Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ECC

  1. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    I have one in the works. Two actually if I can get the pose just right
  2. Wood/Logs

    thats why I suggested falling blocks, not decaying ones. plus... as an added bonus, falling blocks can be made into cheep defenses around your cities. Pit traps are rather useful and by using bad wood you can make use of them inside your home. Suddenly, your house can be safe, at the cost of being condemned!
  3. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    the vanilla blindness and nausea effects would fit well with disorientation form explosives. I've had both at once from a bad IC2 brew and... well, it was unplayable for a solid in game day(Next time people chant 'chug' go the other way)
  4. Wood/Logs

    the issue with it disappearing is the fact this is a SMP mod, and servers, well the ones that are predominantly played on are dedicated and run days on end. If something disappears, you run into issues with the player base calling it a bug, complaining that thier house vanished, and other effects that just drive people insane. I would much rather worry about it collapsing the instant i walk in then having to come back and find it all gone, and a dozen chests floating mid air. also, correct me if im wrong, but it takes YEARS for wood to decay to the point of being unrecognizable except in VERY hostile conditions. this gos for treated and untreated wood. a wood in a condemned house is still there, just liable to fall from under you.
  5. A big 'Thank You' to the Developers

    I fail to kid here, due to this mod I have forgotten how to properly play vanilla. I jump on a vanilla server and find myself punching leaves and looking for stones. That is a feat indeed. TFC is in effect an entirely new game. And people wonder why we bash vanilla
  6. Wood/Logs

    You can reverse wood damage, though the process is usually more costly then its worth and certain points of it is in fact impossible. the faster you catch the damage, the easier it is to repair. Sandpaper can remove the earliest stages, such as damages to finishes and such. tools, similar to knifes can be used to gore out unwanted materials, though it is not recommended. Treating the wood makes it unsuitable for some crafting, though can clean early stage issues and prevent further issues. All in all though, its best to take care of lumber from the start, rather then waste supplies latter down the road when these things become an issue. Wood can be repaired in certain cases, though replacement is usually the easiest method.
  7. Why a forum and not the issue tracker?

    Coming from several other communities, a tracker is generally how bugs are maintained a a forum for the ideas. There is always some crossover between the two, but what you state appears to put you in the light as someone who was born differently to the net. i guess its preference of the staff though.
  8. Wood/Logs

    First, fairly good idea. Watching it evolve, I have one issue and that is decay. yes, I agree that there is a point where the block becomes an issue, but the blocks should not simply disappear. Instead, it should break when walked over somewhat like grass over air. the block should be able to be easily collected and replaced, however the block will continue to fall when stepped on. In its mid-late stages it is unsuitable as a crafting product. Early stages can be reversed, using perhaps a knife, some sand paper, or similar.
  9. Three part food solution!

    Tbh, any bird added should drop feathers naturally rather then on death. ha
  10. Three part food solution!

    Javelins.. I have one issue from them... They bounce off the mob and hit me D: wish they would just stick in the enemy and drop when its killed. Realistic, believable, and No more combat suicides. what about emu's? Perhaps an alternate source of feathers? (I think it was the emu that was a large flightless bird similar to an ostrage)
  11. Agriculture Tweaks

    Psst, dont say the R word here. the wildife tends to... attack. I've got scars to prove it. Plants grow in wild: I just talked about that in the metathread. hahah Inks: Yes, yes, yes. Berries were a primary source of dye if i remember correctly, and charcoal, lead, and graphite was used for marking
  12. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    I support new fence recipes. Rather use my over abundance of willow trees/planks then have to clear a forest of leaves to make a pen for my livestock Plus, as an added bonus, using planks could allow for coloured fences EDIT Lightning AoE damage should be 5-6 meters from its epicenter( X,Z Axis') with NO damage tapering Lightning Considers Mobs/players to add 1(?) block to height Non grounded players ignored(jumping/falling) Creative Mode is Ignored by Lightning(creative mode players are not hit) Vanilla lightning removed, replaced with TFC lightning(Compatibility reasons? I believe that lightning is an entity. Should be fairly easy, right?) Lightning effects blocks directly hit - Bricks-> Cracked bricks - Sand-> Glass(Not vanilla glass, closer in resemblance to obsidian?) - Gravity effected blocks-> falls disregarding supports(reason to move towards building your lightning rods) - Stone-> cobble - Grass-> dirt just a note, Suddenly oceans become VERY bad during a storm. also, would lightning warrant its own thread at this point?
  13. Grass

    I looked at that a while back, wanted it, but it was not updated. Perhaps it can be somewhat integrated in tfc?
  14. Three part food solution!

    Variety, something that of all mods out there this comes the closest. Yet it lacks mob life and mechanics. Im for this. but dont have anything worth adding.
  15. Grass

    Might as well add that the hit box of grass is only the size of placed redstone. I am tired of fighting mobs and getting nothing but seed. also, grass can grow to player height(or higher?)
  16. Creeper Steak (meat for every mob)

    Roasted Creeper, an explosion in your mouth! 5.99 Whatever you do, dont read this out of context
  17. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Knife, Sword, and Mace are considered weapons in the code, and that is why they have the blocking animation and effect. Its not a bug, but a feature. even if it IS a bug, I entirely feel right in saying everything that does not have a right click function should be able to block for both realistic and believability reasons. Shields are another matter, that I will not touch Lightning modification: No, just no. I know several people who have actually been struck by lightning. All of them died instantly and by shear luck were revived. as this is a game, i didn't outright say instant death, despite my knowing exactly what the force does. Believability out the window for this, and hard reality in. I know how much you hate the R word, but this is my argument on why i wrote it as such. I Left, I saw, came back: Bonefires(2x2 structure of fireplaces, has 3(?) slots for cooking/smelting with a single slot under each for finished product. Temperature is multiplied by 1.2(?) and burns though wood at 1.5 times the speed. 6 log queue slots Armor stands: thought as much, decided to add the idea in here anyhow seeing as how that stage of development was going on it appeared to be fitting.Hopefully wont be implemented like risugamis version(MAJOR lag) Shrub life... Well, honestly, I cant see how any tweaks could be made. Wild variants of these plants exist and can be harvested as if from a farm, although usually they are not in good condition as they would be in a controlled environment. I've been in the garden since I was 6mo old, and cant imagine how it could be changed other then seasonal differences and proximity to water/shade/nurturant. Reality aside, its not believable that every seed in game looks the same and comes from a single grass plant. SSP/SMP: Yeah, well, the basic premise was an option to toggle between TFC agriculture and Vanilla. Plants would grow quicker with vanilla enabled allowing a single days(real world) growth-harvest. While this is INCREDIBLY imbalanced, it returns some of the game back into the ssp hands. Not everyone can operate a virtual server 24/7 or for that matter join one consistently enough to gather harvests during the limited time frame they exist Nails: aye, I should hope that they come. My spit is beginning to dry and I have cotton mouth now D:. Storage: still not sure about my own suggestion there. Its a bit iffy and only serves to lengthen the time it takes to operate from start to finish. I may not come back to this. Im just tired of seeing people suggesting back pack mods with this(btw, HIGHLY imbalanced item) when you have more then enough storage to carry several sequoias with proper inv management. leather: Eh, it looked like a small fix. I might post that there, if its not there now already Clay: ah, but that is where your wrong. I have worked extensively with clay and while, yes, it can in many cases hold its own weight, it suffers from any protrusions. Making an arm for example, requires the use of supports. I personally take a cotton swab and a few straws. to retain its shape it does require support. I would suggest that to mimic this it is tweaked that if it is more then 1 block form a walled surface it becomes subject to gravity. So a Lip on a wall is fine, but making it extend father before it dries causes issues. as an end case, i want clay as an early house material. specifically for the first night. Dried clay would not be subject to this and unlike real world clay would be able to be attached to wet clay without any issues. Animals: Well, I have yet to check the newer versions of TFC(still on 50C) so I cant say much on this sadly. As of 50c though, I have watched a pig eat grass by standing entirely still.
  18. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    didnt see this in the OP, sooo, here go's Block with all tools(I mean, come on, I can block with a knife, but not my trusty axe?) Variants of gravel based on surrounding stone(like sand) Falling sand/gravel sounds lightning ignores armor and does 19 damage(alternatively, kills instantly?) Rain takes time to put out fires(no finally a reason to worry about lightning) Poison kills, no more spider eye diets Lightning hits the highest point within 25 blocks of where the lightning would have struck(aka, lightning rods can be made and USEFUL) Bonfires(4 fireplaces together) for ascetics, higher temps, more smelting slots. Fireplaces do damage to mobs/players when lit and stepped into. Armor stands(purely ascetic. Possibly a decorative storage for armor+weapons?) 3 planks in 2x2 grid= Stairs of that wood type Variants of shrub life(wild potatoes/etc actually grow in wild) Server option to toggle year on/off(allows year round agriculture and ends the 'ssp unplayable' threads) Require 'Wooden nails' in some stoneage+ recipes(Well, spit only holds stuff together so long. had to think of something permanent) Reduced player inv(quickbar+ 1? Followed by adding a pack that returns storage to normal?) - Dont know about this one. sounded better in my head Leather used in armor recipes(straps n such) Remove cave ins caused by placing cobble blocks on ceilings - Bug? Ladders can be placed on top of each other(rather then must have a block on its back) Clay affected by gravity Crafted clay blocks affected by gravity Clay drys and becomes a solid building material(Pueblos!) Grazing animation for livestock(like vanilla sheep) Fall damage changed to X=[blocks fallen] Y=[Random value 1-3] (If X > 5 Then: X(y)-5y=[Hp loss]) (you can fall from your 1 story hut and live, beyond that its all about luck Farthest POSSIBLE fall is 24, odds are not in your favor. Smallest fall is 11) - Always bugged me that you could jump 21 blocks and KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that you would survive. thats all for now... Thease are all small, right?
  19. Just make it forge compatible and require ore from this mod and it should be good
  20. please add a download for earlier versions

    It would cut back on the amount of posts asking for this if the site had visible links back to old versions.
  21. [50b] Crash - Seed related?

    Jeds server(last time i attempted to join before more issues caused it to crash) was 50b. Otherwise, I would have simply updated and not bothered to report this unless I found the issue here as well.
  22. Can someone confirm that Clay is working in 50c?

    The bug where clay does not use the right textures might be still around and causing this. clay shouldn't be rare at all
  23. No, its Ms scarlet in the kitchen with the revolver. every time i play the game irl, this is the results.. I swear its rigged.