Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by renadi

  1. Clay texture not working?

    Anybody else think maybe clay should be just around most every coastline?
  2. Question about the future of the mod...

    I personally would want a magic line just as much as the industrial one, ic and buildcraft although seem pretty much magical to me, all the automation without programming, thankfully tfc has the precedent for building structures that serve greater purposes rather than just a little magic box that creates quarries for example.
  3. This is tactical melee combat ! Age of Chivalry

    You could also look at Mount And Blade for inspiration, so far as I can tell Chivalry's is about the same basics.
  4. Decaying Food Continued

    And get accused of necroing a thread, you really can't satisfy some people. lol but anyway, more relevant, is there a good thirst mod still out there for the last couple versions? The one I'd liked has seemed to have development dry up.
  5. Stone Anvil Problems

    I've ended up just cheating because when I place a Stone Anvil from creative it works. >_< I really wish this would be resolved.
  6. Scorched ground

    This is my opinion, if you're not adding a feature because of ''griefing potential'' it's likely hampering the game, just give us ways to defend ourselves, make fire spread slow but exponentially, give us a way to fight it and we'll be even stronger for it.
  7. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    On the flip side there's no reason for conflict if your foe has an invulnerable city, it just wouldn't happen, and i think that is something bioxx wants to happen. We need some way to reinforce an area that can still be taken down from the outside, I think what we'll really need in the end is some kind of npc defenders to man the walls so you can't just sit with a pick for 4 hours if that's how long it took.
  8. Indestructible Stone

    I kind of agree, but in my opinion the design goals were to make the game more exciting, being 100% trapped in a hole, not that exciting.
  9. old version of tfc

    Most decent long term servers will most definitely not update constantly lol if anything they'll delay as long as possible, just in the last week there have been a few versions, if they'd changed during anything but the most recent one the game seemed to be practically unplayable in one way or another. I think it's probably a safe thing to update now, but I wouldn't put this up on a server that was hosted for anything other than close friends who were aware of the issues.
  10. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I'm very much against any block like this, it's very immersion breaking for all it's benefits and I think it would be better established by the way it works in the real world, jails aren't made of a magical substance, and they work here just fine, we don't need to make new systems we need to better replicate systems that do exist. We need a way to physically take control of another person, and a way to lock doors behind them. they expand anyway just without protections I'd assume, you'd just have to manually protect them with your citizens instead of using the walls.
  11. Mods you use alongside TFC

    I'm looking into getting Ropes+ and probably multimine to see how well they work, ropes+ seems to be a great fit with TFC. edit: Ropes+ poor choice, the rope arrows require flint and rope on it's own isn't nearly that useful.
  12. Mods you use alongside TFC

    From what I gather redstone exists from cinnabar? but how to get it I'm not sure. and it might be worth it adding computer craft just to see piles of turtles in caves. x] Mo' Creatures theoretically works, but because sea level is so much higher I've been told the creatures don't actually spawn, not sure why that would be, you wouldn't think they'd have a max height but that's what I've heard.
  13. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    I don't hate the technic pack it provides a standard, however arbitrary, for servers, functionally I like it very much, but I definitely respect those whose opinions differ and wouldn't feel any reason to argue bioxx's decision, the magic launcher is what I use, it's super easy to use, just a little more fiddly than Technic Pack's download and go, and if you're still frustrated trying to install mods manually definitely give it a shot.
  14. Mods you use alongside TFC

    It's been posted before, but I'm definitely curious what people say today, most mods I consider using have one or two problems that just makes them noncompatible, either lacking smp, requiring different terrain generation or using recipes for items that you can't obtain legitimately in TFCraft. I'm also looking for things that would enhance the realism of it, I'd consider Better than wolves if getting to the nether was realistic, and I've heard people use railcraft quite often, but getting it to work may pose a hassle.
  15. I'd say only perfectly forged tools should be reclaimable, give them a little extra value even than what they have already.
  16. A Question of Motivation Relating to Trade

    Again, Not saying doing anything at all to ssp, never once ever. Are you replying to the right post?
  17. A Question of Motivation Relating to Trade

    I'm not suggesting we burn ssp, I'm not saying it's unneccesary, I'm really not saying anything about it, but SMP is priority according to bioxx even. I'm not putting down ssp I'm defending not making smp worse for it's sake.
  18. Blacksmithing Changes

    Well, division of labour I think is a great thing, you can dabble in everything on your own but to join a society you should provide some personal unique benefit.
  19. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I don't think I should be expected to read 35 pages of posts before posting myself, and if these things have been mentioned before then I support them.
  20. A Question of Motivation Relating to Trade

    I disagree completely, to improve smp does need these or everyone might as well play ssp. bioxx has said that SMP will be the primary goal, it's not a branch off, ssp is a practice mode for smp. This was always what minecraft was about and TFCraft as well, it was always intended to be a group game and playing it alone is just practice.
  21. Siege weapons

    I love this idea, but I think with it blocks, or at least the construction blocks having a certain health will have persistent damage, right now if a block doesn't break in a single hit it is in no way affected, I don't think that would accurately or in a fun way affect a siege scenario.
  22. Gem Cutting

    Personally, I'd prefer if the only gems we got naturally were small, medium, and large, and then you had to cut them to get the variety we have now, of course how it's done I have no idea. lol
  23. Trade (A Totally SMP Suggestion)

    I've heard a couple people say they use this mod to do carts and I think it's really well done, if you look at the inspiration there are larger carts that could carry more items, something like this along with the ability to tame cows or maybe in the future horses, They moved slower on normal ground, faster on roads establishing a reason to put roads down, all in all it seems a perfect fit for TFCraft. and you can sit in them, buggies! lol
  24. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I wrote a nice reply and then pressed the back button on my mouse, so this won't be exactly what I wanted to say. This is what we really need, these systems don't get formed just because, they're formed by competition, real competition, competition of survival, and prosperity. I'm against any universal protections, if we have an area of invulnerability I think it must have external nodes or weak points that can be attacked to bring it down. I also think if you end up going with requiring mortar/nails walls should be made much stronger and require siege equipment to destroy, ideally also having persistent damage because as is siege equipment would either work and destroy a wall or do nothing. I think there should also be weathering of buildings to give another reason to turn to the city to help, either having city walls would reduce this affect magically or even just having the rest of the city to fall back on were repairs necessary. All in all you seem to understand, make a sandbox for the players, give them rules but allow them to do whatever they want within the rules, don't require 1 type of political system, don't require one way to build a town.
  25. Why isn't minecraft as awesome as this ?

    I would buy it just for that if it turns out to be worth it, downloading demo now. haha If you really wanted to go big a standalone game would be awesome... I'd pay $60 for that, though I'm sure that's not normal. x]