Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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xX_IllumireKt( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Xx

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Posts posted by xX_IllumireKt( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Xx

  1. So I've been following tutorials over this forum on how to setup my eclipse projects, and started with the one from Bletch however it seems to be outdated. Should I put TFCraft-Master into my workspace or TFCraft-0.79.26? Whenever I run the setup.bat (gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse) I get this error.


    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    *What went wrong:

    Execution failed for task ':mergeJars'.

    > error in opening zip file


    I've looked all over Forge forums and on stackexchange but either the problem isn't related to Minecraft, the problem isn't the same as mine or when the problem is correct, the forum staff won't respond because 1.7.10 is outdated.


    If someone could answer my questions that would be great.


    Sorry for having to deal with my nooby questions, KatzRool.


  2. I just wanted to know if there are different types of worlds. Whenever I spawn a world it is either

    All dry grass, lots of very large ore and nuggets

    All dry grass, Plenty of livestock and sticks

    All normal grass, plenty of crops, no ore for at least 6 kilometres and small amounts at that

    All acacia forest

    I have spawned about 30 worlds over the past few days and have always gotten these results at an almost equal rate.

    What's going on here?


  3. Maybe I've been playing too much Fallout but I think a system of encumbrance would be great.

    My idea strays from the idea of a "slotted" inventory and goes into the idea of an inventory determined by weight, perhaps in a list format.

    My idea goes like this:


    - All items can stack as much as possible (because stacking wouldn't need to be the system used to limit inventory space)


    - All players have a stat system (similar to the S.P.E.C.I.A.L in Fallout which starts at 0 and progresses throughout the game) This adds things like weight limits of players for the amount of stuff they can carry, agility for holding large and clumsy items and stuff like that. Perhaps this could be linked with experience and leveling.


    - The inventory is kind of like the creative mode scroll system where you can just keep scrolling down when you need more slots.


    - The thing that limits this however is the maximum weight limit, which stops you from putting infinite items into your inventory.


    - The closer you get to the maximum weight limit, the slower your character gets until you go over the limit and then your character will be unable to move until they go back under the limit.


    When I look at my idea on paper (or rather "screen") it does look a bit floppy but I would really like to see something similar to this in a Minecraft game.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this,


    Maybe I've been playing too much Fallout but I think a system of encumbrance would be great.

    My idea strays from the idea of a "slotted" inventory and goes into the idea of an inventory determined by weight, perhaps in a list format.

    My idea goes like this:


    - All items can stack as much as possible (because stacking wouldn't need to be the system used to limit inventory space)


    - All players have a stat system (similar to the S.P.E.C.I.A.L in Fallout which starts at 0 and progresses throughout the game) This adds things like weight limits of players for the amount of stuff they can carry, agility for holding large and clumsy items and stuff like that. Perhaps this could be linked with experience and leveling.


    - The inventory is kind of like the creative mode scroll system where you can just keep scrolling down when you need more slots.


    - The thing that limits this however is the maximum weight limit, which stops you from putting infinite items into your inventory.


    - The closer you get to the maximum weight limit, the slower your character gets until you go over the limit and then your character will be unable to move until they go back under the limit.


    When I look at my idea on paper (or rather "screen") it does look a bit floppy but I would really like to see something similar to this in a Minecraft game.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this,


    I haven't read this thread by the way so sorry if I repeat anything already said.


  4. Block breaking in Minecraft. Digging. Punching. Mining. Whatever you call it, it's an essential part of gameplay. It takes different times with different tools. Sometimes a block can't be harvested due to insufficient tools.

    Block placement time is essentially the same, but in reverse. For example, to build with timber blocks, perhaps a hammer would be needed in the hotbar and a stock of nails in the inventory before it can be placed. and the better the tool, the faster the placement. This would be a great way to oppose the idea of building a mansion in five days. Perhaps extensions to day length as to give time for extended building.

    Just an idea.



  5. Urgh, this thread is really dissolving into nonsense.


    And um, just a question, but shouldn't this be in the addon-section? And isn't there already a buildcraft/TFC fix? or is that outdated?

    Firstly, yes there is pointless nonsense occurring, but I would hope that it won't hinder any discussion and development on this topic.

    Secondly, I asked Kitty and she said it was fine to post it here with the tag, 'Addon Request'. And posts in that forum should have download links or proof of concept.

    And lastly, that topic is only a fix and doesn't quite suit the TFC feel I was thinking about. This is not buildcraft, this is something else more similar to the factory types of multi-blocks in things like big reactors.


  6. one hell of a username you got there

    What the ^*&%^&^%^ did you just &*%&%( say about my edgy meme, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the A-Skrub Taskforce, and I’ve been involved in numerous top kek raids on your mother, and I have over 9000 confirmed memes. I am trained in L.O.L and I’m the toppest of all keKt-reKters in the entire Antarctican armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another nube. I will wipe you the *@&^$#*&$@ out with geometry the likes of which has never been seen before even in New Azaknekexikiao, mark my ^&%*&^%& words. You think you can get away with saying that shet to me over 9chan? Think again, fakker. As we speak I am contacting my mother across Australia and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, shallot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your forum. You’re *&^$*&^*&^% dead, lad. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can rek you in OVER NINEHUNDTHOUSONE ways, and that’s just with my bare keyboard. Not only am I extensively trained in shit-posting, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Edgy Cidz Klandof 04 and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable Playstation 5 off the face of the schoolyard, you little shet. If only you could have known what Darude - Sandstorm your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your &^%$&^^& uvula. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn scrub. I will shet CS:GO knives all over you and you will drown in it. You’re mine, kiddo.






  7. Perhaps the magnetite would have to be a Rich ore deposit. That way it's not too easy to get.

    That seems fair.

    Maybe using Minecraft magic (What allows you to carry and entire cave in your inventory with no clothes) there could be some kind of way to place this past red/blue steel stages, needing to forge a north/red and a south/blue block alloy of magnetite. When a whole block of each is created, perhaps they could be placed adjacent in line with the axle. Some kind of multi-block arrangement.


  8. Hello all, this is an addon suggestion.

    "What.. no?!", don't ask, it made sense in my head.

    I was recently thinking about the Buildcraft fix for TFC and thought of how simple everything still was, even after red/blue steel. An idea I propose for perhaps following the "steam age" mod follows advanced mining structures, pollution and more. (ah, the humanity) *cough*So a beginning idea for this new technological advancement past steam-pistons and all is as follows:

    *Find and mine magnetite ore, an iron oxide and the most magnetic naturally occuring mineral on Earth.

    *Chip off the rough edges of the lodestone (yes, they call it that) with a chisel in the crafting square.

    *Rub the lodestone against an iron bar of some sort or melt then coat it (I honestly didn't research this for very long, discuss this in replies) to create an iron magnet

    *If a large enough magnet is built, it could be placed on an axel surrounded by a copper coil, leading off to all sorts of wires and transformers. Turbine type blades are built onto the axel, with massive controlled vats of steaming water (could be supplied by pipes and reservior) boiled by fossil fuels (a need for industrial coal mining anyone?) with a vent system. Maybe have a timed setting of pollution addition to the local area (gray-er skies, dry grass, soil infertility, undrinkable water and stuff like that).

    All of this would have to be built properly (relative to 'Minecraft Realism), rather than shoving around some batteries, copper and iron on a crafting table. This could only really be achieved on a large TFC server, as occupations would need to take place, because one person probably isn't going to manage the mining industry, the generator factories, the science/research facilities, plastic manufacturing etc. without cheating. And what's the point to achieve in building all of this without a community?



  9. Actually I've had experience with this. I usually set my years to 360 days, but when I joined a server one day, everything was flashing and the sun was glitching in the sky. It didn't matter how far time progressed, the sun stayed in the same position. If you want to edit this, make sure to notify anyone joining the server to change their year-length too, or else you'll not have a very fun experience.


  10. Welcome to the Forums!


    I realize this might be an oversimplification, but it sounds to me like you want something similar to the Thaumcraft research system. In my experience, these artificial barriers really don't add much to gameplay other than frustration and tedium for anyone who isn't a brand new player. After you've played the mod for a while, you already know the majority of the crafting recipes and processes by heart, but with a system like this you are completely blocked from being able to utilize that knowledge on a new playthrough until you "unlock" the barrier.


    For Thaumcraft, I will admit the system was really cool and fun the first time I played. I was unlocking brand new things that I had absolutely no previous knowledge about, so I was just excited to go through and see what all there was. However, the next time that I started a new game, I already knew what I was aiming for, and the mentality was more along the lines of "Ugh, I have to go scan this, this, and this so I can unlock the thing I want."


    Much of the progression in TFC already has the artificial barrier of cost. Bloomeries require the two metal anvils, and then the bronze to make it. Blast furnaces require graphite and kaolinite, and then a LOT of wrought iron.


    As for skills, there isn't really a good way to implement what is being suggested without also introducing a system that just requires grinding. If a player has already found enough copper and bronze materials to get to wrought iron, they really shouldn't have to smith a bunch of random stuff just so their skill level is high enough to make the tool worth making. What we're really trying to avoid is a skill system that results in "Do this action X amount of times in order to be able to do Y." As the system is currently supposed to work (I say supposed to because it's buggy in 78), all tools have a base durability based on the material that they are made of. A wrought iron pickaxe will always be better than a copper one, because the material itself is better. Smithing skill just adds to that base durability. This way, players aren't punished if they decide that they don't want to specialize in smithing, but the players who do decide on that specialization are rewarded with tools, weapons and armor with higher durability.


    Skills are still important because players who decide to specialize in something else can still trade/get tools created by players who have the higher skill. For example: player A focuses on cooking, while player B focuses on smithing. The two players decide to work together so that player B makes all of the tools, weapons and armor for the both of them, while player A makes all of the food for both of them.

    Thanks for the reply.


    I guess the limitations similar to Thaumcraft are a bit stumping and irritating, but the thing is that I'd like a way that civilizations can advance in a more prolonged state. The skills idea sounds sufficient for some of my point and that's perfect, you devs continue with the great work. But sometimes when I play TFC I kind of wish that the stages lasted longer, for example I make a thatch hut, I throw my logs and clay in and in about 3 TFC days I have copper saws. With my new crafting capabilities, much is simple following that, with pro-pick use and gathering of house-building materials. Of course there is large cost for further metallurgy and such but that's fine. I guess maybe basic inventions like steam could do with tech-trees and stuff. Maybe I just want something past the whole progression curve, I don't know. If that's it then some of the addons I'm seeing could quench my thirst.


    "Skills are still important because players who decide to specialize in something else can still trade/get tools created by players who have the higher skill. For example: player A focuses on cooking, while player B focuses on smithing. The two players decide to work together so that player B makes all of the tools, weapons and armor for the both of them, while player A makes all of the food for both of them."


    And I guess the multi-player civ-advancement ideas are what I really like, colonies and trade, factions and more. Sometimes I feel as though artificial systems are the way to go about allowing this but that can't be right.

    Maybe if people were realistic about it and just traded things for items like gems, then a currency could develop. I mean, what the hell are you going to do with a green papery slip anyway? Trade it, that's what.


  11. /me looks around suspiciously in a cloaked outfit, scavenging in a cave deep, deep within the first universe created within this thread, uncovering the remains of ECC.

    /me drains the ancient powers of the OP and laughs maliciously, almost insane in this broken universe in which he is trapped before the camera fades to black saving this character for a future event...


  12. Hello TFC community. I've just made this account now but have been following this project since mid 2012 and so far love everything about it and know that the devs work hard on the only mod for Minecraft (excepting addons/shaders and such) that I think I'll ever play again.


    And now that my introduction (so I feel more welcome and part of the community) is complete, I can move on to the topic.

    One thing that I've wanted for a while is a system in which crafting is "restricted" perhaps including such things as dreams and events leading to 'discoveries' giving you the ability to craft such an object as is displayed in the discovery. Maybe a use for gems in a 'research table' or other kind of workstation requiring higher-grade gems for better lenses. Researching an item on an Exquisite lens may yield recipes using that item further down the technology tree. There could be a new side tab in the inventory with a list of items you can craft, and items you need to craft before 'discovering' another one. Maybe more experience points would amount to 'life experience' allowing more 'dreams' to show up, maybe giving a need for sleep in smp (although I'm sure some kind of rest would be implemented in the future, coupled with body heat). Perhaps some of this could be integrated with the new 'skills' system.

    Basically, you can't craft things unless you have knowledge of them (which could be passed to other players as 'inventions').


    Just a thought, thanks.
