Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bunsan

  1. The percentage range of copper in Bismuth Bronze andsteel in Black steel were changed to fix a bug a while ago.
  2. World Crash- Please Help

    Your save is corrupt. Restore from a backup. If you don't have a backup then you can try RegionFixer.
  3. General smithing

    Each tool material has its base characteristics which are then modified by the players skill value. Skill points are earned by completing a craft on the anvil. With the exception of processing blooms and welding allcrafts earn general smith skill points. Crafting a tool head, weapon head or armour earns tool smithing, weapon smithing or armour smithing points respectively. General skill and applicable smithing skill are then applied to the craft upon completion. The number of moves, amount the arrow moves etc have no effect on modifiers. Just craft a lot of stuff to get best bonus. If playing SMP having a select group of players do all the anvil work is recommended.
  4. Does temperature affect items?

  5. TooMuchTime-TFC brought to you by The TechNode Team Have you ever wanted to have long summer days and cruel winter night? Now you can with TooMuchTime-TFC. This is another TFC'd mod brought to you by the TechNode team. This is a modified version of TooMuchTime by dmillerw. We've added in seasonal day length to the mod that responds to the seasons of TFC. The days are still 20min long however the amount of daylight will vary from 15 minutes of daylight and 5 min of night in the height of summer to 9 minutes of daylight and 11 minutes of night in dead of winter. This is a simple mod that really does so much for the feel of the year. This is fully compatible with TFC and will not break any of the mechanics. This is an actual change in the speed the sun and moon pass and not a client side visual change. The length of day is dependent on the season in the northern hemisphere and is global. There is no reasonable way to change this in Minecraft. This is compatible with current version of TFC and there is no reason to believe it wouldn't be compatible with older versions as well. Download Source License: The original mod and thus our modified version are licensed under the MIT license. So you are free to distribute, modify and use in your modpacks to your hearts content.
  6. Strange.

    The generation is a lot of RNG. Each area has 3 tree types assigned, although "no tree" is a type I believe. Trees have temperature, rainfall and EVT (I think) ranges they can spawn in. So far north you are likely to see only pine. There are 3 layers of rock under your feet. The rock layers are like huge plates and can occupy a large area. The three rock layers change independently. RNG can mean the same rock type is chosen again making the area of that rock type even bigger. RNG can also make 2 or even all three layers the same. The bottom layer can be any of the igneous (extrusive or intrusive)rocks. The middle layer can be any igneous or metamorphic rock. The top layer can be any rock type (igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary). If you are having trouble with worlds try one from the seed section of the forum.
  7. Questions about sapling growth

    I posted this on Reddit a while ago. It might help. So I've been asked a fair bit about TFC tree farms. I posted this previously on Etho's Reddit. So I thought I'd put together some of the things I've learned. They All Fall Down First big thing is the elusive chop one tree they all fall down. So the key to this is having the same type of tree in a given area. Now the y axis gets messy and confusing as does the top canopy where logs can intermix, so I'll stick to the base of the trees all on the same y level. When you chop down a tree it scans a 7x7 area centred on the tree. Any tree of the same variety, no matter what, will be chopped down. Nothing else is considered. You can strip every leaf off, the leaves between trees don't have to have ever touched. Now here is where it gets interesting. Every secondary tree that is cut down scans that same 7x7 area around it. So it will cascade out. The maximum scan distance from the original tree though is a 21x21 area centred on the tree you chopped.[/img]shows the area. The blue is the initial scan area and the red is the maximum area that these scans will reach. Tree Growth So trees growth requirements aren't too much different than what you see in vanilla. The size of area they need varies. I don't know the details of every tree. So I'll give what info I do know. All trees have a lag time from when you plant to when they will have the chance to grow. This varies from 7-11 days and WAILA will show you the days remaining in the cool down timer. After the cool down timer is complete they grow like vanilla trees due to a random growth tick. There are some trees that I've seen grow directly beside each other, but the majority seem to need at least 1 block space. Usually you will only see trees grow this close if you trim their leaves. If they "can't" grow WAILA will give a message telling you to clear enough space. I say "can't" because it isn't absolute. Just like vanilla if there are things blocking them they will roll for growth. So overtime one of the saplings that can't grow get a growth tick they do actually have a chance to grow. The chance seems to be dependent on how much they are blocked, yes leaves count. So What So taking it together there are a few designs I'd suggest. Oh and a tip.Shears. In TFC leavesdon't drop as blocks and shears instantly break leave blocks without taking any damage. The advantage over the scythe is that it doesn't have a penalty for sapling drops. The sapling drop is halved with the scythe. Design 1 First is a farm much like Etho's, but spacing the trees so that there are 2 blocks in between.[/img]This gives trees enough space that you are more likely to have all of them grow in a reasonable amount of time. The nice thing is that even if they don't all grow you can still have a chopping cascade spread out to the maximum 21x21 farm. Now tree type is important. Probably the best tree for this design is spruce. They grow straight (I can't remember every having a branching one), tall and don't mind this spacing too much. Pine also works well, but the number of leaf blocks per tree can make keeping up sapling supplies a bit challenging. White cedar seems the ideal tree as it grows a 3x3 leaf canopy and never blocks its neighbours or takes up leave block space, but they are short trees (saplings can also be challenging). Douglas Fir is the ultimate tree farm tree. Although they can grow with a 1 block spacing, the chances of them doing this without you clearing leaves are very low. Even the 2 block spacing has a very low rate of tree growth. 3 Spacing they grow quite happily, but this means they don't cascade. Design 2 This design is simple and I only ever use it for Douglas Firs and Willows. I do willow farms like this for sticks and usually only short term. Willow isn't bad for wood, but their large canopies block a lot of saplings. I lay out a square area and do solid lines of trees with 1 block spacing between lines. That is it. The size will depend on the number of saplings you have. Basically the idea isn't to get the cascade, but to just get a lot of wood. So all the saplings will count down and be ready to grow at the same time. Some will grow some will be blocked. However the ones that don't grow are primed to grow. Then I just go along the interior lines of trees shearing/scything leaves. Once I have all the sticks/saplings I want/need or I'm just sick of climbing trees (I always just put ladders up), I start chopping. Now during this time usually a few more trees will grow in the spaces I've created. I look for some that are spaced right for getting a cascade and chop away. Again clearing space for some of those primed saplings to grow. Plant saplings in the empty spots and come back when I need more. It isn't the old wall of wood, but I'm able to fill my wood needs quite quickly and with a decent sized area planted there are always trees ready to be chopped. Hope that helps some folks. Edit: Oh fun fact. You can get sequoia saplings, but only from reforestation. Tree saplings can spawn in if the conditions are correct and the chunk is loaded over time. So it is possible to find sequoia saplings in the world before they grow. You only need one sapling to grow a tree and if you stand on block where you plant sapling and look NW that is where it will grow. There is no way to obtain acacia and kapok saplings without cheating them in. I've never tested if they even will grow.
  8. Players can stop decay

    This is well known. To fix all non-TFC containers to tick is a large annoying undertakingwith vanilla and mods you can't fork. The approach we took in a modpack design was to fix the mods we could and forthe rest we just shrug. If players want to cheat so be it. You'll drive yourself crazy. I know of a server that blocked dropper crafting and players made a ton of item frames.
  9. Better foliage grass bug

    Because TFC already has it the BF author said it was redundant and there was no point creating special support for it.
  10. Picking up ore blocks

    You can turn off the NEI hiding and cheat in the ore blocks, but only one you are capable of getting is the Ore1 Ore2 and Ore3 types with meta 0. They will be transparent andmay also corrupt your save, which is why they are hidden in NEI and unobtainable.
  11. Change of comp makes server crash

    I'm going to guess you just copied over the EULA.txt as well. It has to generate it and you have to edit it. You can't just copy it.
  12. This is a Thermos issue and you need to go there for support. MCPC+/Cauldron/kCauldron/Thermos/whatever bukkit forge mashup mess with base classes many mods depend on. Full conversation mods like are especially susceptible. This is why most mods, TFC included,don't support it in any way.
  13. TerraFirmaCraft Inspired Server.

    There is a TFC Thaumcraft crossover mod being made. lycanites can be made to work as well. TerraFirmaPunk ModPack has adapted it to work with TFC. Having things work with TFC is challenging, but usually possible.
  14. It is ok. I know what the problem and solution is. Sadly TFC won't be updated to fix it. I just have no urge to asm TFC to fix it for my mod. The issue only crops up when you have blocks generating via TFCOres.cfg that have a meta other than 0. If it has a meta > 0 it will report the name of the meta 0 item.
  15. [Solved] Terrafirmapack Crash

    I seemed to have Finger in the wind as flagged for going on server, which it shouldn't be. I've fixed it on launcher. Just delete the Finger in the wind jar from your server.
  16. I understand your frustration with TFC code, which is why we eventually forked it and run a custom build. First for Thaumcraft. I'm pretty sure in the 1.7.10 version of Thaumcraft and possibly 1.6.4 Silverwoods are only found in magical biomes. The differences usually folks have biome mods that add other magical biomes, so they are less rare. A question. Can you find shards and other Thaumcraft ores with propick? Are you running into issue with propick code ignoring meta of blocks that aren't TFC ores.
  17. TFC is not on the FTB launcher. That will be a modpack and likely one that has sapling dropping config set to false.
  18. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    For JM I have to link it to the Curse download link. Likely that link got broken. I'll try and fix when I get a chance.
  19. TechNodeTools-TFC

    Having no internet after big move I started poking this add-on again. So thought I'd push an update. Changelog (sort of) Multiple added in config options added. Spawning info of ores will be generatedin the TFCOres.cfg file. Only the spawning of Apatite, Scapolite (flowstone), Strontium (blaze rods),Bauxite, Osmium, Wolframite (Tungsten)and Scheelite (Tungsten)have been setup and are enabled by default. The other ores are a WIP and lack the ore item textures and are disabled by default. Multiple alloys have been added. These alloys need to use the new ores. Notes: Pro pick will report bauxite ore for all of the ores due to a TFC bug (looking into if I can fix in mod) Download

  21. I meant the melon and pumpkin seeds are the same class. Apparently it was not simple to allow one and disallow the other.
  22. Melons were excluded as including them would allow pumpkins to be grown, which would allow easy jack-o-lanterns.
  23. This post has been automatically generated from a form submission. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in the blue box at the top of this form?: Yes Topic Title: Propick not using metadata for non-TFC blocks TFC Version #: Forge Version #: SSP/SMP: Single Player Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Changed Config Options: Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No Other Mods Installed: If you have Optifine or a non-forge server plugin api (Examples: Bukkit, Cauldron, Thermos, etc) installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?: I do not have Optifine or a non-forge server plugin api installed. Crash Report: Description: The code for propick does not use the block meta data when reporting to player. In ItemProPick line 99 should be: tellResult(player, new Itemstack(block, 1, meta)); and line 153 should be ore = new Itemstack(block, 1, meta);
  24. [Use Provided Form]My scary body

    From your other topic. I bolder the important bit of Kitty's advise you missed. Edit. Bah stupid formatting. You need to use the form to give info so someone could help.