Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by lipki

  1. [x32][0.78][0.79.17 83%] SummerFields

    You can try this: only if you tell me if it works.
  2. grain = seed

    Thank you Wikycha... eu... Kittychanley, for this long explanation. And thank you Regnilse, for the summary
  3. grain = seed

    Bonjour Grains and seeds of cereals are actually identical. And I'm surprised to see them as two items in the game. I do not think this suggestion is accepted, but I do it anyway. ( I like make pretty pictures )
  4. Minecraft API support

    I'm having trouble explaining in English.So, the TFC repo contains Forge, and can be compile without.It also contains the API that you are looking for.You must clone "[email protected]:Deadrik/TFCraft.git"Then start gradlew as you would for Forge.
  5. Torch Improvements

    You can try this great idea of Trenix on my github fork.Release 0.79.9 TFC NT 0.3I do not have the right to put the link, but if you are smart you will find. indication :
  6. dirt->dry grass->grass

    Just a small suggestion aesthetic. That the dirt through the state of drygrass before becoming grass.
  7. dirt->dry grass->grass

    I do not see the relationship with the trees, but I assure you, it will not create any lag.
  8. Minecraft API support

    yes, you can.Clone the repo, and initialise it like Forge.
  9. nomad mod

    Pas de problème, moi non plus je ne me comprend pas. :DNo problem, I not understand me.
  10. nomad mod

    Bonjour, nomad mod Here are some things I dream for Minecraft. It would work so well with the TFC game-play. We are still oblige to move, to discover new territory. Well ok ! Move ! And we're taking home with us. We must keep the progression, Stone Age, Copper Age, Bronze Age, etc ... What to do with crops, animals, chest. How to make a shelter for the night, which is both easy to install, but also as customizable as possible. I am not proposing anything concrete yet, I would first have your feeling about this. Here's a picture for let your imagination run wild. Merci.
  11. nomad mod

    For now, I Mostly Need idea of player.AND thank you for this mod, I'll get it, it may be a good basis.
  12. Torch Improvements

    I think it's good. ....
  13. [x32][0.78][0.79.17 83%] SummerFields

    I screwed up.Redownload please.
  14. Fireflies

    I like the idea.But it will not be very effective. This light use the bacteria, but, is just a ambient light (green).10 firefly ~ 1 candle500 firefly ~ 1 light bulb And the light is only green or blue.But, the firefly in the nature, and in the cave, would be really nice.
  15. [x32][0.78][0.79.17 83%] SummerFields

    Update, you will find the link on the site Summerfields. - some correction for gui- mud brick - button for inventory- all icons - new sugarcane - all devices
  16. Dinner Table: New Saturation Mechanic

    I like the idea of having to take the time to eat, to get a good saturation.Snack all day VS Eat once a day at the table.But not take it wrong, it generates a lot of constraint.I suggest :The "Table" is only a block with a "Meals"But the block can be chiseled.Forget utensils, but the knife may appear on the table, to make pretty.We can sit on the floor or anywhere.You can make your own chair, TFC provides the tools for that.- Be sitting, add 1/2 day of saturation- Eat close to table or firepit, add 1/2 day of saturation.---User caseIt's morning, you get up from your bed, you sit at your table and eat for the day.It is evening, you sit at the table and eat for the night.You travel, you sit down on the floor close your firepit and eat for the day.
  17. It is not only the render, but also behavior.The block must display the pillar, but also water.But the pillar will not appear under water with simple renderStandardBlock.It will use the double layer rendering, as the block of slime.Either use a TESR.But it also requires that the water block adjusts its height to block adjacent water. People who understood my gibberish wrongly translated, put your hand in the air.
  18. Because these are tools that we often need to take or store. And often in the same place.
  19. Grain storage

    make a news one.
  20. For me the rope is a "longe". In any case, it is only how she is using in game. A "longe" is not more than 4 meters of long. when properly stored, is the result.
  21. combat tips in the stone age for new players

    What to do with a full copper wither in front door ?
  22. Coal and Charcoal

    Could you tell me why there is a difference between the Coal and charcoal. (philosophically)I'm in the Iron Age and I would like to use the coal to the mixture in the bloomery.Could there be a way to turn the Coal in Charcoal, by heating for example.
  23. Coal and Charcoal

    ------ Ok great, thank you.
  24. A Bug Request

    It would make a good mod !
  25. Torch Poll

    After several days of play in 0.79, I am forced to admit that, I do not use the torches to illuminate.