Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by LordOfWolves

  1. Gem Cutting

    There are about 7 billion people in the world, so...yeah that's quite normal. These things happen continuously everyday.
  2. Grinders

    Did I make something wrong? Does he want to melt?Ah, the capitalized a, I guess. Ok modifying my post...
  3. Thirst!

    O_O This is too vocabulary for me... X_X
  4. Grinders

    Noo , achartran looks normal for me.
  5. Thirst!

    But TFC means only Terrairmacraft, right?
  6. On the topic of Random Drops

    This will surely be fixed in a not too far future, where the mod is half completed. What I mean is that Bioxx has more important things to do for now. He can solve this in an istant, but he has better things to do.Also... WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!!!!!
  7. Thirst!

    BTW is a confusing term, because it means Better Than Wolves and By The Way. This makes some people unhappy.
  8. New Youtube channel!!

    Oh ahahahaha they're a problem. I have 2 little brothers, 8 and 5, that make noise and play wrestling in every room they go all the day( well, not really all the day, for example in the night they sleep). That explains why I'm so patient.
  9. Grinders

    @1SDAN Post something, edit it, quicklyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
  10. Sage-man, archenemy of the evil Dr. Retardo

    Right, right. Better if the mods have the power.
  11. Grass

    You guys with a butter computer are all very lucky.
  12. TF Aesthetics mod

    Another thing you can like is that almost everything is affected by gravity, that means that dirt blocks fall if you mine them, caves can collapse if you don't use support beams. There is also a new smithing part, awesome! @JAG: the ore you didn't remember is cinnabar. It has the same name of the Thaumcraft ore. A good way to remember the name.
  13. New Youtube channel!!

    And the new channel is...?
  14. WarZ or DayZ

    It's 100% understandable ,because small errors don't compromise all the text.
  15. Introducing Felys

    We are really getting a LOT of new faces. About 1-4 everyday
  16. Sage-man, archenemy of the evil Dr. Retardo

    Yes, I had a similar idea, a "Useless topic" button near the "like" button, and only for you a "Already suggested" one
  17. Crops hybridization

    Yes, our welcome is what makes other people stay here.
  18. Do you know that you can use them like an helmet in case of war?No, just joking.
  19. Seed pouch

    Hey, backpacks mod isn't good in TFC, because we need something from Bioxx. The seed pouch is the best idea of this topic.
  20. No, I was meaning that in DF there is also underground wheat, I know that this can't exist, but I was thinking that plump helmets was bringing us in DF. However I was trying to suggest luminescent mushrooms or something like that.
  21. Introducing Felys

    This is a famous phrase here...However I give you my WELCOME TO THE FORUMS
  22. Crops hybridization

    deleted (didn't read the title)
  23. Something like this. Also plump helmet if you want. This will bring us to underground wheat...
  24. We should add underground crops, better if they can glow, so you can make an exclusive underground farm of something new.
  25. Is this a glitch?

    I think yes.