Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by CalangoMC

  1. Handling your wood, Carpentry and logging.

    IMO the leather processing is very believable and break the individual mass production of an item in the artesanal way, is hard and need "work" to produce and for my style is very balanced than old method. Log planks and lumber is easy, making tfc fell "criative hardmode", none run outo of lumber, one bronze axe chop a small forest relatively easy. For multiplayerserver, work to produce any goods, make the MP, more coop, and add value to the item, and this valuable have a potenciality to make trades, and trade make players interactions. Another point is the durability for its tools, if you make a bronze saw, in normal way you reach iron/steel era and you first saw have a bit of durability. ----------------------------------------------------------------- If have a way to temporary set the tree logs while chopped same as dirt or cobblestone gravity effect.
  2. Insane wild crops regeneration

    This effect occurs in warm areas of wild crops spawn, every year event spawn more and more crops, in cold areas wild crops die from eviromental damage, warm area not have this event like as EL ninõ/La ninã to clear the chunk area from this excessive amount of crops.
  3. I have used /time add 10000
  4. Sorry about that but you are wrong, dont have diference in hydrated farmland and dry land in the player way, maybe in have in the "code" and not working. (maybe Kitty, put light about this) Yes, i know, have many config to change a bit or much a playstyle, have the self-imposed rules, many times in the TFCforum this is the basic argument to nullify a discussion.Have many recipes on/off in configs why the Dev locked the hopper? My poins is the devs have a vision for "the game", because if not, why dont have a config to play same as 78.x version? maybe anyone happens whith this. I like TFC, and I recognize and appreciate the hard work the devs and others put in this mod, but this fact dont broke the question of the TFC is a "perfect game"? if yes, ok no development more not in need to change, or not, the fianl end version of the dev vision of "the game" is done and have time to possible changes and wayt todo and tweaking (IMO). -----I do not want to raise discussions rarely go to reach anything or give you an idea of what can be done and how can.If some developer just come and say did not like it I will do other things, for me perfect.Even for that not much point evolve TFC1 since TFC2 not have anything like this release.I remember how many almost beat the Bioxx when he changed the torches, he revised his concept of how it should be, today is everybody happy.-------------------------------I think that my suggestion is not going to work out better something that needs to do is better we close Thanks
  5. Framerate issues...

    i think while you stay in one place the chunk loading 3d rendering etc is half completed, while you walking to a new area new 3d models, chunk processing etc etc is coming, is normal the FPS drop, but is 2 diferent scenarios.This not happens in normal MC? While im self hosting my singlegame my chunk loading freeze and caus a hyge lag spikes, fx buldozer (Imo) and your multicore is crap for this.If i playing in mp server not hosted in my pc, the game run smooth.
  6. "changing a system that is working fine right now" i not agree, is a simplest "system", the metalurgy is a much more developed system. Farming system is broken while you bypass all needs/restriction/work/dificulty and producea huge amount of "food", is true dont have much to do with spare amound of food. The system is have seed, look the temp place at winter, if this is up to 1ºC, make farmland, change your farm size, return only if you need collect and put the seed again in same blockfarm. ***i see many people hydating your crops or making your farm around lakes, i neve see the diference in hydated soil and dry soil, is only a visual effect. -------------------- About crops: same as cold places, kill the wild crops in winter, warm areas need a time to kill all, few year passed, have chunks/areas infested from crops.
  7. This guy is awesome!

    hey, this si TFC!
  8. i agree, i think this, but the magic of TFC is the dev choice how and when he drains or not, i dont see problem in the farmer look your plants and near the final stage he put the fertilizer, or if the crops drain the nutrients in the last stage or only while is gathered. This is saying in player language, not a dev language.For implementing this the residual nutrients maybe is a key to implement, idk about java and programing mod and im blink with the problems of developing. You and another people who know this programer world better judge the pros and cons, if this is possible or not. (And the dev team judge if the sugestion converge in the way to mod is going or not)***Fertilizer is rly an item usefull in TFC? Thanks.
  9. Ore Generation.

    i think not much is changed, all the time i play TFC have huge and small veins, normaly any vein have more than i need to play.the ore spawn is relative to stone in the area you finding.
  10. I do not agree that the grinding is excessive.It does exist but in specific points of progression.Basically, in a new world:Explore and find a secure place for the first nightExplore and collect wooden stick, rocks, seeds, food, clay, animalsMake a shelter plant and enjoy the night to do jugs and vessels (maybe clay molds)Explore ores to mark location (this time copper is the best resource)Or do the terrible grinding to get copper with the panning / sluicing Grinding envolve to do the same thing again and again, and tfc at start to middle game the todo is changing every time you reach the last objective.But in another perspective im sure all is grinding all i do is pressing keyboar and moving the mouse lokking at monitor, in any game i play. conclusion all is grind. ----------------IMO: TFC is more living than surviving.Grindind is more felling than fact.
  11. [79.24] Great Spawn

    Nice seed, easy start.
  12. [Answered] Potable water and world generation.

    Remember to hold the button to drink with your hands on water
  13. Sad, but is fine someone like play in your prefered way, but IMO, TFC have a high players spread and i see most player playing SSP, in SMPservers, and dont have mechanics from servers to players need players coop, someone play in your peace of world alone or with your friends, have a little bit of interactions, because all people is independent about resources and production. Is my opinion, i hope this dont have problem to post.Thanks
  14. (think this is the right place) looking for a server

    /town new townname (create a new town)/t claim (claim one 16x16 blocks chunk)/t unclaim (unclaim the plot if is claimed and you are in)/t claim outpost (claim one outpost chunk, deatached from your town)/t add Nick (invite another player to your town)/t spawn (teleport you to you town spawn)/t outpost # (# is the number of outpost (1,2,3,4), teleport to your outpost)This is not too hard. *in general many public server, if you need help to use any command ask to people, have many friendly people to help.
  15. [Solved] enableCropsDie=false, yet not activated in-game

    Environmental dead of crops don't give seeds, run around harm areas or in harm seasons later than spring (Springs is the respawn time).I think this config tag "enableCropsDie is false" is default in standard and affect the player crops in farmlands not wild crops. *ops, sorry redundancy i started write and not see the Kitty post.
  16. [79.17] Getting too punishing?

    I think this ore lost not is a big issue, look at the huge amount veins every where, one normal copper vein, and you have copper for a long time, and have more and more veins, around 2k block area.If you us safe mine tecnics, you have no issues and gather most of ores of vein, IMO maybe most of people mine with random less work method diging all the directions the ore appears. Example this mine is recent (79.17) mined and have no use of Support Beam, and no Ore is lost.
  17. Destroy the picture above you

    Asiatic Disassembler.
  18. Thank you, TFC Staff

    Again but not unecessary, TFC is a great "game", i like TFC and spent many days playing it, but IMO have some " aspects" needing one better aproach/balance/rethink. My hope is same from 78 to 79, many of aspects i dont like much go to naturaly solved by view of developers, maybe the little details needing changes is changed.Thanks and dont worry about, all hatefull posts or unlike details you see in many posts aroud the forum. keep walking.
  19. Overpowerd planks ?

    And your first Saw break, near Iron Age.
  20. A-Z Foods

  21. The "Magic" of TFC

    Kitty, touch the point, TFC forum dont do or dont break the creation of any type of "mods".IMO, the point here is to promote "this" or dont promote, thing maybe considered "exploit" to the game. InsaneJ: you talk about this but in your server you created restriction around mod usage. i think have mods you dont like to use. Example: is fair promoting the advantage about debug mode use to TFC? (in one pined post, here)
  22. The "Magic" of TFC

    Activate the debug screen, break a bit of magic, is a type of cheat because debug screen, show the rock layers types, you dont need empiric dig to the layer to discover your type.If anyone make a mod to show, how TFC create a ore vein, and mark the position with one great X, this break the game. (IMO)If anyone make a mod to give a exactly anvil combination for one specific tool, this break the merit of a good blacksmith player because your skill is the same as another with this type of mod. (IMO) My point is: have "mods" and "mods", some part is not consideret a type of cheating, another part maybe is considered.Thanks.---------------------------If anyone search for advantage in TFC, is soo easy taken the server seed and make one local SSP copy, and find any you search in creative, ore veins, fly around the world, and the location is moreless the same in real server.
  23. Thank you, TFC Staff

    IMO many hates is because the love from TFC need never ends and someone claim for a better continue todo to keep forever playing this amazing mod, for me later than TFC dont is possible to play normal MC, look at soooooo boring and a bit no sense.My critics is about stuffs i judge breaking the gameplay for a continued play or any things about no-sense or need a tweak to make it better.The love or amazing fells about TFC, not change because many little points i think not is the good way.Thanks for work and dedication to this mod.
  24. tree planting

    from 78 to 79, many infos you find here: