Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Hubertus

  1. Ores in blocks

    Hello all! I'm working on a texture pack that makes ores a little more visible for people playing with difficult light or with crappy eyes. I've worked up some higher contrast textures, that still largely resemble their vanilla counterparts (mostly just burnished edges), and would like to test them against their natural stone types. I know you can't find stone with ores in them in the creative menu, so I was wondering if anybody knows how to spawn blocks of stone with ore in them. For example, take tertahydrite. Tetrahydrite appears in Slate, schist, quartzite, phylitte, marble, and gneiss. I'd like to line up one of each type with tetrahydrite in them to make sure it is visible in all rock types.
  2. Slowed movment from tall grass

    Mechanic for undoing slowness: punch the grass/trails.
  3. [Solved] 79.10 Zombies Drop Iron Swords

    The categories are rather superfluous, since I categorize even the most severe issue as minor. So now I've finally classified one as severe. The world could end because of this. It was my first weapon, which I managed to wrench out of the hands of a zombie. Unfortunately for me, it's worthless, and I was overtaken by the horde. So severe
  4. Metal bits, cutting ingots for alloy managing

    Note that when we smith ingots, they are at a workable temperature. Also, bending takes a lot less force that breaking.
  5. BetterGrass Causes Lag

    You have 16GB of RAM (Very nice), but how much is minecraft actually allowed to use? Have you tried increasing the RAM allocation? I also had some lag issues with TFC in the beginning, which were completely fixed by getting fastcraft and by allocating more ram.
  6. Metal bits, cutting ingots for alloy managing

    I won't go into my usual tirade about how you're turning 21 items into 210, which would be a pain if you're planning to have different graphics for them all, and instead examine the logistics of your idea. You want to cut a metal bar with a knife. Have you ever tried cutting sheet metal? By hand, that is, not with something nice like electric shears. First of all, you don't use a knife, but use tin snips. You will never cut through a metal bar with just a knife and the power of your muscles. TIn snips are similar in shape to shears and scissors. Cutting a 1mm sheet of stainless steel is already a huge task with tin snips. Now, we don't have an official size for ingots, but since you can stack them 8 high in 1 blocks, 100cm/8 ingots = 12.5cm, or 125mm. So, imagine the effort of cutting 1mm of steel with tin snips, multiplied by 125. Never gonna happen. Also, these forum threads might interest you: Arguements for half bars Metal nuggets/coins Money
  7. Copper Tools

    Hi there! Just so you know, your post breaks the rules for reporting bugs, which can be found here. Now, as to your issue, I tried melting 10 copper and got 100 units, 10 tetrahydrite and got 100 units, 10 copper and 10 tetrahydrite and got 200 units, and 5 copper and 5 tetrahydrite and got 100 units. So if there's a bug, I don't see it. Could you please make a more formal bug report so that we can see if it's a TFC or forge version issue, or something caused by other mods. Could you also please be more specific about what steps you take to melt the nuggets. Maybe you're not doing it correctly?
  8. Shift Click Consistency

    Direct copy paste from the big info header of the support forums: Rule #1 in TFC: Don't shift click items around in inventories.
  9. [79.9] - Tall mountain peak and northern forest

    As per the forum rules, please post screenshots.
  10. Less thirst and hunger decrease while idling

    If it helps, consider the regular rate of hunger and thirst as your reduced idling cost, and the increased cost associated with performing actions as the regular cost. Really, what you're asking for has already been implimented, just not with the values that you'd like. I personally find no issue with the current rates, and regularly have to put food in long term storage because I have too much.
  11. Bats!

    I suggested diseases in general, not any specific disease. I said that eating bats was a bad idea, because they carry diseases like ebola. I then suggested diseases in general. I obviously wouldn't suggest adding ebola to the game, as that would be both disguisting and rather insensitive to the current crisis :|
  12. Bats!

    "graphic diseases", which doesn't explicitly mean diseases in general. The common cold is a disease, which is not graphic. If you meant diseases in general, then I apologise for the misunderstanding.
  13. I have an idea for obsidian.

    I think you're thinking of the Macuahuitl. The Aztec, Inca, and Mayans used them. It was a very powerful weapon, with 1 or 2 uses from the blades snapping off from the impact. I agree that we really don't need more weapons (except maybe a sling). Would be cool if arrows got makeover, with different tiers (and a healthy neft). Edit: Double quote. Don't even know that happened.
  14. Food don't matter

    As I understand it, the better the match to your taste profile, the greater saturation you get from it. Greater saturation increasing the time you until you get hungry again. Not sure why you're eating the same amount these days, although the nutrition mechanics have changed quite a bit recently. It could just be that 20 oz per day is the new level an expect chef needs, and that lower ranked shefs are eating more.
  15. Food don't matter

    I'd like to refer you to in regards to your second argument. To the first argument: I'm not sure what you mean. Are you saying it's too much effort to make 2 sandwiches per day? Or do you mean that the time it takes to gather all the food is too strongly countered by the rate at which you consume it? Because making sandwiches takes like 20 seconds, and my tiny little farm produces so much food that I still have the stuff from last autumn in my celar and it's now the end of the 2nd winter. Also, do you only eat one sandwich per day? That's pretty impressive. I eat a sandwich and a couple hours later I'm hungry again.
  16. Vary casting quantities

    Erm....Try 100 units of copper. You don't need the propick, since copper nuggets should already have indicated to you the presence of copper (Unless you're panning in an area without copper bearing ores, in which case the pick and propick won't do you much good). Also, support beams are highly overrated, and certainly not needed to get your first stack of copper. 100->200 isn't all that bad, all things considered. It would be nice if the durability changed according to how much metal is used for the tool. e.g. Say copper tools have 500 base durability. Knives take 1/2 an ingot, so they have 250 durability A pickaxe takes 200 units, and so has 1000 durability. Unfortunately this would kinda negate the bonus of being able to make 2 knives from 1 ingot, and actually increase the number of tools you have to carry around with you. But still, a nifty idea.
  17. I have an idea for obsidian.

    Obsidian, the go-to material for stone age tools. Of course, little do people realize that most stone age tools were NOT made out of obsidian. Sure, obsidian tools are famous, but obsidian isn't actually that common, and so indigionous cultures actually used a host of other sillicate based materials. So if obsidian tools are added, they'd have to be along the same line as stone tools. Also, obsidian doesn't actually form when lava meets water, but that's beside the point. You can't melt obsidian and still expect to get obsidian once it cools: different types of stone form according to how fast the lava cools. Furthermore, it also depends on wether it is lava or magma that is cooling, resulting in different stones. So you can see the conditions for forming obsidian aren't actually that favourable. No, you can't shape anything out of obsidian blocks. You could, theoretically, make scale armour with obsidian scales, but that would be a huge stretch. Anything made out of a large block of obsidian would shatter with a single impact. The only reason people valued it for tools so much is because it breaks cleanly. Any obsidian tools added would be have to be quite small, being pretty much restricted to knives (Since TFC doesn't use scrapers for scraping hides, and obsidian axe heads are much too brittle) Now, as an aside, while obsidian is very fragile, it also cuts better than steel. Yes, you heard me, it cuts better than steel. Compare an obsidian flake and a scalpel under a microscope, and you will find that while the blade of a scalpel looks like a saw (with really really tiny teeth), the edge of an obsidian flake is completely smooth. There is actually a significant amount of research being done into wether we could create a reliable source of obsidian scalpels, because they cut cleaner than steel, which does less damage to the patient. Unfortunately they only have a few good uses before small pieces start to break off and the scalpel starts resembling a saw. So IF obsidian tools were added, they'd have to have terrible durability but do bonus damage. But, since Kitty has already pointed out a similar mechanic that was removed, it's unlikely they will be coming back. Sources: I studied archaeology and geology for 3 years at the University of Calgary.
  18. Bats!

    I strongly suggest YOU read the thread before you suggest other people do. Did I suggest: An improvement to the propickAn NPCManure (Which guano is rather close to)/digestive system by-products/things that are disgusting in natureA firearmGetting salt from saltwater?No, I didn't. Diseases in themselves do not violate any of those veto'd suggestions. I now recommend you read, which has a lovely statement to the tune of "If what you're saying contributes nothing to the suggestion, don't bother posting" I personally would love to have a bat as a pet. A long time ago I was on a server that let you capture mobs to keep as pets, and my bat was easily the cutest of them all. Also, the sounds they make are just adorable. You can sorta keep one as a pet now, though, if you can just get it to fly into an enclosure. I'm not really sure they need a use though, since they've always been more of a living decoration, like birds in various modpacks.
  19. Bats!

    Actually, the fact that there are never any consequences for eating raw food greatly impacts the believability for me. I'd rather see TFC move towards adding diseases than adding bat meat.
  20. Bats!

    I would strongly advise against the eating of bats. They carry a host of diseases that while they don't effect the bats, they do have adverse effects on humans. If you want an example of the ailments you can get from bats, just look at Ebola. Bats naturally carry ebola (but are immune), which spread to humans when somebody ate an infected bat.
  21. Version #: 79.9SingleplayerSuggested Name: Unknown DirtSuggested Category: MinorDescription: A while ago I placed a block of snow on my lawn (Basalt dirt). Why? Well, I wanted to test if it would melt, what with TFC's snow melting (It doesn't). Winter passed, and I decided to remove the snow block, satisfied it wasn't going to melt. When it broke, the dirt underneath was ugly. Like really ugly. It was some horrid grey colour, with flecks of green on top of it. Like a sickly creeper. Anyway, upon seeing the dirt, I promply destroyed it. The block I picked up is heavy, very small, and unknown. Not basalt, nor granite, or any other stone type. Just "Unknown", in blood red letter. Is that supposed to happen?Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes Fastcraft
  22. BUG: Sulfur on Trees

    On the subject of trees dying around lava, I agree with Palisight on the point of lava killing the tree. I have a fire pit in my backyard, and a small summer fire killed the branches of a tree standing a meter away. SInce lava tends to be hotter than a fire, I think it's very reasonable to strip any trees near lava of their leaves. Would be really cool if the terrain responded to the presence of lava a bit more - dead grass, bare trees, ect. It would also be really cool if lava caused a localized spike in temperature.
  23. Terrafirmacraft wikipedia only returns 404 error

    Hmmmmm.......Very stange. Have you tried: Different browser Clearing Cashe Accessing through a proxy I know that when I'm at work (I work in a middle school), accessing wikis can be difficult because the web filter tends to mess up the formatting. Your image looks a lot like when I try to access wikis at the school. Logging in with my staff credentials solves the issue, even though the wiki isn't esplicitly blocked by the filter. As for alternatives to the wiki...Well, you can reach out to the community for help, of course. Ask for help on a server, here in the forums, or in a chat service (If TFC has one). I would also suggest the NEI plugin. I've never used it myself, but I hear it's very usefull for recipes.
  24. Wiki Edits/Suggestions Weapons Black Bronze Ingots are worked on an Anvil to make the heads for: black Bronze Javelin Issue: Capitalization. The b in "black Bronze Javelin" should be capitalized. I haven't applied to be able to edit the wiki, and so can't do it myself.
  25. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    There are people from Calgary here? I'm from Calgary too!