Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Leosallespoli

  1. Wasn't 1.0.0 still a test version or did I read it wrong in his thread? I don't know if picking a more stable version is any better or not, since all I want to know is how the chunks are rendered and the differences in coding between cubic chunks and vanilla minecraft.

    I'll respond to this later, since I have to get to class now, but just as a quick response: Cubic chunks are rendered as normal chunks, the thing is in how they are stored and manipulated, the problem in rendering them is in this manipulation.


  2. Starting to learn java now in my free time, I might be able to accept this challenge when I learned enough, which is probably in another month or two. I have enough free time anyway, for now.

    I would appreciate any help!

    Actually it is in 1.0.0 the last version...


  3. True, it can take a while if you don't know how to do it. And the base classes can help teach how to make world gen. I never looked too much into MC code though. I was just estimating the time needed based on my avid work in python and basic knowledge of Java. I would gladly write out the code, but I really need some practice on modding MC. I know the code is large and complex, but also I have figured a simple algorithm tied into a complex decoder would take about a month of 3-5 hours a day to make the basic skeleton and have a working prototype. If you could show me a good MC modding tutorial series for 1.4.4, I'd gladly try and help make the code.

    For 1.4.4 there is hardly any, but wuppy's is a good start, although if you want to get in deep with the code the best way is to read it, tutorials only go so far as to give basic tools for little mods, you know what I would like to do? I'd like to make a big flow chart to figure out where everything is going, I get confused sometimes and forget my train of thoughts so this would help me do it, interested?

    btw, you want to get on with hardcore world gen, so read

    And the best one:


  4. so why is stone forming?

    Just to prove it can. It can access World.class, so for example when leaves fall they form a patch on the ground.

    This effect is caused by the particles hitting the block.


  5. ... Comparing from what i know, i can say that the difference between european and latin portuguese is pretty similar to the difference between european and latin spanish ._. To the point where i'm suspecting all the difference is caused by Spain's influence in Portugal ( i mean, come on, Portugal is sorrounded by Spain... and the ocean, but there isn't a cetacean-ish language their portuguese could get influenced by, is there?)

    I would say that it has to do much more because of the arabic inffluence, both countries were under the dominance of the moors for a real long time, many portuguese have a darker (more red) skin because of that. And their language is filled with nasal sounds


  6. Ya know I've always heard that portuguese sounds like spanish spoken by someone with down syndrome...

    My aunt confirmed this, and she is portuguese.


    Heeeeey, that may be true for portuguese from Portugal.


    It is very different. They sound like they have lisp or something....


  7. and one cannot simply, like TFC itself, create base classes that leave anything required for anvil behind in order to plant CC on said base classes? (remember, you're talking to a programming moron but i do know my TIDBIT around computers themselves, just not programming :D

    I think that was what I've said... Not sure... You have to leave anything that is tied to the regular chunks behind and recode it, that was a way that Bioxx implemented to generate TFCs worlds, they don't use regular vanilla code they are custom made for it, but this is way bigger, because it affects much more, it affects how the game behaves (I'm still trying to figure out how much of it has to be changed).

    I am not a programmer also, I'm a petroleum engineer undergraduate, I do some programming stuff but it is much more because I have interest in it than because I'm good or because I study it, I do study but not in the same way a real programmer would.


  8. Gotta see it working. Send me another link to a vid with your most recent version

    It is the last one I've send, the changes I've made would not be perceivable even in video, I've made possible to link to a file, so there can be an infinite amount of textures for the particles, with this animation is as near as it can get! :D

    I would need someone to make a short gif or a tile so I can animate it!

    Any other input on the path?

    Edit: Oh.. and by the way... that thing I told you about, I tested

    It is unknown the effect on smp... I just don't know... But my guess (Is freaking bold for a good reason) is that it will behave properly as intended because only the rendering is client side... updates are server side, right? So this got me all excited about somethings I want to talk with you about.


  9. hmmmmm, and there is no way to reduce the amount of base classes by combining i guess (i am absolutely shitting out of my eyes right now) wouldnt there be a way to make the TFC NOT use anvil? or has the anvil thing (dunno what it even means) become mandatory for any minecraft atm?

    The anvil was a conversion to allow 256 worlds. It is mandatory as far as I can tell, for tfc to be able to create cc worlds it would have to circumvent regular generation and storage, in short terms, it would have to be another game inside minecraft, so it wouldn't change base classes because it is not using them, got it? well, you can imagine how much work would have to be done for this to happen....... But surely would be cool!


  10. shortly read it, basically notch goes zerk because of shadows.....i dont even USE those things so why the FUCK would anyone care about shadows be4 the mod implementation, just begin working on the lighting effect after it -_-

    If I know a thing or two about the history of MC, shortly after they made the anvil world that made CC stop, spout has ambition to make a cc world but it isn't finished yet. The problem with is that now there are too many classes tied to how chunks are handled, freaking too many... So the people who know how it can be made, make another game entirely, making a voxel game isn't that hard, but there is much content in minecraft now... We will see.. I need to study much more...


  11. Leo, you are mankinds only hope, rest assured the rewards will be big, every possible server, including minecraft itself will use your mod once its stable, so go, for humanity, show us that modding is something else than making a different type of game, show that its also improving the very game in its core functions.

    but uuuh, no pressure :D

    Haha, yeah, it would be cool, but Notch said "NO F**KING WAY WE WILL SUPPORT IT" maybe not with those words... but close enough.


  12. K, correction noted. meh, I never got past coding basic blocks. I was told some time ago tile entities were used for advanced data keeping.

    For basic coding yes, if you don't want to add things to the code and only handle mc data then yes they have other options of data to handle, but I wouldn't call it more advanced, there are some really advanced code in some blocks... The best use I know for Tile is handling GUIs...


  13. In spanish is "Sur de America", but other than that yeah, you are right :P

    Sur.. haha that's funny, is like a "caipira"(redneck) saying sul...


  14. tile entities can be used to store advanced data as well. also, this: http://terrafirmacra...dpost__p__29008

    rudimentary version of what I am now thinking, but still a version all the same.

    You could store the same data in a block... Tile entity work as an entity that looks at the block, they store that data in order to be outside of the block, I don't know a better way to describe it other than saying that they are kindda like the soul of the block.................... a meta block... ah... maybe Dunk can be clearer on this one...


  15. and then comes someone running on CC explaining how the entire universe works in 0.1 milliseconds, demonstrating the increase in speed and awesomeness of your game (btw, if that height limit goes above 5k, you'd have beaten any previous mod so far, plus that'd generate HUGE attention: the mod that keeps going up :D (or down, change depth level and create some REAL cavern systems :D)

    If you wanna help and have mcp installed and running......... you coooould help. But Bioxx is not going to look into that, forget it.


  16. Corpses could have a similar check as with Vspawners. 'If X is in this region, dont spawn any more'

    I Like the idea, but aside from aesthetics, I really dont see a point.

    A thought on how to avoid using a new mob, use two blocks side by side that use the skin database textures. Tile entities would work for this, right?

    Tile entities don't have that purpose... They are mostly used to call for GUIs and blocks that have an interaction with the environment... Like a piston or a chest...


  17. If you have an infinite loop of creating new entities eventually the server will lag itself to death

    I don't think this is the real issue, even if you die over and over, a good code could handle it... But making a tomb or corpse, whatever, is just too much for too little... There is no real advantage or feature in having a tomb there with your name...

    The feature would be having mobs spawn from there, but it is not quite how minecraft handles mobs... well, yet, anyways, and besides, mobs are getting reworked with other features


  18. hahaha I know. You're still the one looking into it :)

    Bioxx and I gave up, so it's up to you. (a lot of pressure, but try anyway)

    Truth be told I was looking into other stuff, the whole anvilworld had good intent but dampered some good projects in the high worlds side, Bioxx seems to have high projects into forge so that nullifies a couple of options... yet there is hope, let's see what the next months holds...


  19. I was meaning, have that for the first chunks, then simulate the rest of the chunk tectonics using a complex formula.

    It may take at least a month to code and 2 to bug fix.

    Oh... you have NO idea, right? I don't know a better way to say this, but do you even know perlin noise? Surely I'm not doubting you know how to program, but have you tried to make a world gen?


  20. "complex formula"

    any suggestion that requires us to sit down and work out an efficient formula or algorithm for generating land on the fly shouldn't have been suggested....

    It may take at least a month to code and 2 to bug fix.

    Oh... you have NO idea, right?
