Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bunsan

  1. Trains ?

    TFC is influenced by pre-14th century. Some rail (rope with human or animal power) showed up to transport from mines to boats in the 16th century. I believe steam locomotives didn't show up until 18th-19th century. However that is RL and for gameplay we have rail. If you wish to expand stuff go into your configs and re-enable furnace crafting and furnace carts. Yup already exists. Or using Railcraft you can add in more, as much or as little as you want. The configs really let you customized which modules and blocks are available. They even have wooden rails, which are more period appropriate.
  2. Ranged weapons vs. Skeletons

    Shields were brought up earlier in this thread when the discussion shifted to ways that could be introduced for dealin with skeletons in Stone Age. There is some lea way given if it stays within theme of topic. As for other part. They were quite clear in what they were saying. There is no call for commenting on their writing ability. Everyone is welcome to contribute no matter what their writing abilities as long as they can be understood. In fact English is not the first or even second language of many of our members.
  3. How to tan leather

    First put hide in a barrel/large vessel full of limewater. (I think it is 2 flux per bucket (1000mb) of fresh water in the container. Seal barrel/vessel. If done correctly it will tell you what the output will be. Once it has converted you need to right-click on a sideways facing log. This places it in world. Then right-click with knife each square. Once all squares are clicked it will come off log with right-click. Now put it in barrel/vessel of fresh water. Seal and wait. Make tannin now. Fill barrel/vessel with fresh water and put in appropriate wood type, check wiki I know hickory is one type, seal and wait. then place hide in tannin, seal and wait.
  4. Better Fire Mechanics

    Think he means decorative fireplace, not fire pit. And it is vanilla mechanics. So if a fix is possible then it would require a lot of work. I'd suggest just turning fire spread off.
  5. Ranged weapons vs. Skeletons

    Actually in real life they were insanely accurate. They were developed independently in various cultures as a military weapon and there is numerous accounts and quantification of how amazingly accurate they were in skilled hands. The issue is not what was true in real life, but what is balanced for gameplay. It has been made clear that the devs do not want a ranged weapon that deals damage to skeletons as this would be far to OP not matter how you tier it.
  6. [Rule #3] Meat Barrel Crash

    The barrels is corrupted and will need to be removed. This is the same issue that was discussed here if you want to hear what kitty would say about it. You can't put hot items in a barrel that does not contain water.
  7. More precise ore melting

    All items melted in the crucible reduce the heat by the same amount, no matter what the metal content.
  8. A use for Galena

    If you also introduced learning impairment, severe health issue and death from unknown causes it would be believable. If you are hell bent on the suggestion of pipes, why lead. We have copper, which are safe and what pipes are for the most part made of now. Unless they are thinking of introducing basic electricity it is pointless to keep except for inter-mod compatibility.
  9. animals breed naturally

    His point about vanilla mechanics is that there are some limits due to the way vanilla works and is coded.
  10. animals breed naturally

    Not sure how this would be feasible in a world that loads and unloads the way MC does. Bioxx has mentioned that he would like to introduce animal migrations.
  11. Multiplayer Time Fix

    There is a config setting that slows time when no one is online. Default I believe is 1 tick in 100, but you can set it as slow as you want. The bigger the number the slower time passes on an empty server.
  12. Make Stone Age Longer.

    However all these features don't depend on anything higher than tier 1/2 metals. You could rush through all of these features and completely ignore metallurgy. TFC is balanced for SMP so the various modules need to be able to run in parallel. Personally I haven't rushed through any of the features, only reaching steel and besides my dogs no max familiarity animals. I like to work on the feature that is most appealing to the moment. Enforcing a particular path would just take away some of my choices. Meaning I lose interest sooner.
  13. Lockette TFC compatibility

    They show up with a door search in NEI. they should have an ID like 438 whereas the item is over 4000. In my NEI they show up near the ingot pile, which looks like a chest in NEI.
  14. Waiting time for crafting (making automation feasible)

    The issue I have with this is that the concept of things take time to craft is believable and realistic, but would add annoyance without interesting gameplay added. The autocrafting part adds gameplay but being able to walk away abandons believability, chisel and hammer don't work without hands. The idea of processing, like lumber mill has been suggested, but needs to add efficiency in something other than time. TFC is already a lot of time investment and downtime. Not only is mini game of setting up a lumber mill appealing, but greater efficiency, 10 instead of 8 lumber per log for example, would be a great late game addition.
  15. Lockette TFC compatibility

    You are likely entering doors item ID and not block ID into config. Remember that doors are actually 2 blocks so they have 2 IDs, item and block. That is why you can (used too, not sure if still there) find the half vanilla door in NEI.
  16. Hello I'm new to the forum.

    Welcome. Only fully familiarized dogs will sit without ropes. Which you can only get to with babies. The partly tamed wolves won't kill animals if they aren't hungry though. But yeah they are a danger. I kinda wish that they would die of old age, as I felt horrible killing one of my wild wolves (other one suffocated in jack-o-lantern. The winter in SSP isn't too bad if you have a moderate amount of food. I tend to focus on mining and metallurgy progression during first winter. The equator is z=0. The permanently frozen area is +/- 30000. The sweet spot people tend to settle in is about -8000 to -10000. Seasons are opposite on either side of equator. Finding rock types is just luck and persistence. Took me a while to find rock salt although turns out salting stuff made my food far to salty for my character. Best of Luck
  17. Ore Generation Addon?

    Well some past lessons have comeback to help me involving the order java loads mods and hence classes. I've solved the main problem with TFCOre.cfg for me. Basically TFC and its configs were loading first, due to starting with [1.7.10]. If I removed this then TFC loads after the other mods whose blocks I was trying to generate. With that change I'm able to generate the ores I want using TFCOre.cfg.
  18. Ore Generation Addon?

    Well I've had terrible luck trying to get ores to gen with the TFCOre.cfg. I can get vanilla iron (as test) to gen, but no luck with PFAA and so far no luck with RC (although this may be due to conditionals in RC). I'll let you know if I sort it out, likely there will be a thread in support once I sort out what does and doesn't work.
  19. A use for Galena

    Lead is a very very bad neurotoxin, which is especially harmful to the developing brains of children. It was widely used in paints, as a gasoline additive and for water pipes. This has been completely stopped due to the danger of lead exposure. Lead water pipes are actively being replaced when they are found. The only reason there wasn't a massive lead exposure issue is that minerals built up on the interiors of the pipes, sealing them and preventing them from leaching more lead, until the seal is broken.
  20. Ore Generation Addon?

    Per Fabrica Ad Astra, but the only module working at the moment is geologica (with a start on chemica with the petroleum stuff). They have a similar realistic, with gameplay consideration, goal as TFC.
  21. Ore Generation Addon?

    I wouldn't count on getting support on how GT spawns ores now since he is the only own who does this in that manner. COG was even reluctant and only did so out of interest of one of devs. However GT is compatible with PFAA ores and the two mods have worked towards compatibility.
  22. Ore Generation Addon?

    As far as I'm aware you can do this within the TFCOre.cfg. Just add in the ore you want. I'm in the process of doing this myself, but haven't finished the config yet. I'm going to be using PFAA ores, many of which blend with surrounding stone. The blending of the ore and underlying stone is dependent on the mod whose blocks you are using, not TFC. In a pinch you can use CustomOreGen, GT ores are TEs so don't work with TFCOre.cfg.
  23. My first night QUESTIONS

    No you need to use vessel or crucible.
  24. [Solved] question on sound issue with forge

    It is actually a vanilla issue
  25. Yes. Adults/wild animals have a cap. Babies don't have this cap. So depending on the familiarity they start with and your diligence you can max them. I've maxed out 2 pups (before increased litters) from wild parents to max. Kitty had answered this in greater detail in another thread, but you'll have to go looking for it. It was about sheep or cows I believe.