Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by OneWolfe

  1. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Kind of like the Tree Tap that IC2 or MFR has?
  2. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    Is there a way to change Vanilla Poison damage to work in TFC? Currently poison does 1/2 heart of damage, I figure the TFC equivalent would be about 50 points. For right now my Witches are kind of pointless other than the annoying status effects they can give you EDIT: Even poison spiders are pretty weak ...
  3. WIP TFCTech Addon

    WOW! everything looks amazing! I really like the gear and the gear making process For me, I have never had any trouble getting Rubber for various mods. At first I was just smashing specific logs to get resin, but now I am using Slimeballs dropped from rare mobs, so it adds a bit of monster hunting to the pack.
  4. WIP TFCTech Addon

    This looks very interesting, and the addition of Aluminum will make the use of more advanced tech possible Have you looked into real world aluminum smelting and refining? So far I have not seen any Minecraft mods that come close. It would be very cool if a TFC addon could closely approximate modern methods, or even the old fashion methods. I think they would be similar to the low level Electrolysis that is used in the Udary mod [] Great job so far
  5. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    It is a great mod to work with Ruins so you can generate chests with random loot, but the players get a TFC chest instead of a vanilla one
  6. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    Thanks, I was really hoping to be able to have a MineTweaker/ModTweaker solution in case I need to remove Steamcraft2 later on. Will this fixer mod break if Steamcraft2 isn't in the pack?
  7. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    I had another question. There is a block in Steamcraft2 is very cheaty in the TFC sense, but I cant seem to get rid of it. The Flesh Block in Steamcraft2 is very easy to make, just 4 rotten flesh, and you have unlimited amounts of cheaty non-gravity blocks. I have been trying to use MineTweaker to remove the recipe and even Hide the block in NEI but for some reason it just refuses to be removed. So I am wondering if you have any insight, cuz im totaly stumped
  8. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    This is perfect
  9. Today, I found another water related issue I was working on incorporating Steamcraft2 machines into my tech tree, when I found that if I overfilled the Combustion Boiler it would crash the game and corrupt the map. (I assume the machine is stuck in a broken stat and the saved map simply cannot load properly) By overfilling I mean that I have filled the machine till it is full of water and then simply placed another bucket into the input slot, at that point the game just crashes I do not know if this is an incompatibility issue with Fresh Water or simply bad codding from Steamcraft2, but I thought I would let you know. For now I am really not impressed with any part of Steamcraft2 and am on the edge of just ripping it out of my pack and finding other items that can serve the same purpose. Thanks for all the awesome work on this mod so far
  10. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    Thank you very much, It is working Great! However it looks like I am still going to need some form of written permission to use this mod from the launcher.
  11. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    Cool, I will give it a try
  12. Dungeon Loot Chests in TFC

    I think for now simply having it change into a TFC chest when they pick it up would be the best idea. A trapped chest might be fun, but not really necessary yet, and changing it on generation mightmake it unable to hold tools or other non-TFC items. So for now if we could just changethem into TFC chestson pick up, or in their inventory that would be awesome! Thank you very much, OneWolfe-
  13. Last comment wins

    just had to come say hi! o/
  14. When I try to install a newer version of Forestry, NEI when trying to load up a world. It is something to do with the bugs, or butterflies I think. I probably just need to update NEI, and its not related to your mod at all. I am going to deal with it later, for now I need to get back to working on my questbook. Thanks again for the help
  15. Hooray! I am now able to get water into RailCraft, Forestry and Cogs of the Machine! So everything is working so far! I do seem to have a glitch with Forestry and NEI that I am going to have to work out later, but for now ive got everything doing what they are supposed to! Thank you for all the help! OneWolfe-
  16. No mater what I do I cannot seem to get TFC-Tweaks-1.7.10- to work at all withRailcraft_1.7.10- Even when I only have those two mods installed with TFC. It just immediately crashes with the error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot create a fluidstack from a null fluid" And I am still waiting for FTB to update the pack on their launcher, its been three days now
  17. Thats great I am definitely looking forward to it
  18. I really love everything you have done with this mod, it is truly awesome, and I would like to include it in my mod pack. My pack is titled TerraFirmaPunk and I have posted all of the details on this forum at this location Thank you very much, OneWolfe-
  19. I will be posting the most recent version of my TerraFirmaPunk mod pack to the FTB launcher tonight if you want to test your code in that environment as well. The pack code is TerraFirmaPunk. Thank you, OneWolfe-
  20. Here is what I have done today. I checked the Forestry version in my pack, it was version [forestry_1.7.10-]. Then I went out to the curse web site to check for the most recent version found this my version is so out of date it dosnt even show up for several pages. So installing the recent version I found that the launcher simply crashes when trying to load Forestry. I then created a separate instance with just TFC, Forestry and TFC-Tweaks. I also increased the Forge version to to see if a newer version would help. The launcher simply crashes on load when TFC, Forestry and TFC-Tweaks are the only mods installed. I then went through every version of Forestry from [forestry_1.7.10-] through [forestry_1.7.10-] and found that any of them after version [forestry_1.7.10-] just crash while NONE of the version load at all when the config is set "B:makeAllWaterFTCWater=true". So from what I can discern is that Forestry just does not like TFC-Tweaks Oh, and I am usingTFC-Tweaks-1.7.10- just for clarification. I was really hoping to be able to use Forestry in my mod pack because it is one of the few mods that ModTweaker3 supports and will allow me to add custom recipes to its machines. Thanks for the help so far, OneWolfe-
  21. Ok, Now I remember why I had this option disabled. I am getting an error from Forestry when it tries to use "water" in its own machines.
  22. [TFC 1] - Food - Crock Pot

    This sounds like a great idea! can wait to see how it all turns out
  23. I wonder if there might be a way to create Seasonal spawns by checking if there is any fallen snow nearby?
  24. Ive actually become very adept at Mob Properties. Today I am learning to tackle the mod "Just Another Spawner" and not having any success at it so far I honestly cannot seem to get it to do anything at all and I dont understand what I am doing wrong. Nevermind, I just didnt realize the "Spawn Tag" was backwords
  25. I have some Twilight forest mobs that I would like to be able to still spawn during the day, in fact ALL of the TF mods should not be daylight sensitive, but I would like to set up the TFC Mountain ranges as an area where dangerous mobs spawn any time of day. Do you know how I would be able to set that up?