Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by LordOfWolves

  1. Here's a way to add this without making it overpowered, add a slot to the forge GUI, as well as a button. The slot is for rope, and the button is to pump. The rope is required to attach to the bellows to make it operable from the forge, and has a % chance of breaking on every use. That way, it requires an expendable to use for forge easily, and gives incentive to farm Jute (which i've still not found in my world, but I've only been playing a month or so).

    So that's it! I think this is what we need, indeed we will need to farm jute after this, otherwise we'll have to manually pump bellows again. I don't think this is OP at all, just perfect. Also, would something visually change outside the forge? Like, would we see a rope connected to the bellows or maybe nothing new?


  2. You can also use the vanilla water bottles, they never break but I think they fill less bar than the jug.

                                                                                       NOPE: they break


  3. The New Masonry: right click the trowel to open up a new GUI. The GUI will be 8 x 8 to allow the creation of complex structures. Like for example The stone oven, stone Stove and Chimneys described in my post " Cooking Mechanics Overhaul"  The main difference between Knapping and Masonry is that you are adding material not subtracting. You should be able t to use rocks or stone bricks depending on what kind of look you want. Off course you need Mortar in your inventory. No need to add Mortar to the Gui (to facilitate on the creation designs)it will just be deducted from your inventory.


    This! I think we need this! It's a really good way to make blocks made out of mortar and bricks, or clay if you want to create that clay oven.


    So basically a quick resume would be that you need this tool in your inventory + mortar to place some blocks, and you can also use that block as a crafting interface to assemble bricks to create useful blocks ingame, right?


    That's a really good idea, especially that last edit to the OP. 


    Currently we have some building materials ready, like the firebricks, the stone bricks and the clay item. These 3 could be used with the trowel, but I think that to keep this a good idea, and not "one of those furnace mods" we should only choose one of these materials to craft with the trowel. Or, if you really want to have a clay oven but you don't want to lose the chance to make something with stone bricks too, then I suggest that the oven should only be made out of clay, the other materials should be used for other purposes. Also, we could aapt the existing recipes to this suggestion. We will no longer be able to make brick blocks in our inventory, but we must instead choose to use the trowel. In the 8x8 crafting GUI there should be something similar to the plans of the anvil. You choose one plan and then it tells you the building materials you need to place in the crafting GUI to get that block you want.


    Now, we could make this a minigame-like crafting. The used mortar changes by how you place items inside the crafting GUI. Like, every brick needs 1 mortar to stick to a brick near it. That's just an example, we should make this challenging to let the player figure out how to use the less mortar he can use. So everytime, after the crafting, you would lose some mortar according by how well you placed the bricks.


    Anyway for this to happen, we should also be able to make mortar in barrels, like you suggested before. This way mortar will be harder to get and it will take longer, so players will think twice before crafting a recipe that uses a lot of mortar.


    Also, to prevent players from discovering the best recipe and be set forever, we could add some randomization in the 8x8 crafting grid, ie some crafting slots could be locked. That would force players to think how they could arrange items to save mortar. 

    Also, that would change in every world. The locked slots would change in every world, like the anvil red line.


    The minigame above would only work with blocks made out of bricks however, because the clay blocks don't need mortar. 


    That would be a really funny minigame to have ingame. Tell me what you think and if I didn't explain well what I mean, I'll try to explain it differently :)


  4. Version #: 0.78.17

    SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSP

    Suggested Name: Instant cooking of clay items

    Suggested Category: Annoying



    This bug is really easy to reproduce. I can reproduce it everytime, with no exception. This can be avoided, but it's annoying to know that you could instantly cook clay items. Basically with this bug your pit kilns will imemdiately cook your items without having to wait time by simply igniting the block near the pit kiln instead of the pit kiln itself.


    How to reproduce this bug:


    First of all build a normal pit kiln.

    You can place any clay item inside the pit kiln, it always works. In this case I'll use clay molds because I am trying this in my current world and I don't want to ruin gameplay too much. It should work with ores inside vessels too. Not tried that but I'm pretty sure it works for that too.

    Posted Image


    Then cover your pit kiln with straw and logs. I chose Sequoia logs in this case, because I had plenty of them. But logs don't really matter, it always happens despite the logs you choose.

    Posted Image

    Posted Image


    And now we're ready to fire it. But to replicate this bug you can't fire the pit kiln block, but the side of the block adjacent to it and that is higher of one level, like the one in the image.

    Posted Image


    And when you right click with flint and steel (not tried with firestarter, but it shouldn't make any difference) you briefly see the pit kiln on fire and then it immediately disappears, leaving this:

    Posted Image


    The cooked items are not bugged, normal and 100% functional items, as you can see you can pick them up and they're the same of other normally cooked items

    Posted Image


    So the bug only speeds up the cooking times, without changing anything else.


    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes
    *If you answered no to the above question, delete your config files and try to reproduce the bug. This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question.

    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes

    If yes, which mods?








  link of the Crash Report: No crashes


  5. Well, yeah, what's so bad? you could just use a hammer to kill someone in an adamant armor. I would say more, but shall we not derail this thread? ;)

    Lol actually this is the only place where you can derail threads, indeed we are in the off topic section, where all the derail is concentrated.

    Anyway to get back to the topic...

    Blocks that behave like macerated blocks (basically when you mine a block, you see it becoming a pile of powder of that block that slowly decreases in height and disappeares)

    Players can sweat! You could actually need to change clothes then...

    Lava rain, because normal rain is too mainstream.

    hailstorm too. It could destroy your crops if you're not careful (actually I think this should really be implemented)


  6. If you need someone to help with the italian translation, I can be of help for sure. I never translated a mod into another language, so I don't exactly know what files to change, anyway there's no problem for the translation, I know the English language well enough to not screw anything up.


  7. EDIT: Looks like I'm going to create a thread about this.

    I thought a bit about this. Actually that's not so bad. it could even be a great idea. The only issue that I can see so far is that adamantine isn't so believable, but since we have red and blue steel...


  8. I was just on another tread talking about dyes. Can you imagine if we had those sailboats and were able to dye the sail?

    Man yes I can imagine that, it would be the coolest thing ever. Yeah I just came here from that topic too and I saw your suggestion of using pots. I think it should work the same way for sails.


  9. Posted Image

    I can see a really good use for clothing here if it will be introduced.

    Also, having different types of boat would be cool, so everyone chooses the one he/she thinks that fits more in that world and with those resources. Maybe this one could fit for someone who lives near the equator, because there's wind (Not in minecraft, but IRL) and the boat is quite large but there aren't ice blocks there.


  10. And you can steal from wild bird' nests too!

    I really like this idea, it could be one of the earliest sources of food, that one that prevents you from dying the first night, and the second, and the third...

    But if you do this with birds around, some could start attacking you.


  11. Main point. Not saying I don't like mushrooms, in moderation they would add a nice frill around the edge of this mod. I just don't think TFC is aiming to be an ethnobotanical experience.

    The adding of mushroom doesn't really make this mod an ethnobotanical experience. See, this mod by itself adds so many things and changes, and is always adding something new in the new updates, that it's really hard to label this mod. I don't think TFC will ever become a "put label here" mod, because the suggested topics and the things already implemented are so various and different that TFC will never focus on a single thing. Everything in TFC is a secondary process, but yet it can be the main one while you do it. That's why I like TFC, it has so many things and yet it manages to give everything its importance, it manages to let you appreciate everything. And last thing, all the pieces fit together. I must be honest but I never saw this in any other mod.


  12. Shears probably wouldn't be required for clothing making, but I'm sure most tailors would tell you they prefer to work with scissors than with a knife when cutting fabric.

    Just a random question. Is cloth making about making bandages and stuff related to that or also clothes that somehow improve something wearing them, apart the appearence?

    I know things aren't 100% comfirmed, so reply only if you can.


  13. (I'm still calling you that, by the way, :P

    Yes, you said this in a comment. Anyway I don't get why the tongue face appears like a smiling face.

    Also, who knows, you could add some mushrooms in the meals while nobody sees you...


    And I think that mushrooms should require too some cleaning like wheat or rice. You get mushrooms, then you cut them with the knife to get the stem and the cap. The cap is useful because it contains spores, this way you could use it to spread them and have more mushrooms to grow. Anyway if you decide to use the cap to spread the spores, you would only remain with the stem as food item. The cap would be consumed in the process. You craft the cap with the knife again to break it and to free the spores. The following could be hard to code. The spores would dissipate where you craft that recipe. You would get nothing from that recipe, just a random block or 2 around you where the spores deposited, and in that block mushrooms could start growing.




    Mushrooms keep growing where you found them, as long as you leave at least 1 mushroom in that cluster. Every Shift+Right Click would give you a mushroom (like when you pluck a chicken) and the cluster would show one less mushroom, until you harvest the last one too, then that cluster would die. And if you break the block below the cluster, of course it would disappear. But this last way doesn't seem to give us any non OP way to be able to replant the mushrooms.


    Obviously in the same cluster only 1 type of mushrooms can grow.


  14. I think potions aren't a good idea for this mod, since we tend to delete everything that's not believable. And in a mod like this, potions could easily be OP.

    Anyway, you're right , AllenWL, we don't forcibly need diseases to have medications. We already have the mobs that attack us and that never leave us alone during night explorations.

    Now, I'd like to see some medications, because it happened multiple times that I've been caught by a group of spiders, skeletons and zombies during too long explorations, so long that it became night and I couldn't manage to get home quickly. And many times I managed to escape those mobs, but with just a really little amount of life left in my bar. And the regeneration took so long. I lost many times my metal tools I was using because usually when I tried to avoid monsters and get home with that little life, a mini zombie or a spider popped out of somewhere and beheaded me. It would be nice to have something like a mushroom based medicine that could speed up a bit life regeneration. But we should pay attention to what type of mushroom we use. There could also be mushrooms that we think are good, but that when applied to the injured part...directly releases poison in your blood. 


  15. Sorry about the double post, for some reasons my internet became slower in thsi forum. Can't I delete it?



    What if we could use a barrel to make lots of mortar at once?

    This is a great idea, like in real life, you make mortar in some large containers, not in your hands. This could actually have a lot of sense. You place the needed ingredients inside a barrel, then you take some mortar with a bucket and maybe the bucket could have durability, to represent its amount of mortar. You use the barrel to craft recipes that require mortar, then, when the barrel loses all the durability, it just turns back into a normal barrel and it needs to be refilled with mortar. Also, when you place bricks, it too loses some durability, along with the trowel. Anyway, about the cobble, I think we should be able to get loose rocks back, because cobble was also made as storage solution, to store all those rocks in a better way. And I think that the already existing cobblestone should stay there, otherwise during cave ins, stone would turn into cobble not affected by gravity. Maybe there could be another type of cobble block, one that you make with 4 loose rocks and the mortar bucket.
