Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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2 Player-related suggestions

14 posts in this topic

Hello everyone, Oopyuman here,

Well I saw that my last topic about suggestions wasn't that great, but I came with a new one, and hopefully, it is a good one.I did look some (about 7 pages) to see if anyone posted any ideas like these, but no one did, so I decided to write these on my own.

Player thoughts

The system:

So a short description about this suggestion is to implement a player's thought system. Having positive thoughts (having comfort) gives a small bonus (around 5,10%) of speed, or strength, or anything like that, while having negative thoughts gives the exact opposite (a penalty).

The thoughts will be generated depending on your current state of the game, for instance, if you are homeless in the rain, the player will think "I'm in the rain, and I'm wet, I don't like this :(", and if you keep that for some more, you will eventually get that penalty.

The player, over time, will have some demands ("I want more food, even though I have enough", "I feel like getting exercise, I want to mine"), and you must fulfill them in order to benefit from that bonus, if not, the happiness will go to a neutral state where no bonus or penalty is added.

Diseases will be gotten from animals, mining, dirty places, water and such.


WelI, don't exactly know where should the board where your thoughts are displayed, but there might be a text in the right upper corner of the screen, and you can toggle seeing them by pressing a button. Another way I thought was to place a smiley icon next to your inventory, when going into it, which shows your happiness (sad if not happy, smiling if happy).

Additional details:

Maybe there should be an optional feature, which is sanity. It will be affected by the environment, actions, and multiplayer. This is optional, I say that again. Under a low sanity level, the player will be able to craft, do certain things that would make him a bit happier (Make an imaginary friend, etc.).


The system:

This would good to implement, since it brings a lot of realism and variety into the mod. It creates diseases which affect your activity, crafting ability, speed, sight, and much more (many effects would come from vanilla effects).

Players would be able to have bruises, cuts (not diseases), and basic diseases, which would come into more states (small diseases - cold, flu; medium ones - hepatitis; terminal diseases - cancer;)

Players would also have a very small chance to be created with a permanent disease that would affect their life for the whole course of the game (progeria, a weird example, but would work). Although dangerous diseases are very rare, they can happen in like 1 in 100, or 500.

The diseases will have their symptoms accordingly.


Right next to the thoughts indicator, there should be the disease indicator, showing the current one. The display will be toggle able, just like the thoughts one, and will toggle at the same time with it.

Thank you everyone for reading my suggestions, I hope you liked them, please give me feedback about them, so I can see if I did wrong, or not. I'm sorry if I went a little crazy with the diseases, and yeah, that's it.


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About the diseases, there is the health thread, but i really don't know what's in there, so i won't bother you :

On the player thought, however... No. Why? because it ruins the inmersion in the game. You don't want to be controlling Steve. You want to BE Steve. If you are getting penaltys and buffs for thinking, it's would be best for them to be your own thoughts, not those from Steve. And sorrily, we still can't make a PC detect our thoughts, translate them to java languaje and get them to affect Minecraft. So... just no.

That, and the fact that i always hated tamagotchis, and the thought suggestion will convert steve in a 3D one basically.


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This could be like DF or it could turn out to be like The Sims, either way is meant for third person this is a first person.


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I like your idea to an extent. I was thinking that there needs to be a way in which the weather (temperature and rain) affects Steve. Like he can't craft if he is too cold and and his speed can be slower if its too hot outside. Adding a thirst bar too for drinking so running would decrease the thirst bar running in high temperature would also.

for the disease he could catch a cold if its rainy and cold and get cuts and bruises if he falls (which need medicines and bandage to heal not a full hunger bar) but hepatitis and cancer i think that is going to far. this is a building game not a sims game

But that my two cents


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Making our characters have needs and thoughts that we do not control is kinda weird, it would be like everybody suddenly became bi-polar, the game character may want an apple orchard, but you, as the player, may want to make a 4:1 replica of the log cabin Abe Lincoln was born in. So, ya see, we have an issue of conflicting interests


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As a general rule for me all physical stats come from the game and all thoughts feelings and emotion come from the actual person. So if its cold and rainy Steve might mine slower but not because he is said but because Steve is freezing his butt off and is soaking wet. I agree we need more player stats and they should affect our health more believably but we will have to wait until some sort of Health update before we can make any real comments/changes. Because somethings may already be planned and we don't know if our ideas contradict those ideas.


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As a general rule for me all physical stats come from the game and all thoughts feelings and emotion come from the actual person. So if its cold and rainy Steve might mine slower but not because he is said but because Steve is freezing his butt off and is soaking wet. I agree we need more player stats and they should affect our health more believably but we will have to wait until some sort of Health update before we can make any real comments/changes. Because somethings may already be planned and we don't know if our ideas contradict those ideas.

Frostbite baby, i wanna see steves little fingers fall off when hes standing in the middle of a boreal winter with nothing more than a full inventory of sand to keep him warm. But i doubt they will add this into TFC, But you never know i guess.

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I for one, would love a realistic health system, but only under two conditions:

All wounds are treatable.

You respawn with all the injuries you had when you died.


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I for one, would love a realistic health system, but only under two conditions:

All wounds are treatable.

You respawn with all the injuries you had when you died.

So lets say Steve-o comes waltzing down the mountain side and is looking at a cute pig he's planning on eating, Steve-o then falls to near death, He has 2 compound fractured legs and a broken rib, He bleeds out, and awakes at the spawn point, So hes gonna spawn with 2 useless legs and can barely breath? Or should we just stick to cuts and bruises?

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Our motto is basically: no buffs, only debuffs. We can make rain and cold cause steve's hand to slow down, but being happy or in a comfortable climate will NOT make you work faster. The question becomes now: was this a feature you wanted because you felt that TFC needs a more dynamic way for the environment to affect steve, or did you just want some buffs?


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I talked a bit about this in devlin's thread about health, so read that before you argue with me about it. :)


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The enviroment directly affecting you is a must, at least that's what i think. Now, i really don't like the way it's proposed in the OP, and for the reasons i already stated. Believable health system? yeah, sure. Having to take care of Steve as if he was some sort of giant baby? hell no.

On the bright side,

Congratulations for your 1000th post, Dunk! :D


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Ok well thanks for giving me the feedback, it was only a suggestion, so I'm not going force you all to like it or something, if it isn't good it won't be put into the game

The question becomes now: was this a feature you wanted because you felt that TFC needs a more dynamic way for the environment to affect steve, or did you just want some buffs?

Well the suggestion I posted was a feature to make TFC more dynamic, so environment actually affects us, and thus making the mod more realistic, and I was thinking by implementing a thought system would be quite nice, but apparently it isn't the best idea. Well probably the buff idea isn't that good, but a debuff would be a good thing to implement, so instead of thoughts, you could do a physical state indicator, showing how tired, any possible injuries, if Steve's wet, and so on.


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AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! He said the r word :o everybody attack him!!!!!!! :lol:

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