Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by capt_slowpoke

  1. I have so far not been able to get CTM to work with any of the stuff from tfcraft which is kind of pointless as there's basically no more vanilla blocks left. See further up in this thread. I will theoretically get around to doing animated water textures at some point, but I used to use the water shader thing so I never did them. I also don't mind the vanilla water.


  2. barley can go in vodka too! Hell, all the grains we have can be fermented and distilled if you want to get real in depth with it.

    ...with some baking yeast, ...

    Oh god my brother did this once. Do not do this. Holy shit is it bad, one guy took a sip of it and immediately got a migraine. It's OK for fermenting something you're not going to drink like pokeberry juice for ink.

  3. this is a pretty damn simple and elegant solution that could potentially be improved upon, like putting weird stuff in the brew to make potions similar to how the vanilla potion making originally was gonna work. On the subject of RL meatbeer, I think that it would rot before it fermented. Now making an infusion in some neutral grain spirits might be a better idea. Like put some sausages in a bottle of everclear.


  4. If anything is boring it's waiting on sluices. That and having to constantly click the bellows when you're trying to smelt something higher tier (not that I've found anything beyond copper in at least two dozen builds because I keep regenning the world. )


  5. I just recently noticed that almost all of the sand and gravel in tfcraft is under water; if not the ocean floor. Every now and then you find a handful of sand next to the shore, but it's usually never more than one or two blocks in. It would be nice to have beaches like vanilla so it's less annoying to dig them up to use in a sluice, it also looks nicer. The closest I've seen to a beach in forever have been these really little desert isles that pop up sometimes out in the middle of the ocean. Posted Image


  6. remember, anything here would necessarily require the workbench ONLY to craft. I cant think of a TFC method to craft a jade wall. lol

    How about, now this might sound crazy, putting nine of them in the crafting grid!

    I'd like these stones to be put in as tfcraft stones: Posted Image


  7. We really don't even need clay for every stone type, I'd be happy with just red, brown, yellow, white, and whatever else natural colors clay comes in, plus additional colors for glazed items. Glazing would really only apply to stuff you were going to be able to place, (bricks, jars maybe?) making different looking items that are just going to sit in a chest or in your inventory all the time is kind of pointless. I would love to have almost everything be placeable as an item, but that would probably require a shitload of block IDs.

    Stuff that was historically used as a glaze was salt, and cassiterite off the top of my head. Basically you could use the same stuff you'd use to color glass with that I typed up a big post about in the glass thread.

    Wedging is a pretty necessary step for real clay, but I can't see it as translating to anything but a busywork stage gameplay-wise, which doesn't really do much other than waste time.

    Clay is already it's own block pretty much, but I don't know why it's textured as each individual dirt with a clay overlay instead of like the ores that are overlaid over the rocks. It would probably simplify things to have some different clay colors on each one instead of a single clay on a bunch of different dirts.

    Placeable jar containers would be cool. something that only holds little items like seeds for instance. I was thinking something like this but with a bunch of different colors and a texture that doesn't look like crap, like maybe glazed ones with a wavy line down the middle like in Link to the Past.


  8. I use optifine, but only for random mobs because the original randommobs is long abandoned. I'm not sure what the deal is with the hoe/chisel thing, I'm looking into it.

    e- Fixed, I couldn't find them because the white icons weren't showing up in the picture viewer. hurf.


  9. TL;DR I suggest a complex system (possibly a little too complex) of glassworking and how colored glass could be made using materials that already exist in tfc.

    To get back on topic and provide some actual content, here's my take on this idea.

    Let's say you make a block for a glass furnace:

    Posted Image

    1- this is where your fuel goes, pretty self explanatory and works like the firepit, except you can also use coal if you don't want to sit there forever waiting for your stuff to melt.

    2- this is an optional idea, wood burning could produce ash in the output slot where the slag used to go in the firepit, (could even re use the sprite) which has other uses detailed later

    3- this is where your sand goes, any sand would work.

    4- an optional idea, ash could be refined into potash in a metal cauldron (perhaps going along with the hearth idea somebody else had, this would make glass copper age technology though) Potash has additional uses as fertilizer. (actually its primary use nowadays)

    5- limestone, marble, dolomite, as detailed in ejzzje's post, for your lime. Or we could just use the already existing flux item, as it's pretty much the same stuff (Though I don't know if you can make glass with borax?) Adding a peice of ore here would change the color of the glass as well.

    6- your blob of glass. When the ingredients get hot enough, they render down into this. It's essentially useless by itself, like a metal ingot.

    7- anvil style interface, but instead of using an already hot ingot it just uses the blob that we just made from raw materials. This would give the scribing table an additional use, especially if glass is a later tier tech. There's no margin of error, as there wouldn't be a durability on items like tools have, so the drawback to not being able to hit the mark exactly would basically be wasted time (something TFcraft has you doing a lot)

    8 - this would be the annealing chamber, where the hot glass items go to cool. your blob gets converted into this and moved here automatically. Glass items taken out too early would shatter into (semi)useless pieces.

    9 - clear glass pane, made by adding galena to the melt. Other objects like a glass cauldron or a placeable jar to hold water in your house with were some other ideas I had, more decorative items would be nice.

    10- light red pane, made by adding copper. Ideally we could have colored glass with alpha transparency, I don't know how feasible that is though. I know other mods have done it in the past, so hopefully it isn't impossible.

    11- broken glass, gotten from taking an item out of the furnace too soon, or possibly by breaking other glass items with a hammer. This can go in the input slot and get recycled into another blob.

    A few tweaks I'd like to see:

    - Breaking glass panes drops the damn item instead of it vaporizing. This is a really irritating 'feature' from vanilla, and there's basically no gameplay reason for it. It exists solely to annoy the player in case they mis-click. Breaking it with a tool could yield the broken glass item as well. For anybody who argues "hurr durr glass breaks realism;" if you're going that route, glass is essentially infinitely recyclable, you just use fuel to melt it back down again.

    - Glass with proper alpha transparency instead of binary like it is now, as detailed above

    - Glass bottles placeable as an actual object (kind of like Terraria). With real alpha transparency you could just use the same texture as glass panes for it. Something like this maybe: Posted Image

    - More decorative glass items in general would be nice as well, jars, glasses, stuff like that. maybe even bowls and flatware? TFcraft has more decorative options than any other mod I know of, why stop at stone blocks? Obviously not a super high priority.

    - with this system panes would be made as a single item, make a block from six of them.

    - being able to place panes horizontally

    As usual, I can provide any graphics for this.
