Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by abculatter_2

  1. Sugar and Paper

    Yeah I just forgot about that.
  2. Sugar and Paper

  3. Sugar and Paper

    Well, obviously rum should be available. Also, it was brought up in IRC that the Quern isn't the best thing to use for this, so I therefore propose the addition of a manual press. This would also be useful beyond this suggestion as a machine functionally identical to the quern, but with a liquid collection tank. You could also add a pre-processing step of smashing the cane into mash with either a hammer or mortar and pestle first, then pressing it into pulp and cane juice. That would seem slightly pedantic to me, though.
  4. Mechanical Power. Doing things Better, Faster
  5. Avoiding The Grind

    Another thing that could decrease the tedium of grinding a bit is to Add more things to do. Especially if these things involve the higher-tier or less useful metals, as then you would have an actual reason to strive for them.
  6. Make Ingots Meltable in a PIt Kiln

    It just makes sense.
  7. Modest Changes to Sugar Cane

    @Those who think sugar comes from sugar cane seeds: ... No. Sucrose accumulates within the stalk of the plant, and modern day hybrids probably aren't even capable or producing viable seed. More likely they simply cut up stalks and plant the pieces, which come up as new plants with proper care, or just leave the roots in the ground so they grow back... Very much like we currently do in Minecraft, actually. The seeds, if they are even existent, (which, given that this is a wild setting, is probable) are simply useless chaff to be thrown away, preferably into the fields for it to rot back into nutrients for the plants. Or I suppose you could plant them, too... As for the actual suggestions here: Yes, yes, yes, and I really don't see any reason at all to add that distinction. Papyrus is a sheet of plant fibers that you can write on, and so is paper. They are, for practical purposes, the same thing.
  8. Hafts and Bones

    Just something I feel should be stressed, for those who keep wanting tiered tool handles: ... and Bioxx deemed it an unnecessary use of item IDs. deemed it an unnecessary use of deemed it unnecessary Yeah... Honestly, I'm with Noodles, in that there is really no reason to have real tiers of handles other then sticks for stone and hafts for metal, even if it does make sense or is cool. Primarily for the above stated reason.
  9. Stoning your blade

    Or not so hidden, simply make the tool break into a "Broken Tool Head" item rather then disappearing entirely. This could be smelting back into, let's say, 90-95% of an ingot, or if you want to be minecraftian about it, 7/8 of an ingot. (Which is 87.5% of an ingot, by the way) This, combined with some form of tool sharpening would go a long way in making tools a lot cooler for many people. Although, if this IS implemented, then it should probably come with lowered metal gain per ore, due to the greatly increased amount of durability per ingot you'd get, and/or some other use for metal. (Decorative metal sheeting maybe? )
  10. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    What if you allowed alcohols to be added to meals like foods? Though, it should probably have a very low or no filling value, but could have a higher chance of giving effects? That could give an actual use to alcohol, beyond just enjoyment or straight up potion effects.
  11. Arctic Expedition

    This wouldn't be all that useful, unless you were to add adjectives before them, such as Warm, Quite Warm, Very Warm, Hot etc.
  12. I know you have your hands full with this mod, but would it be possible for you to also eventually make a crossover for Thermal Expansion? Buildcraft on its own doesn't have much to actually use all this power on besides Quarries...
  13. ore grades (nerfing large ore bodies)

    Metadata, as far as I'm aware, is already used to determine ore type. Still, though, I kinda like the idea of their being impurities in ore... Though, it should be really small, not something you can rely on to give more then an ingot or two from hundreds of ore rocks, if you're lucky. I also really like that blow pipe idea, really creative piece of simple technology...
  14. Early power systems

    Well, remember that you can use windmills and watermills for mechanical power as well. If you have enough torque, I don't see what you can't turn a metal/diamond grinding head (which I imagine would be the highest, most expensive ore grinding method there can possibly be in TFC) with windmills. Though, such a high-energy system should require a lot of maintenance. Also, to me, the point of steam is more for automation and logic then for machines like ore crushers and querns. In my above suggestion, the only way to take items out of and into inventories not specifically designed for that task is with steam; probably some kind of steam blaster which would build up pressure to a certain point, then use it to blast items out of an inventory, possibly giving the player some degree of control over how much is taken out. This means that they only way to truly automate things like bloomeries or forges would be through steam. Which may not seem like such a great thing, but you'd be surprised how many people would build such a system just because of how awesome it is. Also, I feel that whenever/however steam is eventually introduced some way to produce a small amount of it forever should be implemented, (my suggestion for this was lava pools) just for automation and security and logic and such. Powering machines with this infinite power would be impractical, requiring an enormous, dedicated system to keep them running at any reasonable rate, and plus it should have other disadvantages to encourage people not to use it excessively.
  15. Early power systems

    It's Super Effective!!! If ore processing does provide extra metal, this would probably be the best way to do it. Though, I think a higher base percentage would be better, something 50% or above. Now, that is a good idea, having the crushed versions of ores require less fuel to smelt, which would conveniently leave more fuel for the boilers!How would that be done, though? Perhaps a metal forge that retains heat better, but requires the ore to be processed? Or just that it heats up faster in forges? (I like the idea of metal forges, though, maybe replacing the sides of a forge with some kind of metal plating allows better heat retention and, thus, saves on fuel?)
  16. Early power systems

    Yes this is a necro, but I know people don't like it when people make new threads about old ideas, and hopefully I'll add enough content for this to be worth-while... First off, I personally think that electrical power and 16th-21st century technology has a lot of potential in this mod... As either a modmod or as an optional add-on, made by the developers after they have more or less finished TFC. (Which seems unlikely any time soon.) However, if it is implemented, with it should be added a way to limit it from the player early-on, through the addition of some system or mini-game which represents gained knowledge about the work around you. Basically, a research system. This neatly avoids the unbelievability of both letting and of NOT letting the player be able to hammer out a crude copper wire with his first forge, and other such actions which though they may be relatively simple acts, they require massive leaps of knowledge which the player isn't supposed to have right off the bat. I also think that some kind of research system (which I unfortunately can't think of at the moment) would be a great way to add more progression to TFC, and the sharing of knowledge gained could give more incentive to join towns and form communities. But, anyway, my main suggestion is my own fleshed-out version of what I think would be a nice power system and progression to see in TFC; (I'm probably going to re-iterate a lot of ideas which have been come up with before, but oh well) Tier 0: The Age of Wood (and work) This era of the game really should not be about automation, in my opinion. This should be an era of hard work, and fully-manual or animal-driven systems. Hand-crank querns are already implemented, which I feel should be the extent of this tier's automation, with possibly animal harnesses being used as quern power as well. As an additional note, if some kind of research system is implemented, then perhaps some very crude, slow, and low-power systems could be devised at this level. Manual and maybe animal-driven winches, pulleys, lifts, and maybe (as a more advanced idea, made after doing a considerable amount of research) short conveyor belts using cloth, with the pinnacle of technology at this stage probably being a very slow, manual or animal-driven ball mill, which would provide a bit of extra ore yields. More ideas which could be implemented as research ideas: Boxes and baskets, which would simply act as open-top chests which take in any items on top of them, at the cost of less storage space, and possibly with an extrapolation of this idea being a bucket attached to a manual pulley. Chutes, which would be similar to baskets/boxes, but with a sliding bottom which can be manually removed and replaced to drop items out of it, and slopes, which should be a mostly self-explanatory block for guiding items short distances in a particular direction. Tier 1: The Age of Wind and Water This would be where automation would first take off, as the smithing of tier 0 metals and copper would allow one to reinforce wood enough to make wind and water mills, the most basic of non-living power. Pulleys can pull greater amounts of items and weight, represented by larger inventory spaces and platforms that the player can ride on. And, on top of this, these systems can now be (almost) automated, as player power is no longer absolutely necessary. (But still available nonetheless) However, the bigger and more powerful one makes such systems, the more strain it puts on it, represented by durability damage which increases exponentially with size and power. Also, although this should also be the tier of power transfer, this transfer should be subject to the same restrictions of size and power, with the addition of considerable power loss over even short distances. Also, of the two power systems, wind is unpredictable and unreliable, with storms raising the system's power and thus durability loss unless somehow turned off, and normal days not always being very windy. Water, on the other hand, is very reliable, but very low-yielding and, without red steel buckets, limited to lakes, rivers, and oceans. This would be the tier of genuinely useful automation and contraptions, such as fully-auto pulley and elevator systems and querns and ball mills which don't require constantly holding down the right mouse button or keeping animals fed. Though, very little if any actual new functionality should be added, simply new ways of creating power and upgrades to previous systems. Wind and water power at this stage would also be at the cost of considerable maintenance as components wear out and need to be either repaired, re-smelted, or simply replaced, depending on how the devs want to balance things. And on top of that, there should be no way to automatically take things out of inventories. One can make an automated pulley system take items to the top of a bloomery, for example, but they would still need to at least pull a string to get those items to dump out, and they will still need to take out the ingot themselves. Tier 2: Real Automation Through Steam! Now, with the advent of brass and bronze, the real fun can begin, as simple steam power becomes available! The working of brass, any of the bronzes, or even rose gold double sheets creates boiler sidings, while any of those plus lead can be used as piping for transporting the steam. Uses for this steam are almost endless, as the crafting of piping with additional components allows the creation of valves, pressure gauges, switches (which can be manual or pressure-sensing), pistons and doors, better ore grinding/processing, powered minecart rails, and of course upgraded metal tier pulleys, elevators, conveyor belts, baskets; the list goes on! However, for all its shine and shimmer, steam is not free, and indeed should be complicated, dangerous, and coal/charoal hungry. Placing tank siding in the world allows one to make a multi-block steam tank, similar to the iron tanks of railcraft. This tank would accept water either from buckets or piping, (pumps should take a good amount of power from the system, encouraging people to instead trap condensate from pipes, pistons, valves, etc. to conserve it) and would be capable of detecting blocks underneath it. Firepits and forges can be used as simple fuel power, or one can spend considerable amounts of metal to construct a more specialized, heat-efficient metal firebox. Either way, however, it's going to be a coal-guzzler. Heating up any of the above fuel boxes will contribute instead to the boiler's heat level, which will first require heating up to the boiling point of water, then spend this heat to produce greater and greater amounts of steam as its temperature rises. However, more steam isn't always a good thing, as too much steam causes dangerously high pressures, especially with weaker metals such as brass and rose gold. At a certain amount of pressure, which is dependent on metal composition, pipes and boilers have a chance to explode! This chance is low at first, but increasing exponentially as the pressure builds. Additionally, heating an empty boiler not only wastes fuel, but if water is introduced to an empty, hot boiler, it has a chance to explode based on the temperature. Heating a boiler beyond its metal's melting point is also obviously not a good thing, either, which since boilers spend heat to boil water, this is really only possible in a dry boiler. Oh, and did I mention that the steam and water share the tank? So continually piping in water (like certain other steam-powered mods) will simply flood the tank, leaving no room for the steam. Also, although larger tanks require more heating (and forges) to heat up, and more water to keep the pressure up, they are more resource-efficient and more heat-efficient per unit of steam produced. Building large enough boilers can even allow the creation of enough energy to automate its own fuel insertion with excess for other systems, though it is of note that, no matter what you do, a completely closed system is never possible- At the very least, you will need to chop down trees to keep it powered. Plus, as powerful as steam logic is, it should be difficult for precise applications, especially over long periods of time, meaning that small mistakes the machine makes can build up over long periods of time. It should be fail-safe enough that you can leave a well-designed system alone at least while you go mining, but leaving a server running with a chunkloader might not be such a good idea... Also, placing a boiler directly above lava source blocks will create a small, constant amount heat, which can be useful for small systems if one is lucky enough to find a pool of lava. Compared to charcoal/coal, however, it really doesn't produce much, and plus since the heat can never be turned off, even such a small amount of heat can very easily overwhelm your steam system and either melt it or cause it to explode. (For people who don't like infinite power, perhaps this could slowly cool the lava down to obsidian.) Oh, and also, you should be able to also make upgraded wind and water mills out of any metal as well. Upgraded tiers of metal can withstand higher stresses, and thus can produce more energy before that exponential curve of breakage catches up to you, and the higher tiers can even maintain small, low-yielding systems indefinitely. Bronze, however, is not one of those higher-tier metals. Tier 2.5: Iron and Steel This isn't so much its own tier, but an upgrade of the previous one, as iron and the various steels add ever higher capacity. There isn't much more I can think of for this tier, except that blue steel's ability to pick up lava sources with red steel's ability to pick up water sources has the potential to make infinite energy anywhere. Perhaps steam power could be put in this tier instead, and the bronze/brass could just add more automation functionality and better durability? Oh, and by the way, yes I was very bored for a long period of time.
  17. Advancing Ages : Making it Harder

    This is probably the only way to truly fix a lot of item and inventory nonsense like this. Unfortunately, it would also probably be a huge undertaking code-wise, since you'd basically be re-writing almost the whole inventory system from the ground up. Unless I'm wrong, Dunk?
  18. [B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

    I was chopping down a sequoia tree, and suddenly, after a bit of lag, this happened; Minecraft has crashed! ---------------------- Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Exception in server tick loop A full error report has been saved to C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\tfcraft\minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2013-04-06_12.50.32-server.txt - Please include a copy of that file (Not this screen!) if you report this crash to anyone; without it, they will not be able to help fix the crash --- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 2fe3604e -------- Full report at: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\tfcraft\minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2013-04-06_12.50.32-server.txt Please show that file to Mojang, NOT just this screen! Generated 4/6/13 12:50 PM -- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.5.1 Operating System: Windows Vista (amd64) version 6.0 Java Version: 1.7.0_11, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 154101488 bytes (146 MB) / 658898944 bytes (628 MB) up to 954466304 bytes (910 MB) JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xms512M -Xmx1G AABB Pool Size: 3791 (212296 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 3436 (192416 bytes; 0 MB) used Suspicious classes: FML and Forge are installed IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 1956, allocated: 1, tallocated: 63 FML: MCP v7.44 FML v5.1.13.629 Minecraft Forge 4 mods loaded, 4 mods active mcp [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available FML [Forge Mod Loader] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available Forge [Minecraft Forge] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available TerraFirmaCraft [TerraFirmaCraft] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available Profiler Position: N/A (disabled) Vec3 Pool Size: 1472 (82432 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 1312 (73472 bytes; 0 MB) used Player Count: 1 / 8; [EntityPlayerMP['abculatter_2'/29, l='New World', x=-2.04, y=144.00, z=-13191.20]] Type: Integrated Server (map_client.txt) Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge' java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/world/CallableLvl1 at at at at at at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.ProcessTree( at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.func_71893_a( at net.minecraft.item.ItemInWorldManager.func_73084_b( at net.minecraft.item.ItemInWorldManager.func_73082_a( at at at at at at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServerListenThread.func_71747_b( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p( at at --- END ERROR REPORT dc096c ---------- It was working fine before, and as far as I'm aware there was nothing particularly special about this sequoia tree...
  19. Hidden Fun Stuff

    What would be the development team's opinion on adding a metal or other material, similar to Dwarf Fortress' Adamantine? Where mining too much of it (or even just mining any at all) could cause bad things to start happening, such as opening a chamber which spawns demons, maybe with portals to the nether as well, or possibly we could come up with other things? Perhaps it will just cause the player to start having bad luck until he/she destroys it somehow, such as simply dropping it and letting it despawn? Just curious on your guys' thoughts on the idea.
  20. First off, I know that everything here has probably been suggested before, but I didn't see anything like what I was suggesting. (You'll probably all yell at me for there being a thread on the first page or something but oh well) My idea is to add a tiered system of writing and marking, which, besides being interesting, also maintains the value of black ink, while also adding new uses for feathers, charcoal, leather, all the dye colors, and paper. The simplest form of writing would be charcoal on paper, which first requires you to break the charcoal chunk into smaller sticks. Simply placing the charcoal into the crafting grid allows you to get 4 charcoal sticks. These are simply crafted with a piece of paper to make a 'Note', which can be typed onto by right-clicking on it. However, these charcoal sticks write rather large font on the paper's limited space, and there is a more efficient way to make and use them. Crafting a chunk of charcoal with a chisel will allow you to get 8 sticks out of it, and crafting a charcoal stick with a chisel allows you to sharpen it, gradually decreasing the font of its crafted note. Later on, once you get a scribing table, you'll find that the interface is different. (The recipe would also probably change too, if not removed entirely and replaced by simply right-clicking a piece of paper or parchment on top of any solid surface) The writing area is now much bigger, as well as having new slots along the sides, one for the tool being used, one for inserting either paper or parchment, one for the output, and at least 16 optional slots used for storing inks, paints, and maybe charcoal sticks. Using paper with a charcoal stick in the tool slot will create a 'Drawing', which can be viewed in a way similar to a map in-game, and can be colored, but cannot be used to make Plans. Using paper with a feather or, if added, a quill will create a 'Plan', which would probably cause the drawing area to become similar to how it is now, with pen strokes creating a 'Marking' item at the cost of black ink. Using parchment with anything in the tool slot will create a 'Painting', which can be colored like a Drawing. Although these cannot be viewed like Drawings, they can be placed in the world, and possibly have a way to be resized, allowing one to decorate to their heart's content. To draw on the interface, all you have to do is have the appropriate tool in the tool slot, and clicking/dragging on the interface will add markings depending on what tool you use. Charcoal sticks act as dark grey or black brushes of various sizes, depending on sharpness, and might also have some other effect which makes them different from using black ink, maybe have an effect similar to MS Paint's spray-paint tool? Using feathers/quills allows one to select from the various colored paints as well as black ink, with a fine, one-pixel brush ideal for detailed work and calligraphy. And, perhaps, paintbrushes could be added somehow? I have no idea how one would go about making these in minecraft, though... As for how to make colored paints, you could simply combine a unit of any type of oil (once it's added) with any type of dye, and it will make a bottle/bucket/whatever of paint of the appropriate color. This is then simply placed into the interface, and it will fill an internal storage tank with color, or using it will decrease its durability, ending with an empty bucket, or something like that. (I don't know which would be easier to code)
  21. What other mods do you use with TFC?

    I've been considering attempting combining the Feed the Beast modpack with Terra Firma Craft. Or at least IC2 with Gregtech installed, especially if I can figure out how to modify, add, and remove recipes, and involve TFC items in them.
  22. Getting your first ore problem

    Any form of igneous rock will work. Look here for a list:
  23. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    ... No. Just... No.
  24. Hidden Fun Stuff

    Pretty much this. Which is why I didn't elaborate very much in the OP. But yeah, I think what Dwarf Fortress does nowadays or something similar to it would be more fun; (Spoiler'd for anyone who plays DF and doesn't want to know what adamantine does now) There are massive pillars of the stuff rising up from the bottom of the earth, and through a sea of lava. Beneath the lava, however, is basically hell, and breaking into that hell (by mining too deeply into the adamantine) spawns neigh-indestructible demons that kill everyone in your fortress. Or, in other words, it's basically Mythril from the Mines of Moria.
  25. "Organic" Knapping and moar tools

    This is actually why I keep saying there should only be two block states; sharpened, and unsharpened. less points of data, and it's just simpler.