Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Treyflix

  1. Horse Cart and pole drag

    Deer are SO PRETTY!
  2. TFC spawn chest

  3. Emergency Survival Kit

    Survival kit? 1: Red steel sword 2: Blue steel pick 3: blast-fire-gravity resistant block stack. 4: stack of best meal I have 5: water bottle 9: fire resistance meals (I'm paranoid >.>) and a stack of sticks, rocks, and torches in my inventory with a bed too. Anything more is just wasted inventory. I usually bring a specific tool set depending on what I'm doing, no point in lugging all the tools I have everywhere.
  4. Configuration So Everyone Is Happy

    Bioxx has stated that SOME config options will be available once the mod is out of the Beta phase, but right now it makes it far too difficult to track bugs. you never know what config is causing a issue. He has already offered a few, such as year length, but I suspect that is all he is planning on in the near future. Besides, prospecting is not as hard as you think. You just have to be smart about it
  5. Making metal weapons and armor more usefull!!

    Well yeh, I can see that. Noodles kinda stopped posting much too, although I know she is lurking around here some where. JAG has been posting a TON though as well as Leo. I miss having the "super posters" though, not that you guys would post a lot, but you did really high quality posts. JAG and Leo still do that, but without you and eternal... well... no Eternal criticism or Jed tier suggestions... :/
  6. Making metal weapons and armor more usefull!!

    Erm, the only verterans that really died off were you Jed, and Eternal sort of. You both still post though... Taco just came back, and I'm still here right? or am I not a vet? :/ But seriously, You and eternal need to post more. It's kinda been all up to JAG, ECC, and myself to uphold the old standards.
  7. Dark swamp?

    I keeep forgetting about this thread and not replieng to you, sorry haha. No, Left it out in the car while it was really cold, brought it in and there was a tiny little crack. Tried to open up the screen (laptop) and one of the screen support hings just snapped. the freaking "metal" part . I had the money saved up but now I have this trip to belgium (which is more than just the trip, huge opportunity) and its a good hunk of cash so I'm pretty much gonna be broke for a while again. It really pisses me off cause I know what computer I wan't and everything! I just sit there and stare at the web page sometimes... How hard can it be too save up 650$?!!?!
  8. Particles

    This is TFC, grow a pair! also, @ JAG, would those rocks still scan for ore? so basically digging around anywhere with a pickaxe would become a inacurate way of prospecting??
  9. testificate zombies!

    I was so excited about the 1.3.2 update for TFC, I had all kinds of evil plans with for Ender chests and potions, then the nether broke :/
  10. TFCF (Recipe Tracker)

    I think this is over the top. There is a certain point were a aid becomes not in the spirit of TFC, and this crosses the line in the sand. Besides, you can't argue with a game dev as many of you have pointed out to me before. Even if dunk had said nothing though my opinion would be unchanged. This completely de values the chefs job on a server. If any old person can go and look at the meals on that servers seed, then how is the chef supposed to keep their recipies secret and thus profit from them? I don't think this should be done. At all.
  11. testificate zombies!

    In TFC, where the F+ckity F+ck are you going to find vanilla emeralds?
  12. testificate zombies!

    It is indeed possible to "cure" a spawned testificate zombie. but since the neher is broken in tfc, it is impossible to aquire the needed stuff... i think...
  13. Metal Tiers?

  14. My little world

    Nope. You are steve, steve can punch through bare rock givin enough time. Silly for mining, but for gathering a peice of raw stone it is tolerable
  15. Metal Tiers?

    that is correct. the only thing your missing is the bronze alloys. Bismuth bronze is the worst, then rose gold/black bronze don't know which is worse...) and Bronze is the best of the bronze's
  16. Thanksgiving

    I have my own maple grove thank you very much. Tell you what, You keep being awesome and I'll send you some pictures of dem waffles
  17. Artist looking to help out

    High five ASE (thats your acronm now kimble)! 142, wow! I'm curious Thom, what TFC block/item/mob/ect are you looking forward to texturing the most? and least?
  18. Pig Infestation

    Pux could you PLEASEEEE post some screenies of that black desert? that sounds epic!
  19. Thanksgiving

    That depends... what will you give me for that waffle? O.o
  20. My little world

    Pic by Pic play, sounds cool go right ahead! make sure you let us know about EVERY LITTLE THING! >:0 haha. I can't play TFC right now because my computer is broken. it sucks. >.>
  21. Dark swamp?

    Oh yeeeh that's right! You provided me with that lovely swamp. I remember that, I was pretty excited. I was playing on that world when my computer broke T_T (as in PHYSICALLY broke, not like it got a virus)
  22. Thanksgiving

    You know I what I have to be thankful of? I found out I get to go to BELGIUM BABY!
  23. Dark swamp?

    You know what? I never found a good swamp :/ and then my computer broke. and I have not played TFC since O.o It's starting to get old, and I still have a good two months until I get a new laptop...
  24. Or when you sit there and try and figure out why the dog just shit on your boots >.> "Why are you sitting there? PICK UP THE DOG SHIT!" "B-b-but, WHY did it shit on my boots? " anyone? no...? Nvm. ._.
  25. Cubic Chunks in TFC

    You have 699 posts Leo.. You do know if you make CC possible you will be my internet hero right? LEO! LEO! LEO! *No pressure*