Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Zandorum

  1. [BUG LIST] Post your bugs below

  2. [B72] Peat Doesn't Generate [FIXED in B73]

    This needs more attention. DUNK, LOOK AT DIS.
  3. Yule Logs

    I'm just being in the Christmas spirit, This conversation can quickly turn into one about religion lets not go that way. Hahaha, <3 you dunk. As a note I dont expect you or bioxx to do anything like this primarily due to how much you currently have on your plate.
  4. [BUG LIST] Post your bugs below

  5. [B69] Blinking firepit cause lag and crashes.

    I know this may be a Necro but this is still happening in Build 72.
  6. New custom mobs, no minecraft mobs

    If you had lurked more you would know saying realistic is a death sentence here. Also if you lurked even more you would know they are going to be confined to Dungeons.
  7. Yule Logs

    A yule log is a large and super-hard log which is burned in the hearth as a part of traditional Christmas Celebrations. It usually takes a whole day to burn.And Santa is ridiculous, He comes in one night and gives everyone presents who's to say he cant decorate every pine tree in the world as well.
  8. Yule Logs

    Hahaha, well for Christmas I did re-texture my pine trees just for shits and giggles so even If they don't do it atleast I got to celebrate Christmas in TFC even in a small form.
  9. Yule Logs

    This topic was to sorta get the ball rolling for ideas just like that. Im really hopeing for something fun like that.
  10. Yule Logs

    I was more in it for the Yule logs lol.
  11. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Its nice to hear that not everyone goes bananas over something like this and screams finish it as spit flies from their mouth. I'm not 100% sure what the Terms of Conditions are for TFC so I wont say I wont accept donations but I'm not saying I will until I read it. I feel cheap accepting money for this kind of thing though.
  12. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    I could just make it so you can Transmute items from the Nether, an extension to the transmutation tree. As a Sidenote, I got the Trees and Ores spawning correctly. TC3 Infused Ore's have Higher spawn ratios in Biomes that reflect them the best as well as it being effected by the aura like its supposed to be. TC3 ores are randomly placed with no rhyme or reason like normal, not because of limitations but because it adds variation. Note: I will setup the TC3 ores so they reflect the rock they spawned in as well like TFC ores do now. P.S. This is a slow progress for a few reasons: 1. TC3 is being updated alot. 2. Im still learning how TFC works. 3. General laziness and lack of time due to work.
  13. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    *grumble*... OKEY
  14. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Yes. They were placed properly to begin with so I dont need to "add" them. 1. Thaumcraft 3 was never Singleplayer only (In the released versions). 2. Thaumcraft 3 isent OP (im saying this because you said it was for Pussies which implies you think its easy and its not... compared to TFC yes is borderline easy but ill fix that same for Redpower). 3. My first thought is F*CK Railcraft its a piece of shit but I havent looked at it since it was first released so Ill try it again before saying no. And yes I got vaginastapaited (Pissed off) when I read your comment Splode.
  15. Does it literally mean Explode or do you mean the item gets destroyed?
  16. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Not dead, Just haven't updated the topic.
  17. Random Items

    Love it love everything about what you said. Editing topic when I wake up tomorrow.
  18. Random Items

    Sling: Recipe: Leather and String, This would be made in the 2x2. The sling has a slower firing rate than the bow, with a maximum firing rate equal to the maximum rate at which a single enemy can be damaged (you will lose ground if dealing with 2 or more enemies, or if you miss at all). The sling has half the range of the bow at roughly 25 blocks over a flat plane. The ammunition for the sling is Stone Bullets, which are crafted directly from gravel blocks. The main advantage to the Sling is the greater ease at finding/making ammunition and the less difficult requirement of only needing 1 string instead of 3. Right Click must be held to throw a bullet with the sling. It takes roughly a second after right click was initially pressed for the bullet to be thrown. Future plans - Animation for the sling should hopefully be improved to make it more clear that holding right click will eventually throw a bullet if they hold it down. Stone Bullets: Recipe: Gravel, This would be made in the 2x2. Stone Bullets are the ammunition used for Slings. 1 Gravel block will craft into 8 Stone Bullets. A stone bullet does half the damage of a normal arrow and cannot be picked back up to the inventory after being fired from the sling, even if not striking anything. Bow Drill: Recipe: Bow, Stick and Plank Block, This would be made in the 2x2. Works the same as a Firestarter but it always lights the fire. Same durability as a Bow. It also has the ability to just use Paper to make Fires. Satchel: Recipe: 4 Leather, This would be made in the 2x2. Satchels have 3 slots, You cannot have more than three satchel in your inventory and you cannot store satchels in satchels or chests. Satchels can be placed on the ground if its mode is Place, It has 2 Modes: Open and Place. When you have 2 Empty Satchels you get Slowness 1, When you have 3 Empty Satchels you get Slowness 2 and When a Satchel is full it counts as 1 Slowness for each satchel instead of 1 Slowness after your 2nd satchel. Boomerang: Recipe: 2 Planks and 1 Ingot, This would be made in the 2x2. Aim with Mouse, right click to throw. When thrown, the boomerang will fly straight out and then return to the player. If the boomerang will ricochet off of solid blocks. If it hits a mob, it will knock them back similar to a snowball, returning to the player if the mob was hit directly, and continuing on its path if the mob was hit after a ricochet. If the Boomerang hits any items that are dropped on the ground it will pick them up and bring them back to the player. knock off torches and other objects that only require 1 hit to break; torches, redstone torches, flowers, mushrooms, saplings, reeds, seeds, and crops. Additionally, boomerangs will also activate any buttons or levers that they hit during their flight, as such they can be used to activate explosive traps without the need for you to be within punching range. Durability is roughly half that of a tool of the same material. The boomerang can be thrown infinitely without affecting the durability, but each mob hit, item broken, and item picked up will count as a separate use. Battle Axe, War Hammer, Scimitar and Halberd...
  19. If you ruin the chances of thing becoming real because of your "comment" the above WILL happen. As well DUNK SPOKE ALREADY LAY THE FUCK OFF!
  20. Random Items

    Fixed all the stupid stuff. But i do like the item pickup.
  21. Random Items

    Thats the point, Paper burns quickly. Having it be much better in everyway except that one aspect.
  22. Conquests of Epicness

    Anyone have any Team Effort conquests of Epicness in TFC you'd like to share? I would like to see some Theif: Deadly Shadow's esk situations, Ive only gotten into one of those situations cause Its hard to find someone whos mining let alone setup enough to be worth stealing from. The best Ive ever stolen was lots of Native Copper Nuggets and a Bismuth Helmet. I looked around for the Bismuth but it seems he either had it somewhere I couldent find it or he used it all on the Helmet, Either way it helped me along. Id also like to see some Steamrolling (10+ players attacking multiple diffrent settlements people have made).
  23. Conquests of Epicness

    I see what your saying. Agreed. Id 100% slaughter someones farm after Steamrolling the owners.
  24. Conquests of Epicness

    You cant eat it in TFC. SMP only Feature.