Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ozymal

  1. Animals!

    The mob AI suggestions will make a great addition to the mod. Seeing mobs spawn, react to threats, and move in herds will work very nice. Of course make sure the bigger the individual mob, the smaller the pack should be. But I mainly would like to see creative reasons to want to keep mobs alive - even those dangerous at night. I love the idea of keeping cows alive for a chain of dairy recipes; sheep for their wool; spiders for their silk production; dogs for protection; fertilizer from the lot of them. Poor pigs though; bacon is just too good to pass up.
  2. Extra Biomes XXL?

    With respect to the OP and the TFC team, my two cents is that this team keep up the great work. I think the extra biomes are cool, but do not fit the direction of this mod. This mod doesn't even have biomes any longer. I prefer the current direction in the world generation, and can't wait for the next improvement on it
  3. Finding clay problem!

    If you can't find clay, you aren't looking hard enough. It's probably laughing at you from right under your feet, below a thin shield of grass. If you can't find ore, you aren't trying hard enough. Rock and sluices do provide ore. Just not in the first ten attempts. Don't blame the world - look inward.
  4. Spumwack's Video Tutorials

    This is high quality. Fine job and keep it up!
  5. Help me

    LOL Usually when something says, "age unknown" it is unspeakably ancient. I just assumed
  6. Latest Changes to Chests...

    Realism for the sake of realism does suck. I agree. But TFC isn't made that way. It's adding balances and creating plausible suspensions of reality. I don't want to put words into aeroc's mouth, but I think aeroc is saying a good balance of tools/resources and an avenue toward the suspension of belief makes for great realism and a great game. Having a nerfed backpack that makes chest completely irrelevant is neither.
  7. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    Adding the sliding dirt function was a good idea. Dirt was a nerfed resource that doesn't need the powers it once had. It just took some time to adjust, but there really is nothing taken away, but a lot of balance was added. What I wouldn't mind seeing, and it has been suggested a few times, is the ability to create mud with the different types of dirt. It could be a function of the water bucket and dirt (repair style) in the 2x2 crafting gui. And then with mud, you can bake them into bricks. A very primitive starter building material, or one to make roads without having to deforest.
  8. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    The rock climbing item is a ladder. I see you point theblindpeople...perhaps if dirt could be modified to mud, by use of a tool of some sort, that would be cool.
  9. A big 'Thank You' to the Developers

    "Here Here" to the OP. And Cheers to Bioxx and his team.
  10. smelting in firepit..

    The ore is melting as it should, but right into the ground. You need to find clay, there are a few topics on the forum about how to find it. With 5 clay you can craft a mold. Throw that mold on the fire until it creates a ceramic mold. It'll be brown in color. You must have this ceramic mold in the campfire GUI under the ore. You do not need to monitor the heat, the ore will fall into the ceramic mold when liquid.
  11. Help me

    Dorin, the TFC mod seriously makes vanilla minecraft feel like child's play. Wolf277 is an elder statesmen on the forum, and he's basically run down how to start off. There is a whole new world to explore in TFC that you have to conquer a step at a time. Take your time to learn the ins and out, and I guarantee you'll be hooked. The wiki page has some great tools, but continue to ask detailed questions on the forum, because I've learned a ton viewing here, and on the spotter videos linked to the wiki page. As for that pick axe. One of the biggest hurdles as I experienced is finding that first natural stone which will become your first anvil. When you explore, keep on the lookout for a flat table of stone. Test this stone by right clicking a hammer on it. If it indents and turns a darker shade, you've made a big discovery. Build a base camp near or even on that, because you will eventually create that first pick axe there. You will need to gather stones until you find ore. There are starter ores described on wiki. Other things you will need is ink from squid, so keep on the lookout for medium sized lakes, especially, and paper, so look for light green reeds, also near water. Finally, you will need to find that elusive clay. But before your first pickaxe, you may have to work with stone tools longer than you wish - it is truly about survival at first.
  12. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    I didn't like the new sand mechanic at first, but I respect it now. It makes you adapt even more to the environment around you. It makes you think before you start randomly digging and it forces you come up with creative ways to construct. One thing about cave-ins and falling into a ravine or cave without having sand as a quick way out. Invest in ladders every time you explore new places. Ladders (7 ubiquitous sticks) save the day 100% of the time.
  13. Finding clay problem!

    As everyone has mentioned, your best bet for clay is river beds, or where pools of water exist in green valleys between rock outcrops. And what you think is dirt/grass is actually all clay.The clay beds are very large and not deep, so once you found one you'll be happy for awhile. I've seen clay beds frequently exposed, so keep looking at the base of outcrops for those wonderful gray, white and brown stripes. Keep exploring, you will find clay.