Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by abculatter_2

  1. "Organic" Knapping and moar tools

    For the 3D suggestion, yes. However, the 2D improvements suggested are pretty much the system we have now, but with more, smaller blocks, different states those blocks could be in, random shapes, and probably also variable strike power so you remove more and more blocks at a time, but at the cost of more randomness, and possibly even completely ruining the rock if you hit hard enough. EDIT: It's actually, in terms of gameplay, surprisingly different. Randomly generated rock shapes would mean sometimes, you might not be able to easily make the tool you're after with the rock you have, and smaller blocks would allow there to be an additional random component added to the strikes themselves, where, as I suggested, you could have risk/benefits decisions going on about how hard you want to hit. Do you want the tool to take forever to make? Or would you rather risk making a poor tool, or even no tools at all? On top of this, adding different microblock states, such as 'sharpened' or 'unsharpened', might give way to more organic or dynamic tool detection or creation, and might also, if Bioxx wants to spend the time developing it, give the possibility of your tools and stones maintaining their knapping shape after being created, and using stone tools might 'knap' away at that shape, making it gradually less and less effective unless you bring up the tool's shape with another rock in the crafting grid, and sharpened or reshaped it in the grid. Of course, just having the closeness of the knapping GUI's shape to the 'ideal' shape determine the tool's durability is perfectly fine, rather then having to maintain the tool after it's made.
  2. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    It could be a special kind of somewhat-rare bait, which could allow certain, semi-rare fish to be caught. Worms and other such things should be the main fish bait.
  3. Fortification

    This suddenly makes me want knapped arrowheads/spikes much more, and have them be a requirement for javelins... This also makes me want knapping improvements as well.
  4. Fortification

    Pretty much every idea in this thread is a good one, in my opinion, though some of my views: perhaps wooden spikes could be really weak, dealing 0-1 point of damage every time it's contacted, but they could be upgraded with a new stone arrowhead/spike that could be knapped? Which would do nothing more then simply get rid of the possibility of no damage, and instead cause it to always deal 1 damage. Which really isn't all that much... Mob AI might also be able to (sometimes) recognize that these blocks are dangerous, and should avoid walking into them. On top of this, maybe sometimes the mobs could get impaled, which would render the block harmless until the player comes and pulls him off? I also like the idea of upgrading to different tiers of spikes, utilizing the various tiers of metal, with each successive tier increasing the damage output by 1. I'm just wondering how this should be implemented... Should the spikes be pure metal, with one ingot = 1 block of spikes? Or perhaps there could be metal arrowheads/spikes added, which have to be attached to sticks? Or maybe we could even implement both, with solid metal spikes dealing more damage, but being more expensive, while spikes with sticks would deal less damage but be cheaper. Or maybe just have them both have the same damage, but the sticks would have some drawback? Maybe only spikes made of sticks would impale mobs/players? Also, I'd like to stress that, if this ever is implemented, mob AI should definitely be updated to recognize spikes as a threat, or at least simply as an impassible block. Also, with regards to pitfall traps; I like the thought of being able to conceal a hole in the ground, and think that should definitely be implemented somehow. Perhaps we could make leaves able to be picked up, and have tree leaves occasionally drop the item when destroyed? Then, on top of that, we could add a few options that would allow you to place the leaves on top of and conceal a hole; String, if placed in an X on the crafting grid, would create a block which can be fallen through, but can support leaves. Also, perhaps falling through the block should destroy any leaves on top of it, revealing the trap. Alternatively, placing regular sticks in an X would accomplish the same goal, but perhaps the block is destroyed after being fallen through? Since sticks are a bit easier to acquire. There should also be options for stone blocks... Maybe, if you took the string or stick pitfall block, and put a rock on top, it turns the block into a cobble pitfall, which is similar in function to leaves but with a cobble texture on top. For smoothstone and bricks, there would be a special, maybe more expensive option (since smoothstone and brick pitfalls would be harder to detect then a pile of leaves). It'd basically be a trapdoor which would open downward whenever any kind of entity (including items and arrows) falls on top of them, being resettable by right-clicking. I think this should require metal in and of itself, on top of the implied metal requirements of smoothstone and bricks, though perhaps it shouldn't be that expensive? I'm not totally sure on this point, to be honest... Also, for the later tiers, requiring redstone and maybe iron/steel, would be an upgraded version of the smoothstone/brick trapdoor, which would accept a redstone pulse directly from redstone dust (ONLY from redstone dust directly, not a pressure plate or lever, though it can accept such a pulse if it goes through redstone first. And, possibly there would also be an option for a redstone/metal upgrade to the string pitfalls, which would have the same effects but without the leaf breaks when something falls through?
  5. Crystal, Gem & Metal Magics

    Now that you put the two posts together like that... >3>
  6. "Organic" Knapping and moar tools

    I really like these ideas, especially the 3D knapping, if it's possible (since that might also open possibilities for 3D smithing, woodworking, and maybe even a few other things?) I only wonder how much is possible in the code, without becoming laggy or clunky or buggy? Even the 2D system of microblocks sounds like it'd be cool, I just wonder how possible automatic tool detection is? It'd probably be made easier if the 2D system could have a pseudo-3Deffect, where different blocks could have different states the player might be able to assign them to represent thickness, or to simply make the blocks have two states; sharpened, or unsharpened. The play could toggle between sharpening and regular hitting with a button, and sharpening would also, of course, have its own random element as well. I also think only the out-most blocks should be hittable, and possibly adding a "power bar" for your strikes. Holding down the mouse button would increase the amount of power behind the strike, and thus destroy more blocks (Or greater reduce the thickness of more blocks) with less control then a lighter, more controlled hit.
  7. Crystal, Gem & Metal Magics

    I'm pretty sure most of your suggestions have been discussed before, but some are new (like the wands, and spells and crystal dust) Personally, as long as the effects aren't TOO OP (when you're first dabbling in the arcane arts, anyway), then I very much like all these ideas. However, magic, if it's ever actually implemented by Bioxx, should never be easy, nor a free ride to greatness. It should be a skill (or multiple skills) that you have to learn and master, just like metallurgy, or even knapping. Personally, though, I think a difference with magic over the other trades should be a greater risk-reward dichotomy. Succeed, and the immense power of the arcane arts are yours. Fail... And if death does not fall upon you, fates worse then death shall. Or perhaps there could be different schools of magic, each with their own uses, risks, and rewards?
  8. Fencing Preventing Mob Spawns

    ... Wow, how did I miss that... I swear, I think I'm getting alzheimer's or something... Well, if that's the case, and the above-ground mobs become something more relatively benign (like animals) then this suggestion wouldn't really have much use...
  9. Fencing Preventing Mob Spawns

    The idea is, simply, that somehow the game would detect when an area is enclosed by fences, then for as long as that fence is there that place is marked as not spawnable for mobs. I don't know how much of a nightmare this would be to code, especially since Minecraft is 3D, though even if just completing a circle of fences made a massive pillar of protection from bedrock to the sky, it would still be nice to have a way to prevent mob spawns without placing torches EVERYWHERE... It would also give a use for the ridiculous amount of sticks you get from trying to find tree saplings, and just a use for fences in general.
  10. my first stone pick...?

    New relevant feature: Only raw Igneous rocks can be used as anvils. All other rocks will simply sit there and laugh at you.
  11. useless bone meal

    Personally, I'd like to see bonemeal be one of a few items which, when thrown onto a tilled block or used in a compost heap and then that compost thrown onto the soil, will be able to increase one of the new nutrients by a certain amount.
  12. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Have NPC towns been discussed, particularly for Single-player games?
  13. Stupid Ideas

    This post.
  14. 46c Experimentation: Ores

    Should these results be the same expected in the most recent builds (47f or 48b)?
  15. Specified World Gen.

    Yet another plus one, and I think it should be a rule that EVERY topic in this forum MUST get derailed at least once.
  16. Dynamic Terrain

    ... We have private messages for a reason, people!
  17. Charcoal as an alternative to ink sacks.

    Ah, okay, then I suppose that'll be cool, then. So, seems to me like /thread then.
  18. Charcoal as an alternative to ink sacks.

    Ya know, all the random, pointless is REALLY annoying and off-putting... The inability to find a squid for ink should not make one completely incapable of creating any metal tools. That isn't fun, it's just a pointless, unrealistic, and game-breaking annoyance. I can get that you don't want the ascent to metal-tier to be easy, but seriously, squid ink is a requirement to bang a hammer against a metal ingot the right way? And, realistically, why shouldn't one be able to use charcoal? I know that this isn't exactly a 100% realistic game, but I would say that the process of acquiring charcoal is quite drawn-out enough that it won't make things too easy to ascend to metal-tier... If you're worried about ink not having a use, then add some different use for it, or perhaps you could make the process of turning charcoal into usable markings a more lengthy, somewhat expensive process? Maybe you'd have to find whatever new plant added in the next agriculture update would have good oils for paints (or add a flaxseed plant, which can have many uses besides turning charcoal to ink) and then you'd have to go through a process of crushing and pressing the seeds, extracting the oils (and having a container to put it in) and then crush the charcoal, then combine the two in a container, maybe add some water in there too, and then you get ink which can then be turned into markings. And if you really wanted it to be hard, you could make the yield less then ink sacs as well. That way, squid ink would simply be a far easier alternative to the drawn out process of turning charcoal to markings.
  19. Explosives!

    Just add a barrel item, which can store gunpowder like a log pile, and use his trail of ignitable gunpowder idea. Not sure how useful this would be, since it'd be a rather expensive and ineffective way to mine... but come on, EXPLOSIONS!!! Especially if you made explosions more spectacular... Also, I really like the fireworks idea.
  20. Terrafirma minimap

    I like how everyone ignored this actually pretty cool idea. Make maps just a piece of paper, bottle, and feather combined in a crafting table, then it automatically uses various colored marking items (or, if you wanted to improve on that a little, make it use bottle of ink, and get rid of the bottle requirement in crafting) as it writes stuff on the map. Or, you could have a blank piece of paper which you could write on, and you could use your own map. Either option works, in my opinion.
  21. Dragons

    ... My god. I'm imagining the burning dead dragons of skyrim... Come back to life. With a giant flaming whip in his talons and a GIANT CAN OF WHOOPASS AND RAGE!!
  22. Dynamic Terrain

    That would also mean that it's a setting very few people would use and see, thus making it also a rather unused and thus pointless path of development. I like the idea too, and if it can be made to run on a somewhat decent computer, then I'd be all for it. But that's really something only the coders could tell us if it's feasible or not. EDIT: Ninja'd
  23. Arrests

    Smells like a troll. I actually agree with both options, for many of the same reasons as have been stated, and wouldn't care much if either option were used. Though, if jailing is nothing more then a more thematic way to ban people, then I would rather err on the way of teleportation, simply because it's easier to code and it doesn't seem like spending a lot of time writing code for dragging a person would be worth it... Now, if you could do OTHER things with the dragging code, on the otherhand...
  24. Go to hell

    ... Jesus fucking CHRIST dude! Take a chill pill! I was clarifying my idea, because you were taking it entirely too far, and I figured it might be an interesting idea to consider and maybe have in your head. MAYBE have a few objects in this mod implement this, like something interesting you find in a Nether or End temple or something. I mean, of course I wouldn't ask him to make such a MASSIVE project, as to make a HUGE conversation tree for EVERY single block in the entire game, especially in this mod... And also, why are you taking this so personally, and making it seem like such a big deal? I've made two posts of suggestions in this thread, and in neither of those I've really pushed the idea- I just set it out there, and made ONE post of clarification when you guys were blowing the idea a little out of the water... Now, if my suggestion isn't going to be used, I really think this should be the last post regarding it, so let's just move on to something else... EDIT: And no, by the way, I don't care if my suggestion is or is not used. I don't think my suggestion is 'perfect' and I am here, right now, accepting 'No' as an answer.
  25. Go to hell

    This wasn't really my idea... It would definitely be awesome, but my idea was more like how practically every RPG game ever handles dialogue: With dialogue trees. You push a button on an NPC, text appears on the screen, and you click from the options what you want your response to be. Simple, quick, and dirty NPC interaction. Something like Cleverbot, however... now THAT would fucking amazing! Though, also not entirely necessary.