Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Palisight

  1. Glitches with Mobs Spawning

    Definately disable MoCreatures (TFC buffed TFC health/damage by ~50 times or so compared to Vanilla) If the custom mob spawner mod requires you to find mob spawners, disable that as well (you can't find mob spawners in TFC) The weather mod sounds like something that might not work (I have no idea what that mod does so I could be wrong) Enviromine has lots of duplicate functionality with TFC, so check the configs to disable conflicting features Other than that, good luck getting your setup to run.....You'll need it
  2. Rose Gold Suggestion

    Well really a Rose Gold anvil is just bad from a educational standpoint. Having a tier 2 anvil teaches people who don't know any better that if you alloy gold with minor amounts of copper you get a anvil equivalent to bronze when in reality it would be weaker than copper From a realism perspective gold is kind of useless for non aestetic or monetary purposes without electricity Of course if you add enchantments, you can give it high enchantibility, or in the case of TFC making it part of Red Steel makes sense
  3. Don't ask what's in the soup
  4. Rose Gold Suggestion

    I think the real question is why do Rose Gold anvils exist in the first place? Gold is weaker than copper, so an alloy 2.3-5.7 gold/copper alloy is going to be weaker than copper Gold is rarer than copper, so a rose gold anvil makes little sense to have even as a tier 1 anvil, let alone as a tier 2 anvil Unless of course its strength is due to magical forces created by the alloy, for some reason
  5. Hmm it sounds like either uberlebender does not realize beds can be broken to ether get back thier raw materials or the bed itself, Or uberlebender thinks that anyone should be able to reset thier spawn at any time If its the former, then break the beds. If its the latter there is no real reason to aknowledge this suggestion as it would make the straw and hide bed obselete. That bed was made to be cheap and easy to make on purpose.
  6. Slow down on animal model details

    I'm not particularly sure why the mobs need to be equivalently detailed. Is anyone going to put a pen filled with bears right next to thier sheep pens and think, wow, those sheep should be more detailed? This is of course assuming the complex models don't have adverse effects on gameplay. Obviously, if the complex models lead to A.I. issues or create exploits (mob attacks too slow for example, or has movement issues), there is a problem. As far as I'm considered, as long is the model maker is also the one designing the animations, they can be as complicated as that person wants (assuming complicated models don't cause gameplay issues) And as a side note, having the "I don't think the models are too complicated" or "I like the new models" choice actually state the models are perfect is probably too strong of a wording. Models can always be improved.
  7. Books

    When I said the devs do not keep the wiki up to date I was referring to Bioxx/dunkleosteus not keeping the wiki up to date They have delegated this task to other people, of which Kitty makes >90% of the wiki changes I was not criticizing the fact the wiki is not updated as much as it could be Of course if Kitty is also considered to be a TFC developer rather than a occasional contributor, then I shouldn't be using the devs phrase to refer to just Bioxx/dunkleosteus and I unintentionally stated Kitty doesn't want to spend the time to keep the wiki up to date Hmm looking at the github commits. Kitty and emris do make a lot of changes...But its a title, which probably means that Bioxx would have to state it for it to be true. Of course he could have stated it and I never saw the statement
  8. Books

    The mod authors and Kitty have stated many many times that TFC is balanced for multiplayer and that balance issues related to single player may occur And a couple of points Books are probably not a good way of transfering knowledge. You come in to the TFC world with nothing but your magical invisible backpack/container or whatever it you want to call your inventory People without tools, clothes, and shelter are not going to worry about inventing paper and books before they unlock thier first tools Even clay tablets, probably the first reasonable source of writing would not be a first week priority, let alone first day The far majority of humans in a society have been illiterate throughout any TFC timeframe. Transfering information by writing makes no sense And making people teach you things would basically result in it making it annoying to teach new playershow to do things. Basically you would be making new players a burden on everyone else and making it harder for them to contribute to a existing server
  9. Books

    Restrictions based off of having to unlock technologies would make sense if TFC was a mod designed for single player But it isn't, so there should be no reason why new tribespeople/townspeople/cityfolk etc would have to "reinvent the wheel" to work on the same technologies everyone else is using It might be a good idea to point out that if ingame instructions were to be provided, such instructions should be implemented after the TFC tech tree is finalized. Otherwise the devs would have to constantly update them to prevent them from being misleading after releases change the tech tree You may have also noticed the TFC devs do not keep the TFC wiki up to date (and yes I know they have delegated this responsibility to other people). The point is, if they don't want to spend the time to keep out of game documentation up to date, do you really think they want to keep updating the in-game documentation?
  10. Books

    Discoverable instructional manuals would make sense if TFC had dungeons with chests (or libraries with bookshelves) that contain randomly generated items If you play multiplayer, people can write them if they want them You can already make a in game diary in TFC
  11. Food Decay to Fertilizer

    Rotting meat attracts insects Using rotten meat as a fertilizer would attract insects to your crops Some of those insects would eat your crops Therefore composting should require decayed fruits/vegetables rather than just decayed food
  12. Health/Injurie Overhaul

    Your suggestion really only makes sense to be implemented after a body part targeting system exists Currently body parts are damaged on a random basis, so a system with body part penalties will only penalize people who happen to be unluckily hit the same body part too many times. If the mod had body part hitboxes, it would add tactical value to hitting body parts (much like Deus Ex 1), but without those it would just punish people randomly for getting hit in the same body part multiple times
  13. Sticks

    You could make charcoal out of bundles of sticks. The question is how many sticks would it take to be a 1 m^3 bundle
  14. Sticks

    FlowerChild is a much better game designer than he is a java programmer. And he spent his career working on games he couldn't stand. Better than Wolves is his masterpiece. He doesn't want anyone else having any sort of say in how his masterpiece is designed From what I`ve seen of dunkleosteus, he’s a better programmer than a game designer. Bioxx doesn`t say much on the forums, so it’s kind of hard to tell where his talents are. TFC needs a lot of work, but seeing how we can`t read Bioxx`s list of things to be implemented we can`t tell if he knows something is an issue and plans to deal with it x releases from now or if he never thought of it. FlowerChild hated when people suggested things he was planning to implement (he wanted to make sure everyone knew it was his idea). The TFC devs don`t acknowledge those occurrences as being a problem. If it personally bothers them, they haven`t said anything.
  15. Sticks

    After looking at the picture of your mining facility, I'm kind of wondering if the reason you have so many sticks is you are using too much wood. You only showed the one picture, but does that mean you actually place logs all over your mines? Unless its a aesthetic choice, is it to prevent cave-ins? If so, do you not know about support beams? And in case you haven't figured out, yet suggestions are fine as long as they aren't suggesting a more accurate propick, NPCs, feces, genitalia, graphic diseases, salt from salt water, or firearms Of course most suggestions aren't likely to be implemented. But you aren't going to be yelled at unless you start posting the above suggestions. People may not like your suggestions (especially if you want the game to be harder), but you won't be yelled at by Kitty
  16. Sugar from different sources (maple syrup, sugar beet)

    Heated (non beer) batter becomes pancakes if you don't combine it with a waffle iron before cooking?
  17. Its pretty clear that the community here is divided between casual sandbox players that don't want obstacles impeding progress and those that want to fight against mobs to survive A obvious solution to the break blocks part of this divide is to utilize the difficulty modes and only allow mobs to break blocks in hard/hardcore modes ------------------------- After reading Kitty's posts in this thread, it seems like this suggestion isn't going to fly (as of right now) even if you remove the reasonable ropeish item requirement. For some reason thatch huts are currently deemed neccesary for first night survival. This seems to be the case of a ridiculous solution being used to a problem because noone thought of a better one So if this suggestion is going to become acceptable (hopefully with the ropeish item part intact), I think someone needs to come up with a realistic replacement material for thatch that would be useful protection against mobs
  18. Dog Sled/horse and carriage

    So basically some people here think the concept of building roads and stairs for your cariages is impracticle
  19. saw mill muti block

    A saw mill requires either mechanical or electrical power. As of right now TFC has neither
  20. Dog Sled/horse and carriage

    Dog sleds would be much more difficult to implement then horse carriages since a 1 horse carriage is believable, but you would need multiple dogs And combining the animals with the sled/carriage would basically be making a new entity. Its much more complicated to make one animal-transport entity than multiple animals-entity. The game would only need to keep track of 1 health/hunger value etc. Of course maybe the devs could come up with a better solution than this that wouldn't have that problem And if teleporting dogs are a problem, the teleportation can be disabled. If you lose your dogs, it is your fault after all.
  21. Compatibility Checklist

    I don't know what other modding communities people pay attention to here. The gregtech community for example used to consider making TFC and gregtech compatible. The amount of effort required to make the combination work made even GregoriousT give up on it. I think it sais a lot that when gregtech was looking to implement a geologically accurate map with 35 ores and 23 rock types a user decided to make his own rather than try to make TFC core work with the rest of the forge mods commonly paired with gregtech People asked Reika for TFC compatibilty, IIRC the awnser was something like what is TFC Its been ~ 1 year since I last checked if Railcraft is TFC compatible. It at least used to be. If that is still true that is one mod that won't require a compatibility patch Besides Railcraft (and possibly other content mods I didn't think about when writing this post), content mods will require compatibility patches (such as the TFC-BC crossover addon) to be TFC compatible. Those patches (if they are to exist) will have to come from the TFC community My posts in this thread are not attempts to influence the development of TFC. They are stating facts. As long as the devs don't have a problem with these facts, there is no problem.
  22. Pig's, Horses, Dog's Wont have babies

    Your year length is supposed to be a multiple of 12 days i.e 48 is fine (albeit really short) 96 is default. If you want default, use 96 360 is the closest setting to Earth
  23. Dog Sled/horse and carriage

    Making blocks only transportable by cart would prevent you from from carrying them, which means you couldn't place them. I think what you (meaning eccentrus) want is carrying capacity based off of weight Mind you TFC has several unique storage solutions (toolracks, ingot piles, wood piles) etc. that make entities carrying items for you much more difficult Storage donkeys/mules/minecarts are normally the solution for playable weight mods. These involves storing heavy items in chests
  24. I'm going on a limb and guessing the game crashed before you could load your save in 1.7.10, so that may not be your problem You might want to use MCEdit to delete a skeleton located at 1225.50, 2.00, -5512.50
  25. Compatibility Checklist

    The current end goal of TFC is to make steel. Now if you are playing in a competitive server against other players, this works as you can compete to get better equipment before they do If there is no PvP involved there is really is no point to the end goal of TFC. Ok you get red/blue steel, which gives you magical buckets. Yep thats pretty much it There are no areas of TFC that you need > copper tools for. There are no non-player enemies in which you need even wrought iron equipment to defeat. The best parts of the game are "I made my first pickaxe" and "I have steel". The first opens the world of mining. You really only get to the second one for non PvP reasons because it is fun to get there TFC is the WIP cool world generation mod and the best early game tech tree mod out there The devs have mentioned possible end game content. They may get around to that at some time in the future. They may not. That is up to them. If they aren't going to, then having other mods provide end game content is really the only option. Otherwise they created a mod where the end goal is raw materials in which you really can't do much other than make rail networks. ---------------------------------------------- RE: Tsuarok Point 3: Strongholds aren't actually neccesary (although that is one way to do it). As long as there are ender frames and ender pearls, people can get to the end. Ender frames could be made craftable (presumedly including materials found in the nether) Point 4: Any overworld biome mod will require compatibility patches to modify the mod biomes. Unless someone has a brilliant idea that can prove this statement wrong