Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Udary

  1. Impressions on B79

    I've explored even more of the seed above and found if you go east there are more transitions and fairly close together. This is unusual for any 79 seed I've tried so far. I'm pretty happy with this seed, it's the closest in feel to my 78, apart from winter! Only -9500 ish and winter is very harsh, but I like it. Thanks for looking.
  2. B79 Food Preservation

    I've been doing some experiments: - 160oz food - Brined uses 9600mB brine (crazy) TEBarrel.Java Line 883: 60 is the amount, I'd seriously suggest knocking that back to 12 or even 6 (allowing 5-10 full stack brines per barrel) - Pickling the same item REQUIRES you have a full barrel of Vinegar and uses 160mB of vinegar, keeping it in there preserves it and consumes next to no vinegar doing it. Line 619: Some crazy calculation to work out if the ratio of vinegar is....I have no idea what you're trying to do. It should simple be: weight * amount to pickle <= fluid.amount You might want to standardise the process between these 2 practices as well. It would allow for a simple change to a recipe to tweak the numbers for Pickling (as I believe this is a bit low)
  3. B79 Food Preservation

    Rock salt is another one of those crazy rarities... Ironically the first, and only, time I ever saw it was on the way to the ocean in my v78 world. It was a cluster hovering over lava... Grabbed a ton of grass, made hay, laid the hay, prayed it wouldn't catch from the lava and picked away at the 20-30 rock salt. Once I finally did get it all and carried on my journey I found a whole mountain of it. I shouldn't have been so surprised, It's a rock like any other.
  4. Impressions on B79

    Kitty, did you get anywhere with this? I've started a new world and give it a proper go and about 1200 blocks NE I see 3 different rock types on the ground level all of these 3 rocks expand for as far as I've traveled. Thankfully one of them is Chalk, the other 2 are Chert which loops back into the chalk in the north and Ryolite (sp?). I have a mountain range to the south that exposes it's 2nd level of rock, but still has Ryolite on top of it. I've only traveled about 3500 blocks over 2 island masses, but the chalk land area is gigantic. Seed:2002088064446177343 which is a really nice seed btw. I've settled on the lake island just south of the spawn. Not hassling, just interested to see if things have changed between 78 > 79.
  5. B79 Food Preservation

    Yes that's true, but if it takes you a day or 2 to get 1 barrel of salt water... (my old 78 world would have been more)... and you can brine 1x 160oz item. Is it worth it anymore? You'd use more food on the trip than you'd save. I 100% agree the old numbers were too low, way way too low. But now, as I said above, the concept has been killed.
  6. B79 Food Preservation

    That's a lot of brine... I would expect the brine and vinegar to be in-line and the amount of vinegar used on the same squash was negligible. Using that much brine is killing the concept. 6mB per 1oz maybe, thanks.
  7. B79 Food Preservation

    What is correct though? It was low before, now it uses an entire barrel for 1 160oz item?? That's crazy. If you are moving sea water 2km back to your base I pity you now. Or are we all expected to move to the coast now? I've always wanted a beach front property...
  8. B79 Food Preservation

    While on this note: I've just brined a 110oz squash and it used over 6000mb of brine (2/3 of a barrel) has this changed as I was sure I had a barrel that's lasted me a long time last week. Currently 79.12
  9. How about that gypsum?

    Gypsum > Plaster > Plaster boards/sheets, as a wall covering like metal sheets and charcoal can currently be used?
  10. Stupid Chickens...

    Nice to understand why pheasant exist, I did always wonder. Oh and some advice for people breeding chickens and then they suddenly stop breading. Check the next boxes for unfertilised eggs. My 2 roosters are obviously too lazy to do their job, what seems like, most of the time. Once I realised, and cleared the nest boxes of eggs, they started breeding again, and I have lots of little yellow chicks running around, ready to be slaughtered! I mean, pretty fluffy yellow,, sun-rays and stuff...
  11. Coal and Charcoal

    I hate to use the "in-depth knowledge" flag, but coal can be extremely dense and also far purer than charcoal. If the coal is very deeply excavated where it is very very old, it can be very highly compressed and very pure. Coke is indeed the correct material to use; as a kid I always remember the smell of the coke refinery on they way to my grand parent's place. As I recall it's basically a cooking process done to coal to remove impurities... just thought I'd read up and check that. Interesting quotes from wikipedia: "In 1603Hugh Platsuggested that coal might be charred in a manner analogous to the waycharcoalis produced from wood. This process was not put into practice until 1642, when coke was used for roastingmaltinDerbyshire; previously, brewers had used wood, as uncoked coal cannot be used in brewing because its sulfurous fumes would impart a foul taste to thebeer." Hence thedistinctivesmell you get around coke refineries... "In 1709Abraham DarbyIestablished a coke-firedblast furnaceto producecast iron. Coke's superior crushing strength allowed blast furnaces to become taller and larger." "In 1768John Wilkinsonbuilt a more practical oven for converting coal into coke.[7]Wilkinson improved the process by building the coal heaps around a low central chimney built of loose bricks and with openings for the combustion gases to enter, resulting in a higher yield of better coke." "In 1802 a battery of beehives was set up near Sheffield, to coke the Silkstone seam for use in crucible steel melting. By 1870, there were 14,000 beehive ovens in operation on the West Durham coalfields, capable of producing 4.2 million tons of coke." <This was where my grand-parents lived and production was still going strong in the 80's I'd actually quite like to have the process to make coke from charcoal AND coal to use in a BF. As long as you got a decent amount back from the process and it didn't become more tedious. Although not this version, I'd have to rebuild my smithy to house the coke smelter!
  12. make bushes.. unpickupable?

    I never realised they fruited every random tick! I assumed you got 1 harvest per year! Which is why I have so many fruit trees in my orchard. Is that new? or have they always done that?
  13. Wicker! That's something you can do with sticks. So...what can you do with wicker, other than baskets and a chair?
  14. Impressions on B79

    No so much biomes, as they vary quite quickly. It's the lack of change of rock formations that people are commenting about. I played a v78 with a friend on SMP and within 2000 blocks I'd got a nice collection (Museum piece) of all stone except conglomerate (never ever seen it) all the trees, except Kapok (eventually I did get some but had to go a LOOOOONG way) and 1 other, which I can't remember. We had all the different fruit trees and animals weren't really an issue. v79....and I've tried a LOT of seeds, is far different. 2000 in EVERY direction commonly only gives you 1 stone type. The main world I'm playing, I'm lucky. Stone changes at about 800 blocks NE and again at 1500, but then oddly goes back to limestone. I've gone 5000 west and it's still Limestone. Thankfully it's limestone, or I'd also still be back in the stone age. To start with I stockpiled it as it's a flux stone, a previously uncommon thing. But I think I could make an empire out of limestone and still have literally tons left over. Oddly I do still stockpile it and I travel to harvest rock from 1000 blocks away....maybe I don't like the colour?
  15. Wow, 2 hoes, would love it, not going to change...oh well, move on. No really MOVE ON! As for bowls, as soon as you can make bread, salads and bowls are a non-issue. If you REAALLLLLYYY need to go on a long trip find a rock, add a knife and make something on the fly, it's not hard. Oh look 2 stone, I can make a shovel, clear some soil, find a rock, make a food prep area...make more sandwiches than I'll use in 2 days, keep running. Run out of sandwiches, repeat. If that's too hard, you're doing it wrong. To reiterate...MOVE ON!
  16. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    At the end of the day, it is only a game. If you liked v78 better go back to it, you can... The whole point of the post about believability is exactly to do with your post Trenix, to reiterate what their intention of it is. That's their stance. That's their choice. I love the mod, some bits are too hard, but that's what makes me come back for more. Some bits aren't quite right, so I post about it, some bits...well I have the ability and tools to fix them I'm looking at you, Blast Furnace!! I'd give it a month or 2 to settle down, there have been some big changes happen. If, after that time, you still don't like it, that's a shame, but it is only a game.
  17. Deep Sea Mining

    I've found ore in oceans, not as common as on land, but it's there.I have a copper mine, which is mostly under the ocean and the entrance is 2 blocks into the beach. Don't dig up too high, when the sand caves in, followed by half an ocean, you're in trouble
  18. Have you ever found Graphite in Gneiss?

    Each Vein size has the same/similar code. The file is indeed /src/Common/com/bioxx/tfc/WorldGen/Generators/ as suggested above The cfg file does allows these parameters to be tinkered with though. To be honest I've not traced it through to see how the worlds are generated, yet. I was going to have a nose at the weekend, but my interest is more from a stone point of view. I was sure stone was more diverse in 78. I just stumbled across this as I was exploring the code. Well actually I was looking to see why rocks (in the wild) have screwey names.
  19. [Solved] 0.79.9 Chisel issue

    Version#: SSP/SMP(Single/MultiPlayer):SMP SuggestedName:Prospecting via the chisel. SuggestedCategory:Moderate Description:Chiselling a block that has ore 1 or 2 blocks above it is successful. A handy, and cheap, way to prospect for ore in walls before you mine it out. [o] - ore [x] - stone<- is chisellable [x] - stone <- is chisellable [x] - stone<- is NOT chisellable ** Additionally: you can now chisel these blocks from underneath as well now. Haveyou deleted your config filesandare still able to reproducethisbug?:Yes Doyou have any mods other thanForgeandTFC installed?:Yes,reproduciblewithout as well
  20. Have you ever found Graphite in Gneiss?

    On a side note, if I'm reading the code right the sizes of seams is currently hard-coded. So don't read too much into the config file. I went changing mine to see if I could force graphite to spawn, the config file did nothing. createOreVein(block, meta ,baseRocks, /*rarity*/rarity,/*veinSize*/20,/*veinAmt*/30,/*height*/5,/*diameter*/40,/*vDensity*/vDensity,/*hDensity*/hDensity, worldObj, random, ChunkX, ChunkZ, min, max, "Graphite");
  21. Have you ever found Graphite in Gneiss?

    The only Graphite I've found so far in v79 was in Gneiss. It was in a 2nd layer of rock, and I stumbled across it when I fell into a ravine that had a cave entrance in front of where I landed. As it was MM rock I went to have a look, not too far inside I got traces of Graphite. The actual source was 3 or 4 blocks in on a wall deeper inside the cave.
  22. Stupid Chickens...

    My base is at about -7000, there is an acacia forest to the south, but I have chickens. Can't remember where I got them though, but they were close to my base. I put 2 nest boxes down and after a month or 2 had loads of baby chickens everywhere. Then it stopped. I've not had an egg or baby for ages now. I even led a few of the males out over the hill and...well they make nice sandwiches now. I thought the space might be too cramped? Maybe the cows I have now put them off? I'm not too bothered as the amount of meat was minimal and I have better sources now. One oddity though, in the middle of the enormous acacia forest are 2 Kapok trees, just 2, at maybe -7500. Is that enough to get chickens?
  23. [Solved] 79.9.357 Floating Trees in Worldgen

    In a 79.9 generated world I am coming across lots of leaf canopies with no trunks too. In SSP, while testing new seeds, could be related?
  24. Version#: SSP/SMP(Single/MultiPlayer):SMP SuggestedName: Animal feeding issues SuggestedCategory:Moderate Description: Animals (cows and pigs, not tested sheep) can be fed multiple times a day. Familiarity heart was empty at the time, although I can milk one of the cows. Haveyou deleted your config filesandare still able to reproducethisbug?:Yes Doyou have any mods other thanForgeandTFC installed?: No
  25. [Poll] Ceramic Bowls

    If I go on a LONG trip I take a 160oz or 2 (cheese and meat) (16 salads) and eat what I forage along the way. No way I'd take something that took so much bag space.