Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ECC

  1. Connected Stairs

    Tossing my support out there for this simply because of convince.
  2. Piles of stuff

    I want stuff piles. Lots and lots of stuff piles. Imagine what you could do with them!
  3. New tool: The wedge

    except I have taken apart and put together a grandfather clock on the spot. logically, you dont NEED the workbench, but it helps. specially if it has little cups for screws... but its not needed.
  4. Graphical things that TFC could use.

    PR sucks, sometimes stepping back and doing what the post above says and moving to the 'default' answer may help a bit more.
  5. New tool: The wedge

    true, but thats not how its seen. it takes inventory either way, costs enough work to cut a tree(which is a LOT of work when on a old sever map) and generally acts to keep new players from immediately jumping in dagger swinging. its a stopgap item if i am using the term correctly.
  6. Mining and mine carts

    No, I am not a developer, however I sit in the IRC most of the day and for the most part am taking what i learn there, upcoming features, attitudes towards ideas, and relay them. sometimes nicely, other times, not quite. If I am asked to stop by the staff I will stop, until then I will play a little PR.
  7. New tool: The wedge

    'Don't you use the table for building stuff IRL yourself?' Nope, I pick a spot on the floor, bed, couch, in the dirt, ANYWHERE and take apart/put together whatever it is. Honestly, the only reason that mechanic is not in game is because of a spiteful word called 'balance'
  8. Render Distance

    Bioxx was recently trying to do just this(read: within last two weeks, no further word). The chunks would stay rendered at an extended distance but not receive updates. they would be 'false chunks' there was no continued word however so chances are the project may have been abandoned or simply been talk on 'could it be done?'
  9. Boulders Spawn Rate

    we can bring this up again after the next build. till then, im asking this to be locked in the IRC.
  10. Boulders Spawn Rate

    Requesting lock topic: Confirmed and implemented. Source: Boulder spawn rate reduced to 1 in 20 from 1 in 13.(Change log)
  11. Cartography

    lets clear this muck up: the map can and will be generated as a low end copy of the area around you based on where you started 'drawing' it in the first place. this copy can be drawn over by the player to improve it from basic monochrome structures into detailed maps that can if the player so chooses depict roads, towns, ores, and more. most of the work is done by the user, very little is automated. the only bit that is automated is to give some minor use to the device rather then simply call it 'canvas' which is a secondary function of the map item as users can if they want paint on it rather then generate huge maps. before anyone sits here trying to push away this idea because 'automation' was mentioned, would ANY of you, ANY use this item more then a week real life(including non play time) for anything more then doodling your arts or writing notes? Doubt it.
  12. Boulders Spawn Rate

    they should be common around low terrain bordering high terrain, rare around anywhere else(but still there)
  13. Mining and mine carts

    nice idea, however it would not make for overall good play. I am sorry, but I can safely say this will not be happening, or if it does, not in the core game.
  14. thx for doing what I asked so fast and updating the server too you should probably put the server rules and guidelines in the OP too(use spoilers)
  15. for those that need a quote: [21:53] <Exanadu> i posted this on the forum under suggestions. if you like it pls comment and like it. i really want bioxx to consider it http://terrafirmacra...ting-you-added/ [21:53] == Crysyn [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit] [21:54] <Bioxx> something similar is already under consideration this means the topic can be locked as it is already 'confirmed' however, for those seeing this post, please understand dev's, particularly bioxx, change their minds often. just cause its confirmed now does not mean it will be 3 months down the road.
  16. small request: In the server info(that appears client side on the server menu) can you set it to say the version of TFC thats currently installed instead of the site? I feel that would be far more informative as you already link the site here.
  17. Salt Water

    'maybe you would have to sneak in water to simulate bending down to take a drink, and it wouldnt be instant either, it would slowly fill the thirst bar' and you ma'am, got the winning idea of the day. on another note, what should be the methods of 'cleaning' water? aside from boiling
  18. Graphical things that TFC could use.

    I have to say, the ideas are not bad... I mean end product wise the stuff proposed is great and adds to the worlds feel.. However the methods proposed... not all of them I can come to love. Dunk, is this a better way of saying 'stomped' ?
  19. Salt Water

    First list defines generation listings. Second contains separate blocks and mechanics. Water -Fresh --River --Ground --Wild --Lake --Swamp --Volcanic -Brackish --River --Lake --Swamp -Salt --Lake --Ocean Ground water - Ground, Wild - Consumable - Clear Fresh water - River, Lake - Req Boil - Clear, Blue, Green, Brown Fr. Swamp - Swamp - Req Boil - Dark green, Brown, Black, Dark Red Volc. water - Volcanic - No consume - Clear, Red, Yellow, Orange, Green Br. Water - River, Lake - No consume - Clear, Blue, Green, Brown, Dark Red, Black Br. Swamp - Swamp - No consume - Dark green, Brown, Black, Dark Red Salt Water - Lake, Ocean - No consume - Clear, Red, Green, Blue, Dark Red, Brown, Black I am no expert and I honestly do not know what all can be consumed much less the real world colours. However, the separation of each water type is to expand the possibilities for future expansion and give map makers, server builders, and more the chance to clearly define and differentiate between items and tools. having the ability to place a certain colour of water and choose if it can be drank and if it requires certain 'work' to make it consumable can and is a powerful tool. Do not do your typical stomping on this post as even though i propose far more work with this it creates far less work down the road while expanding the mods depth.
  20. this suggestion is a rework from the ground up of geology, mining, and as a result the tools necessary to work in the new environment. this is not asking for a change to the propick, it is asking for a replacement.
  21. oh, AeroC, you got that thread going about your explorations.. if you come across my settlement, please dont blab the directions to or the coordinates. plz?
  22. The Hades Code

    691SlTs95K98nN6To5641Wl5sT5498n569o56S1NlPsT5L99n16To36U15l2sW5591n66So16N1SlTs Enjoy, I effed this one up like you would not believe just to make ditto have a Ell of a time. ;D
  23. Temperature bar

    before you bag on metal armors, steel plate was lined with leather to insulate. keep that in mind
  24. Update the server soon, k? I cant wait to find out how broken things may have become ;D
  25. Horse meat

    it was not a compromise, it was my exact argument the whole time...