Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bletch

  1. I will admit that the idea of picking up a cow or horse in a bag seems impossible and also to carry it by yourself. I did consider the whole weight and size thing, but then immediately thought of a few items that exist in TFC that are carried on your back that you would NEVER be able to carry by yourself namely - Full Barrels and Anvils.These are things I consider not believable to carry around. The whole idea behind the tucker bag mod was to be able to transport one animal at a time from one location to another without interference from the environment (ravines, oceans, water, etc), unlike rope that allows you to transport multiple animals at once. Ropes though can be broken and your animals could die or run away due to the environment you are transporting them through. I like the tucker bag, it has a few uses then is destroyed. It transports one animal at a time, which means multiple trips must be taken to get a few animals. I mainly wrote this mod to gather sheep as every world I seem to play sheep are rarer than hen's teeth. I did consider a metal cage instead, but that would also be impossible to carry in real life with larger animals. The cart system is also another good option, but unless you have tracks all throughout the country side, how would you get the animal back? I am currently reviewing the design of the tucker bag addon. I do like the option of turning on/off the animals that can be captured by the bag. Also I am implementing a stronger version of the bag that will capture the larger animals and the original bag will only capture the smaller animals. The stronger version of the bag will require additional materials to strengthen it. All the addons except the Evaporation Pan have been created in response to either myself or my friends that play on a server together. The evaporation pan was created because of a post in this thread about adding evaporation functionality to the anodising vessel to extract salt from saltwater. The addons I have created allow us as players to keep progressing through the game without any bottlenecks, like finding rock salt, Garnerite (nickel), Silver. It also introduces a new way of doing things into TFC other than mining and farming. Your comments are welcome, happy people are using the mod
  2. New version added with a new Evaporator Pan device. This device allows the player to extract items from fluids via evaporation.
  3. kickinit233, Just an update for you. I finished my animal transport addon a few days ago and have been working on a way for you to extract salt from saltwater. I have completed the addon and am just finishing off some testing, then I will release it for downloading. I hope you like what I have done!
  4. Kickinit233 - thank you for the suggestion. Do you find salt hard to find that you might need a process to create it? When playing TFC I always found it pointless using salt to extend the life of food as it did not really add much additional time. After playing TFC from scratch again and finishing off all my other items/recipes (fixing some pet hates), I have started working on something to make transporting animals easier. After this has been completed/abandoned, I may have a look at your suggestion and see what I can do. I must admit, I like the new dynamic that Udary suggested and this mod introduced.
  5. New version added with an alloy calculator block. This block allows the user to calculate alloy's in game.
  6. New version released that is compatible with 79.16 and 79.17. Use the links in the first post.
  7. I have not noticed the particle problem you mentioned. With the particles I am just leveraging the existing particle system within minecraft, I just turn it on/off.
  8. I am glad you like it, I am happy with how it turned out. Feel free to include this in your modpack.
  9. The link is back working now. I was cleaning up dropbox and the folder got deleted in the process.
  10. WAILA Support

    Kitty, Those additions are great. Would it be possible to: 1. Add the Fruit Tree Wood and Fruit Tree Leaves to show similar information to the Berry Bushes? 2. The remaining time left for the torch? 3. Log piles to show what is in the storage (eg, 4 x Oak Logs, 4 x Acacia Logs, 2 x Hickory Logs). This way we can see what is inside the pile without having to open the gui. 4. Ingot Piles to show the total number of ingots in the pile. 5. Anvil to show if it has a hammer (like BF tuyere) and flux, maybe even to amount of flux. 6. Clay,Dirt, Farmland, Grass, Gravel and Sand to show the rock type (eg. limestone, chalk etc) Thanks
  11. Gauntletnaught, I have fixed the problem you have with the red arrow as much as I can. The placement of the red arrow is different for everyone and is dependent on a few factors. To try and eliminate the problem, I have removed the other two draw actions, and you now only need to finish with a draw. Also thanks for the positive comments, always great to get feedback. Not sure how many people are using the mod or even like it. I also love the additional processes, it makes me feel like I am doing something other than farming crops and mining. I have uploaded the new version, just use the link from the original post to get the new version.
  12. [Solved] Duplicate doors and Anti-Decay

    I was able to reproduce the duplicate door bug and have created a fix for it that I will submit as a pull request (pull request #722). There is still an issue with the block duplication. I have tested the four blocks listed (cobble/dirt/sand/grave) and only dirt and gravel duplicate. Sand does not fall through the door, but around it and cobble falls through the door and only created one cobble block. Kitty, should acobble/dirt/sand/gravelblock fall through the door, or should the door stop the blocks from falling?
  13. [TFC 0.79.23+] JourneyMap 5+ - 2D Icon Set

    Kitty, would you please provide a link to download your vanilla replacements. Thanks.
  14. Sorry for the quick post, but a bug was discovered creating the bottled acid. An extra bottle would drop. Have fixed the bug and uploaded the new version.
  15. A use for Galena

    After reading the initial post, I thought it would be a good idea to try out the extraction process outlined by Udary. I have created a mod and created a post for it here.