Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by aeroc

  1. Installed the mods manually over the course of an hour, (much of which was spent figuring out I had the wrong versions for things,) only to get everything running and try to connect when I'm informed that I can't join because TFC is missing ID 980. Is this an issue with anyone else or is my download just borked?


    We are using a modified version of TFC that includes a new block for Anthracite. The server thread on our forum has better detail regarding which versions to download.


  2. January 2015 Update: Roanoke, the longest running TerraFirmaCraft server instance, is still chugging along. This month we've upgraded TradeBooth mod and added Steampunk Airships.


    August 2014 Update: We're still running B77! Remember when the F in TFC stood for Firma and not Food?! We do! Not enough has appealed to us in TerraFoodCraft B78, so we're stuck in the past. And it seems we'll be stuck there even when TFC gets the casserole update: B79! TerraSandwichCraft!


    Roanoke is back! Roanoke TFC server has a long history with TFC and we put a new spin on it in this fifth iteration of Roanoke. The Roanoke Challenge Server features customized ore generation, other TFC tweaks, chunk protection with MyTown, and trading with CustomNPC vendors and player Trade Booths. Our focus with this iteration is on scarcity, economy, community and competition. We encourage towns to grow their chunk claims aggressively, as we've made it quite affordable. Protect your prospective ore sites with chunk claims and corner the market on an ore or mineral. Roanoke veterans will also recognize a familiar world seed from Roanoke2. New to TFC? Intimidated or put off by the extra mods we run? Our launcher makes installation a breeze and the additional mods compliment TFC and won't take away or diminish your first TFC experience.


    Posted Image


    Installation/Launcher: (look for Roanoke #5)


    Server Website/Forum:

    Server Address:

    World Started: Dec 1, 2013

    Server Activity: 460+ Unique Players

    Map: (from Roanoke 2, settlements may differ)

    Dynamic Map:


    We are not TFC purists, we are TFC veterans looking to make the most out of Minecraft's best mod: TFC. NPC vendors may offer items not before available in TFC, like vanilla items. We allow Nether access. You will never see an admin flying around, teleporting, or building in creative mode, everything you see is player resourced and built. We build roads and canals to connect towns, there is no teleportation or home commands and there never will be. There is no virtual currency or instant delivery transactions, instead we use Custom NPC coins, which you must carry around with you and you must bring goods to market (they don't magically appear in your inventory). We have a 360 day year, to make food production and tree growth more meaningful. We are pun friendly.


    Mods List

    Having trouble with our launcher? Ask us in IRC (link above) for help if you need to perform a manual installation.

    • NEI
    • CustomNPC
    • ArmorStatusHUD
    • Rei's Minimap
    • StatusEffectHUD
    • ExtraFirma
    • TradeBoothMod
    • Unlit Torches and Lanterns
    • Small Boats
    • Steampunk Airships
    • Bibliocraft


    TFC Customization

    • OreGen: We've replaced the TFC OreGen with our own system to reward people for exploring the surface rather than digging uninspired tunnels at Y60. Gone are the TFC ore blobs, replaced instead with veins that snake their way in all direction under the surface. We also have unique sedimentary bed and kimberlite pipe generation. Anthracite mineral has been added which yields charcoal, but can only be found in the far north. No longer does ore only generate at specific levels, but minerals tend to begin at the surface and snake their way down into the deeps and can ultimately be found at any level. We've also implemented a regionalizing system that makes distinct regions of mineral/ore groups, so that you must trade or prospect over great distances to progress up the metal tiers (this is working very well, as after 2 weeks the server is still stuck in the copper age, unable to find all the ingredients that make up the bronze tier whereas in vanilla TFC someone usually gets to red steel after 5 days). Some regions may be void of ore, others may be rich, it's up to you to wander the world and prospect!
    • Tree Growth: We've nerfed sapling spam (random sapling growth in forest areas), and drastically increased the time it takes for saplings to grow into trees as part of an experiment in scarcity. We want to see mass deforestation and the challenge longer growth time brings to the server population. This might sound foolish, but it has worked really well so far. 40 days in and after 80+ unique players there is still an abundance of trees at spawn.
    • Mountain Tops: We've prevented dirt from covering the tops of high mountains for a unique look and to reveal surface minerals.
    • Misc: There may be a few other tweaks that I can't remember at this time, or that may be implemented in the future.


  3. ^Exactly the mentality that caused me to stop playing TFC...


    The focus on realism, or the focus away from realism, that made you stop playing? I'm guessing it's the former.


  4. Because the ore generation was modified from the Better Ore Distribution Mod.. and some little mistakes in the code caused the y-level glitch of everything spawning at certain layers.


    Could you elaborate a bit on this? This is the first time I've seen an explanation. From reading the TFC code the 4 y-levels appear to be hardcoded and deliberate. But you seem to be saying it's a long established glitch. If it's a bug, why has it persisted for such a long time, especially considering the importance of ore generation?


  5. The obvious win situation is to be in full plate with a bow and arrow. This way it doesn't matter, how slow and lumbering you are. You can't run this way, but if you don't intend to, you are perfectly fine.


    Or since this is a multiplayer situation, don't fight alone, bring friends (preferably with bows). =)


  6. Realism is not the key, it is believability. We could make the game realistic by carrying only one unstacked item at a time but that wouldn't be fun, would it?


    Only one unstacked item seems like a strawman, humans have two hands. Also there are backpacks, pockets, belts, pack animals, wheelbarrows, carts, boats, wagons, windlasses, cranes....


    Also, why not pick an argument against realistic ore generation rather than realistic carrying capacity?


  7. Cool! You know i noticed that ores are usually concentrated at levels 130 and 60 (sometimes 90). Is that still going to be the same or should ore veins spawn more randomly?


    Furthermore, is there a relation between the contact of two different rock types and the type of ore vein that spawns? That would be nice, making the search for the right ores more strategic.


    Well I'm only speaking for the mod I'm writing, I'm not sure what the devs have in mind for TFC's future. But yes, I did away with predictable levels and blob veins. I've always wondered if there was a technical reason for having those levels you mentioned, or if it was intentional because it never made sense to me why they would do that. So far I've coded snaky veins that grow and shrink in diameter, have variable density, spawn branch veins, and go in any direction (including vertically). I still have to make a bed-like vein for sedimentary minerals, also thinking about making a vertical kimberlite pipe vein type. This mod implements a seed-based ore regionizer that only allows specific ores to spawn in specific regions in an effort to make ore types sparse relative to one another, we want players on our server to explore and work together and not get red steel within the first week the world goes live.


  8. I'm working on an ore gen mod for our TFC server and I replaced the code that identifies the rock layers using DataLayers with world.getBlockId( x, y, z ) calls instead.


    So instead of (WorldGenOre.createOre() and WorldGenOre.createOreVein() ):


    DataLayer rockLayer1 = ((TFCWorldChunkManager)world.getWorldChunkManager()).getRockLayerAt(chunkX, chunkZ, 0);
    DataLayer rockLayer2 = ((TFCWorldChunkManager)world.getWorldChunkManager()).getRockLayerAt(chunkX, chunkZ, 1);
    DataLayer rockLayer3 = ((TFCWorldChunkManager)world.getWorldChunkManager()).getRockLayerAt(chunkX, chunkZ, 2);
    You may want to use something like this:world.getBlockId( x, oreHeight, z );
    This way you can be certain that the ore vein is generating in the proper rock blocks, in case you think that the DataLayer results are inaccurate.


  9. I would love to see an inventory encumbrance system. Add two extra variables, one for mass and one for volume. When one limit is exceeded, the container (inventory, chest, etc) cannot accept any new items, or maybe have multiple limits that involve increasing walking speed penalties. The number of slots is unimportant as long as the mass and volume limits are enforced, for instance say you put an anvil in an empty chest, although only one slot is used, the chest would be virtually full and unable to accept more items.


    Why have an encumbrance system? Realism. Logistical challenges and restrictions have gone mostly overlooked in Minecraft, but I think they would provide more depth to the experience. Pack animals would be needed to move goods from one place to another, you could implement wooden carts and wagons. Mining could be slowed down as you'd need both a miner and someone to carry the stone and ore to the surface. Get rid of item drops in their current implementation altogether and make a debris system where you are forced to clear the heavy stone that's mined from the tunnel walls or else it will impede your progress in the tunnel. You can implement animal powered windlasses with hide bags for vertical transport of the mining material and a wooden cart/rail system for horizontal transport. Read De Re Metallica (1556) for illustrations and inspiration.


  10. In a B76 server map I found many lapis lazuli blobs in limestone and other non-marble layers nearby. I had tunnels throughout the surrounding area, in all three layers, and there was no hint of marble anywhere. The oregen code is ancient, ore can still generate in vanilla sandstone:

    createOreVein(TFCBlocks.Ore.blockID, 0,new int[]{TFCBlocks.StoneIgEx.blockID,-1,Block.sandStone.blockID,-1},//IgEx and Sandstone, veins


  11. I can sympathize with the OP, TFC is probably the best direction Minecraft could take and it's easy to become disappointed when features don't go your way or when seemingly simple bugs persist for months at a time. The arguments have some validity, despite the language or emotion. How strongly people feel is evidence of how important a mod like TFC is to gaming/Minecraft.


    My advice: move on. If you don't feel the devs are responsive to criticism or suggestions or are too slow, contribute your own mod, or find something else to help you relax after work.


  12. @bitmunks the mod still allows you to use the vanilla TFC arrow recipe and then convert them while you're in the stone age.


    @aeroc I've been having a problem on my server that there is no way to store these bows. chests racks, etc. nothing seems to work >.<


    Yes, that is a common complaint and I should've fixed it. There are storage alternatives, like making a stone anvil, you should be able to store them in there. On our server we were able to craft vanilla trapped chests, and those can store them, but I'm not sure if it's possible without custom recipes. I don't have the time to update the mod, but making the bows compatible with racks is probably the first thing I'd do.


    Will tool racks work with your bows?

    And what's with arrowhead-drops when hitting a living entity? I'd think you could get the shaft back, if any thing.

    Also hitting the same block with multiple arrow cause a glitch.


    Another small thing I found, wiki says willow is a softwood, but it acts as hardwood.


    Let me say there's a couple of thing's in this mod I consider as must have. Like arrow heads and variety of bows.

    It makes knife, saw and bone more useful. And that's a very nice one. Hand plane and glue are great idea. There's a lot of perspective in there like a bunch of carpentry.


    One little thing I don't like that you have to be in metal age to craft arrows. How about a flint hand plane? I shouldn't be hard to implement, a recipe with a lower durability.


    It's been a long time, but I believe the arrowhead drop thing is configurable, and they should sometimes drop whole arrows.


    Does the arrow glitch you're talking about cause arrows to appear stuck in mid-air? If so, then that is a Forge glitch, it happens even with vanilla bows/arrows and Forge.


  13. Hey Bob,


    Do you know who develops the terramobs mod? I cannot seem to find a forum link anywhere (either on MC's main forum or TFC's and I know it was here before). Our server is having some serious issues with crashing and they're all related to Terramobs. Would love to send the dev some crash reports but way to know how to get a hold them!




    I replied, the original thread was hosted on Roanoke's Enjin forum:


  14. Great feedback Bihlbo, I might not revisit the mod for a couple months, I'm currently busy with school. You offered a lot of information that I hadn't considered. I had considered adding different animals to supply horns and a better supply of feathers for the mod, but I ran out of time and wanted to release it. The source code is available if anyone wants to make their own bow mod with mine as their base.


  15. Suggested name: Anomalous snow

    Suggested category: minor

    Description: Rather curiously, during rain weather events above trees, brick blocks, and possibly other blocks, instead of rain there is snow

    Have you deleted your config file and then still been able to reproduce this bug?: Yes

    Note: You need to get fairly close to see this as rain only renders from close proximity. I'm also not sure if it's all trees or not, but certainly douglas fir and ash.

    In B76 they seemed to have stealth implemented snow at high altitudes, your bug sounds a lot like this new feature.


  16. Are you putting the unshaped ingot into the input slot with an empty ceramic mold in each of the output slots? This is what I'm reading when you say "emptying it's contents"

    If that's what you are doing it's not what I meant. Put the unshaped ingot into an empty but hot firepit. The whole item will move back down to the output slot. There is no transfer of the metal from the heating mold to the empty mold. There should be no empty molds involved in the process at all. The unshaped ingot simply gets hot enough, and drops down.

    Got it, thanks, that works much better than what I was doing. I guess what I did could still be considered a bug as it appears to work, but produces a ghost ceramic mold.


  17. everythings good except for the fact that removing the regular javelin would be modding TFC, which isnt allowed by dunk and bioxx. although we can add to it, we cant alter anything made by them (instead, make a javelin upgradable into a lance maybe? more melee but no throwing power?)

    I think a distinction should be made between directly modding TFC code and/or distributing it; and writing completely separate code that modifies TFC objects in memory. If the latter is forbidden then technically my bow mod is not permissible because it removes a couple TFC recipes when the mod is executed. Removal of one of the recipes effectively prevents TFC's own custom bows from being produced with my mod.
