Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by renadi

  1. Star navigations

    Predefined constellations in a procedurally generated game seems very silly, put some stars up there and let us figure stuff out.
  2. Shift Clicking with a Blueprint idea.

    Well, because nobody else is saying it I'll say, definitely a good idea!
  3. [B73-75]Problem with wolves

    My tamed dogs(even my pregnant one) seem to have despawned on me, perhaps dogs in general are having some difficulties.
  4. Star navigations

    Unless you travel in a precise straight line according to the grid(which I seem to never be able to do) and only make perfect 180° turns it is in fact quite easy to find even though you assumed you were only travelling between two points you've made a quite large triangle. a tiny deviation from center adds up, and if you for whatever reason have a tiny deviation to the right of center by the time you get there and back you could find yourself completely missing the mainland. Now, you can of course copy down coords, but I greatly dislike that as a game mechanic.
  5. Star navigations

    I forget they added spawn as a vanilla cheat.... It used to only be available with SPC! I just went creative and started a spiral pattern until I found the mainland again, then figured out where I was from that point. located an island with some Cass on the journey though, since been there and back twice with no incident. Not enough to make anything yet, and all I'm getting from the mainland so far is copper, got some cass when I first started but I have no clue where it was and since searching have not been able to find any more. Basically, when you have the landmarks available, take advantage of them, at sea you're just out of luck but on land mark things down!
  6. Star navigations

    I am currently lost at sea. This makes me sad.
  7. Star navigations

    I'll be honest, this is a better title than Astral Movement, I'd assumed that was about space travel the first time I saw it.
  8. You cant skip the night

    That bothered me so much, I mean, I know I'm not that clean, but my bedroll shouldn't dissolve after one night!
  9. Quick Question about Error

    Finding a host that fully supports custom .jars is difficult, most I've had in the past have not done so, but not prevented you from using them, however all their workings assumed a vanilla, bukkit, or tekkit environment. I'm in the US and I am with Exodus Hosting, Beastnode previously but this seems less buggy when playing TFC.
  10. This is all pretty much intentional, mobs are put off by built up areas for the most part, so if you want them you'll have to start a farm and breed them, also the chunk protection system is almost exactly what you suggest, time in a chunk increases the counter, the counter decreases monster spawns, any time not spent in the chunk decreases the counter making it more wild. Some suggestions are clearly not a fit for the vision the devs have in mind, now, you may think the exact thing makes it better, and it's all a matter of taste, but that's irrelevant in most ways, you're not making the mod.
  11. Right, thanks for reminder, I'll do so tonight. lol
  12. Ores are too hard to find starting off.

    The reason is because Dunk, and us as well, are quite tired of people coming in to say the mod is broken when it is in fact working as intended.
  13. Allow Glass Bottles to stack

    There can only be one?
  14. Trees models

    We just need to program an AI that will custom design trees in each TFC world!
  15. laddars

    One plank per step isn't so bad, and the ones on the side are just detail, I think this is much better than the weird ladders we have now.
  16. Ores are too hard to find starting off.

    Nobody I would say has risen above the level of appropriate guidance, we've tried to inform the op of how the mod works and how to play within it, perfect doesn't mean the best thing for everyone because that would often mean two different things at once, it means precisely functioning as intended, and it is that.
  17. Ores are too hard to find starting off.

    The op like a great many of newcomers come saying specifically what we play this mod for is WRONG, Yeah, we'll act like momma bears when someone comes in asking how they can help destroy something we care about. This mod wasn't for them, that's OK, this mod isn't for most people.
  18. laddars

    and get rid of the vanilla ladder, sounds like a great idea!
  19. Winter not working

    It is a bug, but a bug in Forge not TFC itself.
  20. Mineral Storage

    I have made the mistake of saying exactly what you are in front of dunk and he reminded me in few words harsher gameplay is in fact the goal. lol
  21. Mineral Storage

    Is there a large drive to avoid harsher gameplay around here?
  22. Which is just fine. lol
  23. Mineral Storage

    I'd prefer these magic chests pretty much vanish for most things and just have individual storage methods like log piles for everything else.
  24. Excess Metallic Ore

    I saw a post on reddit about the idea, I understand why being able to use bukkit would be important, but I think it would be pretty much the perfect game if TFC and CivCraft could be mixed. I don't even have a vanilla install right now, just TFC so I just watch the drama on civcraft, sad that it is so singular.
  25. Excess Metallic Ore

    I'd really like being able to use lower level metals as reinforcement like in CivCraft and rails like in railcraft, where low quality metals give you much less than the higher ones but still allow you to at least start a path.