Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Udary

  1. As a player, I would find this incredibly annoying. Going back to Vanilla MC after playing TFC is sooooo annoying that I have to chop every block, especially when one of my oak trees going SUPER sized and I'm Sky-blocking.
  2. This looks AWESOME! Although, another new world....
  3. You can already do this, start 3 blocks up 5 high tree and only the top will be cut. To completely cut a tree you MUST cut the bottom block.
  4. Unable to store food in small vessels

    Good point, although I was sat scratching my head when I first came across the problem. As for putting other things in chests, or tools... I just assumed you couldn't put tools in chests, like ingots, I'd think ingots would happily fit in a chest. Anyway... Running out of flux on the forge has the same effect, but for some reason this just makes me click HARDER!
  5. subsidence with mining...

    NOO!!! How will I expand my bunker!!
  6. Unable to store food in small vessels

    Was this increased (78 > 79?), as I've been cutting food into <40oz until I accidentally added something that was 55oz. A bit of experimentation later I found the 80oz limit. Feedback to the playerwould be nice. "Item is too large to fit in vessel"
  7. subsidence with mining...

    Support beams do stop dirt, but not gravel. Tested while extending my bunker/workshop. I was pretty shocked/surprised/disappointed when gravel fell down was pretty happy about the dirt though! I really didn't fancy digging it all out to then put it all back again!
  8. I am missing reasons to build a shelter

    Best comment ever!
  9. Introduce eating of kaolinite, geophagy

    It's an interesting last resort though. TFC has hunger, when when it's low causes...side effects. These are effectively nausea, hunger pains or whatever. If eating Kaolinite stopped the side effects, that would fit in with it's real world use. It might even raise your hunger bar a little, as you'd also feel full, but I wouldn't like to see it used as an alternative food source, as I wouldn't like to see the effects of over use!
  10. Has WorldGen changed?

    Sorry for the delay, I recreated the world and all seems well. It is the original world. Which got me really confused, so I went to one of the worlds I didn't delete and found it's seed. Completely different. I have NO idea what I was doing to get it wrong 3 times in a row, and the same wrong.... Sorry for the waste of time
  11. [Vanilla Bug] The great cow escape!

    My rule is, don't use fences as animal enclosures. Use walls: if you want to see through it, use glass; if you want to see into it, sink it in the ground. I ALWAYS get chickens stuck in the corners of fenced areas, so unfortunately my chickens live in a small wooden box. Sorry, chickens.
  12. [Solved] Brine bucket

    It was how expected to move all liquids from one barrel to another, as it's how I used to fill barrels, until I found you can dunk an entire barrel in water to fill it! I only recently found that you can seal a barrel, pick it up and fill other barrels with it....
  13. Make Horses less pointless and cooler

    - Increase inventory with vessels, a lot of items you pick up fit in vessels and this can quadruple your space. Kinda... - If you can't find pigs, and you want to RP being French, you can use horse as a food source! Carts would be interesting, but only viable on flat land (player-made roads or plains). Oh, and have you tried pulling a fully loaded cart through a field in the rain. You wouldn't get very far. Also isn't there a cart type thing already... Donkey's with chests?
  14. Has WorldGen changed?

    Ok, thanks for checking guys. I must have partied harder than I thought. How different, very different, my original world I started on the coast and if I head SE for about 400 I find a medium sized island in a reasonable sized lakewith a narrow land bridge. Very cool, and starter safe-ish. Zombies are terrible swimmers. In the new world I started in a forest... no coast or lake to be found. I'll check again when I can.
  15. Has WorldGen changed?

    If I did make a mistake I did it 3 times But I'll reconfirm in the next few days. I'm away at the moment...
  16. Has WorldGen changed?

    My original world was generated using versions 79.08 to 79.11; Compared to 79.15 they are very different and I assume it's related to the graphite changes. I know the world generation changed significantly between 78 and 79 and I'm very disappointed about that, I loved my 78 seed.
  17. Has WorldGen changed?

    I'm confused then... which is a perfectly reasonable answer, a lot of partying has happened over the last few weeks...
  18. [0.79.15] pretty starter seed 109194098

    More Rock Salt worlds! I've created a few new seeds recently (79.15) and 2 out of 3 have had Rock Salt on or very close to the spawn points. Prior to this version I've yet to find it. Nice seed though, not explored too much, but as you say...pretty
  19. A use for Galena

    "In some areas galena contains about 1-2 percent silver. In these areas the silver byproduct far outweighs the main lead ore in revenue. Galena deposits often also contain significant amounts of silver as includedsilver sulfidemineral phases or as limited solid solution within the galena structure. These argentiferous galenas have long been the most important ore of silver." I was reading what this currently useless mineral actually was and noticed it contains silver!I always find silver so rare, soI'd be happy to get a few % out of the TONS of Galena I always find. Not sure how you'd do it in the mechanics of the game. Maybe add a refining mechanism for liquid metals, to be able to split them? 100 Liquid Galena into a "thingy" can be refined into 2 ingot molds making 5 silver and 95 lead?? "Extracting silver from galena: ...Another way would be to solve the galena in acid or a solution, then putting a coal (as cathode pole) and a copper (as anode pole) stick into the solution. If you put the cables at a car battery, the silver will get attracted to the copper stick. This is used as galvanic elements for coatings of e.g. Zinc on iron and for refinement of copper or silver." If we could make batteries, with Galena, and a pair of rods, copper and coal/charcoal we could potentially extract the silver from this ore. Use a knife on a coated rod to make silver flakes and a clean rod. Use a large ceramic vessel as the container, a barrel wouldn't really work. Recipes: - Vessel + galena + filled water/vinegar bucket = Battery + empty bucket -Large ceramic Vessel + something = Anodising vessel (not sure what the something is yet, maybe the battery?) - Copper rod Mold - via pottery same process, just new recipe - Coal/Charcoal + knife = Carbon rod Anodising vessel would have a UI allowing for 2 rods and a battery and contain an acidic liquid (vinegar) + ore. Seal and 4 hours later you'd exhaust the ore and have a coated rod. Recipes: - Coated rod + knife = Carbon rod + silver flakes Silver flakes could then be melted in a vessel orcrucibleand poured into a mold. Amounts would be maybe 5-10% of the original ore? 1 unit of silver from a standard Galena? Is this OP? - Not sure what would be considered OP! Flex the amounts of ore returned from the source ore? 2-3%? 10-20%? - The Battery could potentially die out and have to be recharged or remade? - Flex the time for thesealing process. - Have a chance to break the carbon rod on the scraping process?
  20. My Survival World

    Looks awesome on the outside! I want to see the inside though, especially the basement now you have a roof! In TFC I seem to rarely build a house, just a workshop. The house always seems, secondary. This has inspired me to build an actual house!
  21. My first night QUESTIONS

    My advice, watch Dunk's day 1 tutorial on the Tutorials section. My first house pretty much always looks like that now. Cobble stone from pebbles is also an option for your first level of your house, as is dirt/sand/gravel. Obviously you can't use it for the second level.
  22. [Solved] Sugarcane seeds won't sow

    Also happens with Jute at very low (<5)temperatures, as I found out recently... Not happy I wasted my precious jute seeds
  23. [Solved][79.13] Unable to work Bloom/Refined Bloom

    I've found that the bloom plan NEEDS to be selected, most of the other pre-selected plans are fine. I forget from time to time and hit the mark, then need do it again after selecting the plan, once selected it works every time.
  24. A use for Galena

    You would have to create a static water block at the end of the pipe. This already happens with the Sluice, however the water block it creates is 2 below the source block. I think this suggestion is to create water blocks at the same or higher level. I'm already considering a device called anArchimede's Screw, an ancient device for raising water. Very human power-able as well, like a quern.
  25. Isn't this something to do with 2D rendering? I've seen it, ignored it and moved on. After a new chunk loads it seems to go away... and I've only EVER seen it immediately after a log on.