (other word...) table into witch a hammer and chisle is put and any tool. also weights could be put in so it is faster to use the tool but takes hunger or vice/versa. this could be implemented for any tool allowing people to make cooler and more usefl tools. and also the more expencive/rare the gem/etc is that is used the + becomes grater than the - so a diamond tipped chisle could have +50% while some other tip would make 10%. and if the player makes a mistake (like on the anvil) he could mess up badly and mabey even loose some durability or gems. wow i got lots of ideas LOL. sorry if this is too much.
  15. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    I have a list of my own: -craft button mabey: redstone with stone? -craft piston: same as before but with stone and planks. -I think the chest is too small. -faggots: 8 sticks with 1 string? -crafting a iron door/ other types of doors? -bonemeal should speed up growth of plants. -passive mobs should have less health: should be insta kill (grab the neck and slit the throaght). -charcoal piles should update blocks around them when changing into charcoal. -make some way to limit forge temperature so you can heat ingots at the same time while working with others. -some way to see how long an animal is into its pregnancy. please tell me what you think of these suggestions
  16. Mining apparatus and water power.

    Yes I meant mechanically, mabey some way electrical and steam could be included but in a late stage in the game.
  17. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Honestly, I think that it is wayyy too early to start doing this, I agree it is a good idea but I think all the ores must get a good use, and the mobs should be remade to something realistic, and mabey some more machines added.