Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Leosallespoli

  1. It has been awhile since I've last posted here, that's because I was dedicated in making a game in unity, programming in c#, just to challenge myself. It is still very-very WIP, but I'd like to show it off a bit. When and if I have a playable game I'll publish at least the webplayer here, if people like'd it. :)

    How would you survive if the society had crumble? Would you build a shelter, arm yourself, use science, uncover the history or hide in a hole? All of this should be possible for the player to choose, not to be tied to classes or to a skill tree but only by pure choice, of course there is a development of your skills but they won't restrict what you can do.

    For now there is no backstory or plot, but it will have.

    The main features, up until now, are:


    Pick items and craft however you want, of course not every craft is functional, you can't put a lamp in a hammer and expect it to emit light. For now crafting is tied to nodes, you can only connect them, in the future you will be able to attach them in the available surfaces.


    Pick items and place them where you'd like, want to barricade the doors? Do it, because doors can break.

    Breakable scenario

    Doors, windows, fences they can all be broken by force.

    One of the main objectives of this project is to be very moddable, any user should be able to create his own addons for the game by filling a file and making a model, and if he wants to he can also make his functions for the items he makes through C# programming. The other is to give the feeling of "I've made it through the day/night"! Imagine something in the line of Project Zomboid meets Garry's mod. In the current state is only easy to make items for the developer, I will make the config files soon.

    This is a project I've been working on for about a month now, including learning how unity works, I was only used to only work with Java and basic OpenGL programming, so at first it was a bit of a challenge, I'm was only worried with gameplay and features so that is why there is no good models or surroundings.


  2. Awwwww Maaaan.

    I'm starting to actually get an audience, which means I have to do things like set up idle screens, and consider the possibility of a face cam.

    More importantly you should post your channel on the OP, I don't see it.

    Btw face cam??? 0.o


  3. ok i dont know if it do to someting with forge or what but win i played this on 1.2.5 minecraft i got around 30-80fps with optifine and now i cant move more then 3 feet befor a lag spike from the nether and i dont know what to do

    4gb ram

    win 7

    2.5ghz 4 core proser

    4gb vid ram

    i am going nuts on this as i like this mod but dont know what to do if eny 1 can help me please send me to where i need to go

    if 1.2.5 had the food and water bars i still play that 1



    You should use java7 for 64bits and increase the use of ram if possible


  4. Here's my firepit array. Seems to me 32 logs produce on average 12 charcoal. It usually takes around 23 charcoal to smelt 20 ore in a bloomery. In a firepit, it's possible to cook tier-0 metals with a nearly 1:1 log to ore ratio, so it's much more wood-efficient than a bloomery. However it does require more attention and much clicking, compared to a bloomery. Each firepit has two stone anvils for ingot storage.

    Posted Image

    And here's my gem-production facility. 24 dispensers dispensing sand into 24 sluices at the touch of a button. I contemplated adding a 25th dispenser that would act as a clock by dropping a waste item onto a wooden pressure plate which would activate the 24 dispensers, and when the waste item despawns it would dispense a new waste item to make the system automatic. You can also automate the production of small ores if you place the sluices on top of your desired ore, but small ore is not fuel-efficient to smelt. And it seems not all ores show up in a sluice. Gold and limonite seem to show up in the sluice, but galena, hematite and magnetite don't seem to generate in the sluice. Still have yet to try garnierite.

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    And you work on all of this by yourself or you play MP?


  5. Actually thats the language I was using. The meaning I was going for was "Burning Earth"

    Maybe you should have gone with the verb 'ardeo', incendia means like a when a house catches on fire, for the occurence of the fire, 'ardeo' is for the burning.


  6. This is not cubic chunks but allows HUGE height maps, although lag is a major here. What it does is it creates layers of world gens, so you got the vanilla gen and a world on top and bellow it, the problem is that it is generated at the same time and with different world gens.



  7. I am quite the game-freak, I love games, I really do.

    Let's see if my personal case helps a bit to clear out this: Around 2 years ago, i discovered one of my still favourite games: Amorphous+. Today, i started playing again. There are 110 achievements in this game, the objective being to get them all; right now, i have 70. And no, it's not an easy peasy game, it can be as hard as hell : (test it out by yourself if you don't think so).

    I thought I was the only one that freaked out about Amorphous+, I got like 90 achievements and lost it all from switching up PCs... A great game indeed.

    I have had gaming obsessions, but not with games i like to try and beat in an hour.

    Bethesda got me hooked in '92 with Elder Scrolls: Arena. My veins flowed with Mountain Dew for weeks! And i mean weeks!

    i had never seen a game with such depth.... and then Daggerfall came out....

    Elder Scrolls is a great franchise, but I thought the biggest achievement in those series was the ability to "craft" your own spell, wich got lost in Skyrim... Too bad.

    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

    My childhood... 'nough said.

    I have also sunk hundreds of hours into the Bethesda Fallouts and TES: Oblivion and Skyrim. I would say at least 600-700 hours over all of them, if not more. (I really need to try TES: Arena and Daggerfall, and Morrowind too I guess, I just need to actually do it. :))

    Oh, and I got to the point in Pokemon Ruby where I could beat the elite four with a single pokemon (a level 100 dodrio). Sadly, this game got stolen from me by a little prick who when I tried to get it back wouldn't give it to me because I was "too old" for it. I was 12 (he was only 10 or 11) and a gamer, why would I have been too old for it? Anyways, the only way I could've gotten it back was to literally fight him for it, I always regretted not doing that... (Now this kid is a natural con artist, figures. -.-)

    I may have never had a game I could beat in an hour, but I have definitely had games I have sunk insane amounts of time into. (There are more than I have talked about here too, I' just too lazy to list them all. :P)

    (It goes without saying, that I have been (and am) obsessed with Minecraft, in about a year now I've racked up hundreds of hours... No game has gotten me that hooked before, except for Skryim. :P)

    Bethesda has great games indeed, but Fallout was great until the third one which is just meh... Pokémon is an outstanding series, a trully amazing game, good little stories and addictive.


    My first obsession. Played Red, Blue, Yellow, Card Game, Card Game (the GB game), Gold, Silver, Pokemon Snap, Sapphire/Ruby, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black, White2. Most of them, as you can see. I love the math behind the scenes in these games. EV training has always been enjoyable for me.

    The Sims

    A friend in middle school got me into The Sims and I am terrified to think about how many hours I spent just building and decorating houses.


    Started in Burning Crusade, top healer and general theorycrafter on server, switched to mage in Wrath, top mage until I quit playing. Played off-and-on with Cata


    Used to play for hours and hours on end doing nothing in particular. All my friends stopped playing though.


    ~400hrs of gameplay, every item in game, nothing left to do

    I haven't really been obsessed with a game since then. It is actually a little depressing at times. I miss having a game that I enjoy so much that I can sit down and play it for an entire weekend.

    Terraria made me sad when I got to the point I haven't nothing else to do...

    GTA series was good, not great for me.

    The sims, when I played it I felt bad for myself... My sim had more accomplishment in his little life than me in my whole life...

    the halo franchise, mass effect series, COD black ops (and no im not a codfag, thank god) prototype, loads of games i havent listed that i put loads of time in, but there was 1 game i was always the best at:

    James Camerons Avatar (wtf right?) basically, its a 12 v 12 (quite dead now) shooter/stealth/skillbased pvp with epicl evel design, 50 points limit per match, i ALWAYS racked up 20-0 + scores every game, and there were some GOOD players among that :D i think its because i never rushed at start, i ran forward, and stopped right before the usual clashing point, where either team wins, and if the enemy won, i could pick them off just fine :D

    COD and BF are great in MP, SP is just sad... Are like tutorials for MP...

    I have to add some games here:

    Harvest Moon, until it got to PS2, skip that.

    Uncharted Waters, snes, trully beautiful game, done an amazing job at exploring, trading and meeting NPCs.

    Borderlands 2, borderlands 1 was good, but the second is AWESOME! Great story, amazing characters... Awesome

    Diablo series, even the third one got me hooked.

    Witcher, great story and the second one has trully amazing graphics. Gameplay wise is meh...

    X3, F**k YEAH, whatever you want from a space sim game is there.

    Space Empires 5, had this feature where you could design your ship however you wanted and a nice science tree.

    Crysys, well... Great game, and inspired a lot on new games.

    Rage, Amazing surroundings and the AI/movement of enemies is great.

    Prototype I like the concept.

    Guitar Hero got me a girlfriend...

    Far Cry 3, great game, is like a revival of tomb raider.

    Project zomboid, has a good premise, the RC3 promises a LOT.

    Dwarf Fortress, the Fortress got me so amazed, how it inspired the new generation of games and all... is just awesome.

    Heroes of might and magic, until the 4...

    I shall add more when I remember


  8. Honestly, I hate BC and IC2 (I liked IC1) thats why I have no intention of making patches for them. If Eloraam has a problem with me making a patch I will cease all production on it.

    I also wouldent do adfly or anything like that so Im not breaking the law anyway so I dont see the problem.

    Not because of the license, just because it's open source and more accessible.


  9. You should have posted when/if you do have something to show, but I got to admire the attempt... Such a Huge hole between mods...

    I like your idea, you should try that. Thaumcraft 3 is open source, but beware of RP... maybe try BC before messing with RP since it's open source too.


  10. if you can give me the details I can animate stuff as well. Hell I may have some sprites already done that might work

    You should use the standard particles sheet in particles.png, each sheet should have 16x16 textures.


  11. guys can i translate this as, killster550, run the f*ck away before you are completely obliterated by this evil woman?

    Nah... that was just an advise, if she wanted to get rid of you, well, you wouldn't post again... ever...


  12. The major force that moves continents and plates is the slab pull and ridge push, it was thought that only convection affected the movement of plates, but it does not even begin to explain measurable velocities like these.

    So, when there is pull apart there is passive margin, when they encounter each other it can be a forearc basin (oceani x oceanic) or a foreland basin (oceanic x continental or continental x continental)...

    I think I got all the oceans covered with this.


  13. Posted Image

    This is Sumatra, you can see where the oceanic plate hit the other one. Japan is like this also, but there are 3 plates colliding against each other.

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    And look where the 3 plates converge... you know that place, right? Tokyo, a great place to live...


  14. Since people want to get back ontopic I'll give some info I've learned throughout my basins course.

    Oceans are formed through the development of a mature rift (rift being the crustal thinning by normal faults)

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    When the asthenosphere rises, it makes the crustal heat gradient bigger, with this the crust is easier to deform so if this process continues then the plate gets a big crack.

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    And with the rise of the asthenosphere and the normal tensions the sides are pull apart, separating both sides and giving space to the rock from the asthenosphere to take its place, cool and be a part of the crust (the ocean is the youngest part of the crust).

    So this is basically how oceans are made.


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    Yup, the ocean is pretty much stitched up like a ragdoll

    So, when continents are far apart they become passive margins, they are really stable, no tectonism on them, dull...

    But, because they are moving from the ridge push, eventually they can hit another continental plate, like what happened to India, the Himalayas arose from that collision

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    Btw, they were fast! insanely fast for a plate, like 5cm a year, fast!

    But if there is no continental crust on the plate that is moving? Well, every oceanic plate has a due date, about 150million years, that is when they get old, they cooldown, start getting some weight and then they crack open and go under itself.

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    And form island arcs.
