Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Zandorum

  1. Better trade for Multiplayer: The weighing scale

    I had a Similar idea where if you held Right-Click on another player it would Ask them if they would like to Trade, They would do the same back to Initiate trade. You would drag your items in from your inventory into the trade box, both players would have a trade box and you could see the other persons. You cannot take items from the other trade box obviously. You can Accept/Decline. Once you Accept you have to wait for them to Accept. Once that is done it will Exchange the Items. If you do not have the Space for the items in your inventory when the player with the Insufficient inventory space tries to Accept the Trade it will tell them they do not have the Space for it and kick them back into the main trade. OR VonZeeples Idea but you have to Right click on a Non-Dirt/Liquid Surface with Coin to make the Trading Table. The table it self would be removed upon finishing trade. Sorta like Oh you have to sit down some where and Trade. Have something to put your items on to show them to each other.
  2. No. Already Suggested and shot down.
  3. PhysicsCraft Now Open Source

    This would be an amazing addition as an API for future things such as Trees being felled and other things like that.
  4. Suggestion: barrels!

    Barrels have been suggested many times, As well as Suggested by Me. I like your Revision of it better though.
  5. Metal Tiers?

    Im just wondering what is better or worse than what, from what I have ive figured its: Bismuth Zinc Tin Copper Bronze (Bronze Alloy's I have No Idea) Iron Steel Red Steel/Blue Steel Id like to fill in the Gaps. Its fine if im not told anything else than what I have but Id like to know if this order is correct atleast.
  6. Protection Meter

    Incense. Its been suggested as an Addition to the Meter but It seems like a good Replacement. As well as the Meter will be removed when Mobs are moved underground (Which I hope is changeable through a Setting).
  7. Metal Tiers?

    Thank you
  8. Glass Blowing

    Glass Blowing: I dont know how to to large topic ideas so this is going to be a wall. Glass blowing will be the only way to get glass items, If you have sand you can heat it up and turn its head to "Molten" which is when you can right click with your Glass Blowing Pipe which is made out of what ever you choose and it will open up a GUI where you can put it in and it will be like a extremely shortened anvil minigame due to the fact that its heat will go down and once it does its permenant unless you reheat it and you lose all work done on it. Glass Blocks, Bottles, Panes and Etc. are made through this and its the only way to make it. Dependant on what it is you will require more or less Molten sand (9 slot Storage for Materials in this). Once you close the GUI it will throw all the items in the gui onto the ground for you to pick back up or you could just put them back into your inventory after your done making things your choice.
  9. Large List of Ideas...

    3 Suggestions Added. Thinking about putting it into the Meta Thread.
  10. Large List of Ideas...

    Tweaks: Tweak - Obsidian is no longer created in its old form, Obsidian can now Spawn ontop of lava. It looks like a Stone but with a Obsidian Skin. Tweak - Right clicking while holding a book will open the Book and Quill menu, If you do not have a Ink Well that is full of ink as well as a Feather the menu will not open. For every letter it takes 1 durability from the ink well. Tweak - When you place a Sign it doesnt instantly open the menu it just places the sign. Right clicking a sign, you can open its menu assuming you have a Ink well and feather. For every letter it akes 3 durability from the ink well. Tweak - Theres a new mode for the Chisel called Hieroglyph mode, In this mode if you have a Hammer in your inventory you can write on rock like you can on a sign. Tweak - If a Creeper is following you and is within 3 blocks of you they will start to blow them selves up. If a creeper falls far he will blow up when he hits the ground instead of just dieing. If you look a Creeper in the eyes he will charge you. Creepers will avoid water but if theres no other way to get you they will go into it. Tweak - Squids are now Neutral until approched where they will attack you and stick to you constantly doing damage until you kill it (Think metroids stuck to your chest). Tweak - Bats now spawn in Caves and Ravines. Bats are not agressive but annoying and can do damage while swarming around in the cave after being disturbed. 9 times out of 10 Bats will spawn in their Sleep State hanging upside-down on the ceiling. You can disturb them by just getting close to them. Tweak - Stews and Meals should start losing its bonuses the hotter they get, even cooling them down it should still have its penalties making it so overcooking them isent an option. Tweak - Ability to place Tool Racks on Crafting Tables. Tweak - Mushrooms should be edible. Red Mushrooms should be poisonous. Tweak - Beds would be colored dependant on the wool used to make them. You cannot mix and match wool to make Bed. Tweak - Make Mobs only Spawn Underground and in Dungeons not Just Dungeons. Groups: Group - Armor and Tools can be made out of All materials but some Armors and Tools are horrible and useless. Group - Studded Leather Armor is now able to be Made, It can have every kind of Metal as Studs. Blocks: New Block - Barrel, You can store up to 8 buckets of any 1 liquid in a Barrel. Right clicking on it will open its interface unless you have a bucket in which you will either dump the bucket into the barrel or fill the bucket with the barrels contents (Im leaving this open ended so the creators can use this for Fermenting and Distilling of Alchohol).. Items: New Item - Ink Well, Ink Wells are used for writing. New Item - Clay Chunk, This is created by putting 4 clay into the crafting table. New Item - Clay Brick, Clay Bricks are unfired Bricks. Bricks are used to make Brick blocks. New Item - Clay Flower Pots, Clay Flower Pots are unfired Flower Pots. Functions: New Function - When in a Small Inclosed space with no way for the air to escape, you will slowly run out of air and die from suffication just like being underwater. New Function - By putting 2 Clay Chunks into the Crafting Table you would open up the Kneeding menu, The Kneeding menu is like the Knapping menu. Most clay things are made in the Kneeding menu including the Clay Mould. New Function - Ive seen a Path Finding mod which extends the AI so far along that it makes Mobs very scary, I think that you Should Implement Path finding especially for Creepers. New Function - Creepers can Trigger a Collapse if it Breaks a Support Beam. New Function - If you are in the Rain for Too long you will get sick which will give you Slowness, Hunger and Slowly Depleting Health. It can be cured by eating lots of soup, Note that Curing your self requires 14 Bowls of Soup and you can only have 3 Bowls of Soup Per Day. It will go away on its own if you have not died after 2 weeks. New Function - Temperature Bar, If its too cold you'll get frostbite, too hot you will be slowed. New Function - Knives have 3 modes, Food Preparation, Slab and Stairs. This would allow the Knife to be used to Whittle Plank Blocks into what ever you Desire. New Function - Blood Moon, Rarely a Blood Moon which will lengthen the night by 3 times as long as well as make Underground Mobs spawn above ground and excessively. Ideas I feel are amazing: http://terrafirmacra...rock-placement/http://terrafirmacra...rth-multiblock/ http://terrafirmacra...-armor-storage/ http://terrafirmacra...10-ingot-press/ http://terrafirmacra...c/2605-incense/ <-- Must be added too amazing of an idea. http://terrafirmacra...traveling-cart/ http://terrafirmacra...stral-movement/ http://terrafirmacra...lightning-rods/ http://terrafirmacra...521-sandwiches/
  11. Large List of Ideas...

    Because not all of the Ideas arent Small as well, I think the topic is dead.
  12. Large List of Ideas...

    How do you mean? Also the Thread just got 3 more Function Suggestions.
  13. Large List of Ideas...

    Thread Updated Slightly, Added and Removed some stuff.
  14. Fireplace/Hearth Multiblock

    I wonder if Dunk saw this, Id love to know his opinion on this idea.
  15. Large List of Ideas...

    Here you go.
  16. Large List of Ideas...

    I said Originally i no longer intend to, It was also for myself so there is no harm done. In the end Id like to say for what ever I have done wrong I am sorry, but I do not see what I have done wrong.
  17. Fireplace/Hearth Multiblock

    This must be added. Everything in the OP is oozing with perfection.
  18. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Tweak - Ability to place Tool Racks on Crafting Tables. Tweak - Mushrooms should be edible. Red Mushrooms should be poisonous. Tweak - Beds would be colored dependant on the wool used to make them. You cannot mix and match wool to make Beds.
  19. Large List of Ideas...

    1. Its in Changelog form. 2. It was originally for me to decompile TFC and make for myself. 3. Anything I havent searched is because I dont have time to do it. These ideas were accumulated over a long peroid of time. I had the time to Post it that is all. I check the topic from time to time but that is all. Note: Removed some more things from the topic, Moved some Tweaks to Meta Thread.
  20. Large List of Ideas...

    If anyone is wondering why things are restated on this topic is because I wrote it like a Change log or atleast how I would write a change log. Yeah Esteban Stay on topic, I know you were saying search but I copy and pasted a whole .txt so until people tell me whats already suggested I wont be bothered. Theres lots of things in this topic that have not been discussed so if you want to contribute, discuss it OR tell me whats already been discussed. You arent contributing and helped a derail by trying to enforce the rules even thought your NOT a moderator or admin, You are helping NO ONE so please go away. Note: Ive read it.
  21. Large List of Ideas...

    I will do as such, And police stating things is what ive done in the past and always will do. I wont go to the point of acting like a moderator but I will every time the thread gets derailed try to get it back on track. Topic Edited Slightly, I removed Ideas deemed redunant and ones i just dident like after reading over it again. Thing is I copy and pasted this from my TFC_Ideas.txt so I had no idea what was in it, I just decided to throw it onto the internet.
  22. Large List of Ideas...

    Im here, Im just monitoring the thread. I will remove redundancies and make it not like a change log in the future. Please stop derailing the thread though.
  23. Large List of Ideas...

    This got derailed annoyingly quick. Tell me what was shotdown or already suggested and ill remove them unless they arent exactly the same.
  24. Crossbows

    I like the idea but I dont like the Duel wield idea.
  25. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Troll Beaver Tortoise Blowfish Fish Angler Wisp Chameleon Lizard Crab Piranha Field Mouse Moth Butterfly Frog Dragonfly Fireflay Bat Whale Squirrel Seal Mole Rabbit Bird Seagull Vulture Sword Fish Sea Turtle Tropical Fish Manta Ray Star fish