Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Cidd

  1. Is there a recipe book anywhere for this mod?

    To smelt or faster u can also use a bellows It hard to maintain the wiki up to date because there are new update to the mod all the time, but we are working on it. There are a couple of videos that can help you. Spumwack (akaThe Minecraft Muse) is also starting to make high quality videos and has both tutorials and a let's play.
  2. If you want to edit the wiki.

    Hello, I want to work on the wiki. I don't have the required amount of post but if you would consider quality over quantity,These are 2 post i did in the guide section and that represent the quality of work that I would post http://terrafirmacra...l-you-can-farm/ http://terrafirmacra...ork-check-this/ I don't want post just to post to get the 20 required post. I mean what i say and i say what I mean. If you don't accept my application i will understand and apply again when i have the 20 required post . My name on the wiki is Ciddact
  3. 2 Player-related suggestions

    I like your idea to an extent. I was thinking that there needs to be a way in which the weather (temperature and rain) affects Steve. Like he can't craft if he is too cold and and his speed can be slower if its too hot outside. Adding a thirst bar too for drinking so running would decrease the thirst bar running in high temperature would also. for the disease he could catch a cold if its rainy and cold and get cuts and bruises if he falls (which need medicines and bandage to heal not a full hunger bar) but hepatitis and cancer i think that is going to far. this is a building game not a sims game But that my two cents
  4. Hello New world!

    I dont understand how u broke your unshape ingot what where they did u heat them or loose them or are they overworked? You can start working a metal when its in the welding heat range giving u more time to work it You need to make sure u follow the rules on the side of the Gui of the anvil. When u heat up an unshape metal u need to watch it and u need to have a ceramic mold in case it overheat and becomes liquid or u will loose it.
  5. Bloomery not working

    Does the bloomery light up when u click on the bloomery what does it say (ore quantity coal quantity output quantity) give me the numbers can u give us a picture from the top
  6. Island system with different resources

    I think I have what you are looking for i use it myself as a private smp This is my first map generated with TFC Spawn is on a big island with resources including a large clay supply there is a sequoia forest (on several island) to the west. I travel a few kilometers north with out finding land there is land south about 1 day boat travel (cant remember distance. and i havent travel east yet i would have like to share with u the map of spawn but i have apparently reach my upload quota. I need to figure out another way to add pictures to a post (If anyone knows let me know) anyhow here is the seed : -6753829648740552518 If u end up using it let me know
  7. Farming takes a long time, so it will be a while before you can count on bread as a food supply and even a while longer before you can breed your own livestock. In the mean time here are a few tips on how to keep form dying of starvation and avoid suicides. On your first day try not to run around too much and build a house to keep safe from monsters. Locate animals they will be your first food source. Meat can be cooked one piece at a time in a fire pit. It takes forever to cook a stack but what else are you gonna do at night. You can also cook meat in a forge 5 piece at a time add a bellows and it cooks even faster. Pigs and Cows: Both will give you a good amount of meat and leather, but until you can breed them they are not a renewable food source Chickens: DO NOT KILL CHICKENS. Keep them around and gather their eggs. You won't be able to trow them to make more chickens like in Vanilla MC, but you can cook them. Just put them in your fire pit or forge. They replenish 2 hunger. Fruits: You might come across this or a dead looking tree, Those are fruit trees. They are easily noticeable because their trunk is very thin ( like a fence post). If the tree looks dead it because its winter when spring comes it will grow leaves and then blossom and then give fruits. If you don't see fruits in the trees then come back in a month (game time). If you see fruits you can punch the leaves and you will receive the fruit. You can also attempt to harvest a sapling by breaking a branch (not the leaves and not the trunk) with an ax, but the drop rate is very low. Leave the trunk and come back same time next year (game-time) to harvest more fruit. Fruits depending on the kind replenish 1 or 2 hunger. Fishing: For now fishing works just like in vanilla MC. Kill a spider for some strings and make a fishing rod with sticks and head to the nearest source of water. According to dunkleosteus we can expect fish mobs (see the tread) Hostile mob food source: Rotten flesh is still a source of food like in Vanilla MC, but TerrafirmaCraft has so much more to offer keep it as dog food. Spider eyes are edible too and will replenish 2 hunger. This is still a work in progress let me know if i miss anything i'll add it in Thanks to redundantusage and TheWolf227 for their input
  8. good I'll add these in
  9. Ideas and discussion about FISHING!

    I like the idea of crafting bait for the fishing rod. Lead could be used to craft weights too that could be added to the fishing rod. As for net fishing, I was thinking about something resembling the sluice that could be place in a river and that would catch the fish. We could even need to create a sort of dam to redirect the water through the net. Crafting it should required a lot of string, like 9 piece of string gives 1 piece of net but then u need to assemble it with stick a little like how u craft the bellows ( plank is stick and leather is piece of net)