Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Omri100

  • Rank
    Wood Cutter
  • Birthday 04/10/1996

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Jerusalem, Israel
  • Interests Minecraft,Modded Minecraft, tfc, Roleplay In minecraft, photoshop and java

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  1. Granaries

    and a grain bit with 5% decay as a seed to start the malting
  2. Endgame guns.

    Theoretically speaking, the idea of guns could start down in tier one with brass as the barrel component in crude, so-called "hand cannons" Very simple design, a barrel and a match-lock, maybe a "stock"(more of a: "I-dont-want-to-break-my-shoulder" rest) made from timber, Extremely inaccuate for anything more than 4 blocks forward the match part could be made out of jute wicks, gunpoweder for propellant, and small rocks as projectiles. Thoughts?
  3. Granaries

    You could make the bottom layer out of logs in the same arrangement as the pit kiln arrangement
  4. Meteoric iron & materials

    I believe the intention is too still keep it realistic at least to some extent, but I do like the hot metorite giving you fire damage idea.
  5. Meteoric iron & materials

    Realistcally, the amount of material that survives a meteoric impact will be a very small amount, so adding it into an alloy would make sense, in regards to meteor impacts, maybe make them happen in a low chance 5%-10% during specific times througout the year, coinciding with actual meteor shower astronomical events.
  6. Download mumble 1.2.3 open it, press Ctrl-O and press the add new server button fill in the ip and press connect better set a key for PTT (push-to-talk) in the settings Thats all, have a good day
  7. I'm offensive and i find this care bare
  8. Lets try it, i think it'll (not) work well
  9. i can handle lag, not sure bout other players but anyways.. its up to u
  10. nvm ignore this msg
  11. i cant seem to connect to mumble any idea why?