Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bob_Saget54

  1. Just as a FYI, whenever I try to log in, I keep getting an incompatible mods error even though I have only TFC installed. Any solutions?
  2. 1.Bob_Saget54 2. Penn. EST 3. I prefer Skype more than teamspeak, but I have both. 4. 15 Rich ore, which leaves you with 25 excess. 5. I know TFC pretty well, but I haven't gotten past the iron age. 6. Nope, no recording here. 7. 16 y/o, Eagle Scout, I usually play most times I can, I can make a humerus mood easily. Ursine Nation L.O.T.F (whoops, forgot this initially XD)

    IGN: Bob_Saget54 AGE: 16 TIMEZONE: EST (Eastern Standard Time) WHY?: Playing on a server with other people is more fun than just playing alone, and I love server playing but can't seem to find a good server so far. HOW LONG?: I've been playing for about a year now, but still concider myself a noob at the game. SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I feel that I am the type of guy to try and bring people together and make friends/humor in the server.
  4. Blaze, I can't get into the server due to a fatal error that causes me to crash. Any fixes?
  5. Name is Bob_Saget54, I am 15, and my zone is EST I want to join the server because, in my own opinion, TFC is boring singleplayer and every server I have been on so far has gone down within 25 days of myself joining. I play usually every day or so, depending on how I am feeling. I am a person who usually brings humor and a sort of flavor to the community. I feel that I am the guy who tries to help people out even though he doesn't have much himself. I enjoy being a part of a bigger community and I feel that I could lead some people who need leadership.
  6. If I am not quite 18 yet, could I still join or not?
  7. [Offline][0.79.15] New Whitelist Server

    15 Bob_Saget54 Every good server that I have been on has been shut down, spreading my interests around. Either joining or creating a new one, depending on what I feel like doing. Gotten to the iron age, barely. Bob_Saget54
  8. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    MC User name: Bob_Saget54 Age: 24 Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time Location Country and State: USA, Pennsylvania Tell us about yourself: I have been playing TFC for a year or so, and am looking for a small server that I can play on with my friends and such. How can you help us?: I feel that I can help bring some humor and creativity to the server, while helping people out with their own towns and villages.
  9. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Minecraft Username: Bob_Saget54 Your Age: 15 and a half Your Time Zone: US Eastern Standard (New York Time) Location Country and State: US, Pennsylvania Tell us a bit about yourself: Well, I will tell you now that I am not gonna go into any personal information. However, I have been playing minecraft since version 1.0, and I have been playing TFC for about a year. Sadly, I prefer having a community of people to play with and almost all servers I have gone onto have been closed. So, when I was browsing the forums for a new server, I found yours and I wanted to try it out. How can you help us: I am a very friendly player, and I usually try my best to help out new people if they need it. I also have held some leadership positions in other servers, so I have learned not to break rules. I think the most I would be able to contribute is a friendly atmosphere and some help to those who need it. Thank you for reading
  10. [Offline] TFC Vanilla server v78.17 [Dynmap, LWC]

    IGN: Bob_Saget54 Age: 15 Providence/State: Pennsylvania What kind of experience do you have with TFC?: I have played for about a month and a half now, I know some basic crafting and smelting things, and I wanted to try out a multiplayer version of this mod since my friend does not host his server anymore.