Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by VegasGoat

  1. Seed pouch

    I think the seed thing is only an issue now because the only way to get seeds it by breaking grass, which gives you random seeds. Apparently the randomness works really well because you tend to get one of every type of seed. From what I saw in the change logs, eventually this method of getting seeds will go away, and you'll have to find the plant in the wild first and then turn it into seeds. So at that point you won't have the issue of one of every type of seed taking up your inventory, and instead you'll have a stack of one type of seed that you found. Then bags won't be necessary. EDIT: This is all speculation based on my memory of what I've read around here.
  2. It has to be one of these: Diorite, Gabbro, Granite, Andesite, Basalt, Dacite, Rhyolite. The good news is that once you find it, you can mine it out (destroy all the blocks around it) and take it back to your base (make a pickaxe on-site).
  3. Grinders

    I'm not sure what you're implying here. I just mentioned stone tools because I figure if you tried to grind a stone tool into a sharper edge it would probably just break pieces off instead, and not in the way you wanted. From what I understand of knapping you're not really sharpening the stone into an edge, just breaking it in such a way that it forms an edge where it breaks. Also, as far as the metal tools I was saying that they you'd still be able to create tools without grinding an edge. The grinding would be an additional, optional step to try and make a better edge.
  4. Grinders

    I like this idea. Metal tools could be the same as they are now, but using a grindstone could give them the related "enchantment", like sharpness for sword, efficiency for axe & pickaxe. Limit it so it could only be done to a tool with more than 75% durability (or another amount), and it would wear off once it got below that durability. Having the grindstone require some kind of oil that is difficult to obtain would prevent it from being OP. Also require it to be made of a raw igneous stone (or whatever kind makes sense, I'm not a geologist). Edit: Oh and stone tools shouldn't be able to be sharpened like this.
  5. While developing this....Addon

    That seems silly and not in the spirit of Minecraft, which is embracing mods. I understand not wanting people to distribute "modified TFC files" (it's stealing TFC code). But to try and restrict any mods at all, even ones that replace files in the TFC package? It just seems anti-minecraft to me. I would love to see TFC have its own API for mods to work with things like the bloomery / forge / etc. Well that's my 2 cents, it's not my mod or website so they can obviously do what they want.
  6. Alloy Quality

    I have an issue with the chisel where it is in the wrong mode sometimes. I think it has to do with me playing on two different computers. So stair mode smooths, and slab mode makes stairs, and smoothing mode makes slabs. I guess I need to make sure I always log off with the same mode set. Never saw where it only did smoothing no matter what mode you put it in. One cool thing I discovered this way is that you can make "smooth stairs" by smoothing first then making stairs.
  7. Protection for servers

    Yeah this is running on one of the servers I play on. My issues with it are that griefers can also lock things to cause trouble, like building a jail around somebody, and the amount of locking appears to be unlimited. I would rather see something like a protection stone, that protected everything in a certain range of where it was placed. Limit it to one per player and don't allow any overlap and I think that would work nicely.
  8. I think the realism aspect here is that you may or may not find something in a given sample when you check. So to be able to choose what to find seems like cheating. However, I do think the propick should have a chance to return more than one reading, like "found traces of saltpeter and a small sample of native copper". That seems realistic, where you'd take a sample and find more than one thing in it when you look at it.
  9. Damascus steel

    I love this idea because it would give knowledgeable players an advantage.
  10. Where to change the days for a year in the config?

    Yeah you definitely need the server running for time to pass. I've had mine off for days and came back and it's the same in game date. I don't think it should ever work based on the system clock like that. When you start up a server it should come back in the same state as when you stopped it. I think in game stuff will "fast forward" using the in game time when a chunk is loaded (ie: when you connect, or come back to your base after having been gone a while). In other words, you don't have to have the client running and/or connected to the server for time to pass, but you do need to keep the server process running all the time.
  11. Alloy Quality

    You need an anvil of that TIER, not necessarily the same metal. So for bronze tools, you'd need any anvil from the tier 2 metals, so bismuth bronze or rose gold or whatever would work. You basically need the anvil from the previous tier to make ingots and the anvil for the next tier. Also, the wiki lists "n/a" in the tool anvil column for metals that can't be made into tools.
  12. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    What about a short "invisible to mobs" effect, after being knocked unconscious? This would be for the system that spawns you in the same place you died, with an injury debuff. Should at least prevent the death rut problem of mobs simply killing you again after you wake up. It's semi-believable that mobs would lose interest after they thought you died.
  13. Rocks vs. Cobblestone

    It seems weird to me to pick up a rock off the ground and immediately place it back as a cobblestone block. It should take several rocks to make a cobblestone block. 8 rocks to make one cobblestone block would make sense to me. I think this also fits in with the new size mechanics.
  14. Bring back water saturation

    Yeah good point. I guess that's the real issue, time still passing when you're not playing, that prevents a complicated farming mechanic. You can't penalize for not being online at the right time.
  15. Bring back water saturation

    So I was reading the upcoming build 53 change log, and I saw that crops are being made simpler by removing water saturation. I think that it should be put back, but with the addition of some method to inspect your crops to see the details on how they're doing. Like a tool that would show you the water saturation and growth progress and maybe nutrient levels in the soil. Perhaps a magnifying glass, made from metal worked into the right shape, and glass. Buckets could be used to adjust the water level if too low, or closing off the irrigation source if it's too high. Or maybe multiple irrigation lines could be set up, if the dirt was affected more by having more water around it. I think this would be good, because it would require some knowledge and skill and effort in growing crops to make sure they had the right amount of water. So it wouldn't just be "plant it next to water and wait". Different crops would need different amounts of water, and having too much or too little water would cause you to lose some of your crops, depending on how badly off you were (but never losing ALL your crops just because that would suck). It opens the door to having a farmer role, in addition to miners and blacksmiths and architects in a town. Anyway, that's my thoughts. I'm definitely going to be playing with crops more when 53 comes out, with the configurable year length.
  16. How SSP players should play?

    Yeah I was going to post in this thread earlier about the length of year option but didn't want to bump it and have someone not read the whole thread and start the argument again. Good solution, although might have been better with values like short / med / long with preset values to ensure it's always a multiple of twelve, or maybe something like "days per month" instead, to avoid mistakes and eventual bug reports about people setting it to 31.41592653589 and it not working. Whatever, though, I'll take it as is.
  17. Secondary and Tertiary Foods

    Yeah definitely agree and I'm sure it's coming at some point, else why have all the different crops. You shouldn't be able to eat just olives for nutrition, so I think it's fine that they only give 1/2 a hunger point. There should definitely be a way to combine separate food items into singular "meal" items that can be stacked and carried and replenish at least the same amount of hunger as their individual components (maybe a small bonus too). Also, when that's done, beef/pork/chicken should replenish less hunger, so that carrying prepared meals is the more efficient choice.
  18. String

    Personally, neither do I,. I think hemp would be great to add to the game and used for string and whatever else it really was used for. I was just addressing the argument that it shouldn't be used because of the name or the association to drugs.
  19. 52e Experimentation: Ores

    Yeah I'm anxiously awaiting any kind of update from Bioxx on whether the poll he added about SSP vs. SMP will have any effect on the mod. It seems the way things are now is balanced for large SMP, where you'd have several people working together to search large areas for ore, and one person can't do it all without putting in the same man-hours. So I'm assuming that's why ore is as rare as it is now.
  20. String

    So what, they'd be wrong because the mod is NOT supposed to be realistic. You just point them to the FAQ: Blue and red steel aren't realistic either.
  21. String

    Why does it have to be a real world thing? If the only objection to hemp is the name, then make up a fake plant that has all the same uses in game but looks nothing like the well known drug leaf.
  22. 52e Experimentation: Ores

    Yeah, it's really possible to spend tens of hours looking. It took me over a week (probably about 30 hours in game) to find some nickel, and when I did it was buried in lava. Spent about 4 hours getting them all and only ended up with 25 pieces. I consider that a success, since in Duncan's 1000x1000 test there was only 137 pieces. I should be able to make a black steel anvil now with about 10 black steel ingots left over (a teammate already found a large gold deposit). Then I'll probably take a break and work on my base for a while, because that was way too much mining.
  23. It's OK, we've all lost at least one ingot that way. When heating ingots, always keep an empty mold in place to catch it if you accidentally melt it. You can check the wiki for temperature info, unless you consider it cheating: For Tin you'd heat to Hot *** and then make it into the tool.
  24. Yeah you definitely got a bad seed, so you either have to swim for a larger land mass so you can search more or create a new world with less ocean. In TFC, you can never find everything right at spawn unless you're really really lucky. It takes some travelling and searching to get started, and that's the point. Survival is hard, but it's way more satisfying when you get going. Maybe. I wonder what would happen if you had the sluice literally next to the ore. I've never really found sluices to be worth the effort, though. The amount of ore for time invested is way less than just hunting for surface rocks with ore in them. Plus, once you get that first pickaxe and propick you already know where to dig.
  25. Tool repair in Minecraft 1.4

    I don't think it's a dumb or wasteful feature. It's great in the context of vanilla MC, there needed to be a way to repair enchanted items without losing the enchantment. It'd be fun to be able to combine enchantments too. TFC should definitely never have anything of the sort, though. I look forward to being able to repair tools in TFC by working them again on the anvil, or something else believable, some day.